Monday, July 27, 2009


Sponsor a Child in Jesus' Name! Change a life forever! Offer hope! Share your love!

When we serve the poor, the focus shifts from self to selfless. It is only then that the resemblance of Christ can be seen in our reflection.

This Friday...let our hearts be softened before the Lord and use what He has given to us to help others in need! Special guest from Compassion will be with us this Friday night.....Do bring a plate to bless the servant of God.

Dear Lord, we are so blessed and yet we often live with impoverished hearts. Fill us with the Spirit that encourages us to go, to serve and to bind up the brokenhearted. Empty us of self so Your reflection can shine to others. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


8 people have already signed up....DO NOT MISS OUT......act now!

Our NG3 2009 Getaway is coming up!

Continuing the fun and fellowship of our memorable 2007 and 2008 getaways.This year we will learn how to walk in Jesus' steps. We will learn how to impact the people and world around us in the way He did.We will learn His practical tips for changing people's lives.Plus we will have praise and worship, games, cooking and fellowship all within our mountaintop cabins! Hope you can all come, tickets are selling fast...


Our beloved NG 3 family member, Allister, is going to work in Northern Territory for the next 6 months. As a token of appreciation for and remembrance of his accompanionship in our midst, a Farewell Party is held for Allister this week:

Date: 31st July (Friday)
Time: 9:30 pm
Venue: Malaya Corner, Sunnybank Market Square


Thank you once again for your willingness to be a blessing to the Eng's family.
Just a courtesy reminder that the voluntary cooking roster for the Eng's family starts this Saturday. A confinement cook book has been emailed to you. Should you require a copy, please request from Neekee or Grace.
Every Saturday, from 1/8/09 - 29/8/09 = Wei Hoong
Every Sunday, from 2/8/09 - 30/8/09 = Grace + Don
Every Monday, from 3/8/09 - 31/8/09 = Neekee + Steph
Every Tuesday, from 4/8/09 - 1/9/09 = Jojo + Peter
Every Wednesday, from 5/8/09 - 2/9/09 = Suh Chyi
Every Thursday, from 6/8/09 - 3/9/09 = Leann + Joel
Every Friday, from 7/8/09 - 4/9/09 = Sara


Dear All JULY & AUGUST Birthday Babes
The Lord celebrates you! He rejoices over your talents, gifts and abilities because He chose them just for you. He delights in who you are because He is the designer of you. On this special month, always remember the Lord loves you, He celebrates and He is so glad you are His!
As NG 3 family, we join the Lord in celebrating your lives and praying that you will have a memorable wonderful birthday celebration together with us on
2nd August 2009 (Sunday) @ 6.30pm
@ 7-8 Cafe Restaurant, Shop 5, 17 Barrett St, Robertson

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.~ Zephaniah 3:17

Monday, July 20, 2009


Every day 26,000 children under the age of 5 die from preventable causes.

The twin tsunamis of the global food crisis and global economic crisis could be the church’s finest hour. While many non-believers will shrink back from fear and uncertainty, the people of God can use their unshakeable trust in God to reach out to the poor, broken, hurting and fearful with extravagant and heroic love.

We can choose to give generously, sacrificially and with joy, being refreshed by the privilege of serving instead of holding on to what we have with clenched fists.

In God’s economy, there is more than enough. That’s not to say the people of God are exempt from the realities of the pain of the financial crash and rising prices, or that we won’t have to cut costs and make personal sacrifices, but that we are not overwhelmed or crushed by the circumstances.

Together we are releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

If you have time, do check out the blog of Compassion to understand more about their heartbeat and effort:

Compassion’s ministry to children is distinctly Christian. Their child development programs are unique in that they are: Christ-centred, Child-focused and Church-based.

By sponsoring a child through Compassion, we know that our giving is not in vain but invested in a way that pleases God - His people! More than that - an eternal gift to a child! Let's support Compassion's belief that it is not enough to simply feed the poor without introducing them to the source of life; Jesus Christ, knowing that when a life is internally changed by the love of Jesus, circumstances invariably start to change.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
– Prov 11:24-25 NIV -



This Saturday, dressed in formal with a mask, 6.00 pm sharp, at Eliza Simpson Room in Central Bardon....
A Masquerade Party is happening....
We ask you to pray together with us - for a fruitful night of walking across the room to get to know new visitors; a night of strengthening the relationships among the brothers and sisters; and a night of gratitude for where God has put us in - a New Generation group!


Theme_In HiS STEPS
Date_21st to 23rd August 2009 (weekend)
Registration cost_$100_accommodation & food
Those who joined the UG last year all agreed that it was a great time well spent & relationships being strengthened!
This year DO NOT miss out! Stay tuned for the soon start of the registration. We WANT you to be there with us!


NG 2 is opening the doors for those of you who would like to take part in a mission trip to HOBART, TASMANIA. It would definitely be an eye opening experience for all of us as we take up the challenge to share about Christ on a new land; witness how a pioneer church is growing and serving the heart of God and be a support to our brothers and sisters who have sacrificed in a way for the work of God.
May you be encouraged as you read the testimony of our brother Peter Truong's mission trip to Hobart, Tasmania in year 2007:
For those who are interested, please speak to Jojo Cain for further details.

Monday, July 13, 2009


As we continue to grow in many areas, it is always most important to establish our fervour for God as the core of who we are. To help us in that, scripture has given disciplines that focus our lives on who God is and what He wants. Fasting (and the accompanying prayer and focus on God and his word) is a critical element of creating a life that is focused on and dependant on the Holy Spirit. Fasting establishes an intentional sense of order in our lives with the spiritual needs above the natural.

Fasting helps in a number of key ways:
a) Focuses us back on the ‘first love’ of God that can be lost so easily through distraction and familiarity.
b) It helps to bring humility in our lives before God. King David said, "I humble myself through fasting." (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21).
c) In that place of humility God is able to reveal and convict us of our sin focus us on the transformed life he has called us to.
d) Helps in bringing divine guidance (Judg.20:26–28)
e) Victory over temptation Matt. 4:1–11
f) Brings Courage when stepping out in faith (Esther 4:16)
g) When our lives are lit by God we become far more effective in our impact on others.
h) It is key in seeing our City, Nation and World Changed for Christ
THIS TUESDAY as we come together collectively to proclaim about our desire for Him in the corporate prayer meeting, ask God what His desire and words are for you during this fast and prayer fortnight.
Let us see a culture of worship and prayer emerges in our midst - having Jesus centred in the hearts and lives of each and everyone of us!
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chron 7:14



Praise God for unto us a baby boy is born! With a weight of 2.96 kg and a height of 52.5 cm, Nathan Eng has emerged into this world on the 10th of July at 10.32 am.

We thank those who paid them a visit at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. With God's blessings, we pray that Nathan will fill Eng's world with joy, warmth and love. Sharon's body will find speedy recovery in God's hands and Alex be empowered with strength and high adaptability for his new role as a daddy.
For those who are wondering what they can do to help out the new parents, your generous help in taking up the cooking roster for a 2-meal-portion of food on the Wednesday and Friday would be greatly appreciated. Delievery of the food can be done either at Eng's place (Taringa) or Neekee's place (Underwood). Please approach Neekee for more details or volunteering.
Thanks for actioning our motto: Loving People, Loving Life in deeds! We are proud of each one of you!


Theme: In His Steps
Venue: Springbrook National Park
Date: 21st - 23rd August 09 (weekend)
Two cabins up in the mountains......a special experience where you'll lov to mark your calendar and stay tuned for more information!


For those who are still considering:
This Sunday is the last day for early-bird price ($35).
Please email or approach Leann to reserve for a ticket either with cash payment or bank transfer. You do not want to miss out on this big annual event where the New Generation family is gathered together for a good cause!
For those who are getting ready for the event:
Below are some ideas of places where you can get a mask:
Venetian Masks


Matthew 25:34-40

34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

Let us be reminded once again that there are many out there in need of a helping hand. We are truly blessed to be living in a wonderful and prosperous nation where poverty, hunger and war are so foreign to us. The comfort of our homes has so often driven us so far from realising that the world is at war.

As followers of Christ, there are many things that we can contribute to make this world a better place. Our prayer, our finances or even a word of encouragement can make a big different in someone life. We might not change it but we can sure make it better.

As NG3, we want to play our part in extending a helping hand to the underprivileged and the community as much as we can and at the same time cultivating a habit of Christ love for others in our lifestyle and daily activities. Stay tune for more to come as we embark on this journey together.

Monday, July 6, 2009


No life group this week .... BUT... its time for you to SHINE!

Get creative, put on your loving smile and pick up your phone.
Call a friend, sms a mate or email your long lost buddy and take them out this Friday!
Don't have friends? Partner with someone and make some new ones.

Just as it is written “… faith without deeds is dead” let us not just store what we have learned through the ‘Just Walk Across The Room” series in our closet but let us put it into practice. And what better way to walk across the room than this friday!

'I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith. so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.' - Philemon 1:6 -



Please click on the image for a bigger view.
Following our last call for help for the new parents-to-be, for those whom have not responded to the call but are willing to help, please grab hold of this good chance in practising sharing the love of Christ and building up one another through our actions and speech through preparing for the arrival of Baby Eng (aka. BE) together.
Currently only Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Saturdays are available. Please email Neekee should you wish to offer help of any kind.
We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
- 1 John 4:19-21 (NIV) -


Praise God for a wonderful baby shower where the parents are showered with the gifts and prayer of love on last Saturday from 9.30 am to 12.30 noon.
We started with a big breakkie of porridge, pancake, cheese plate and sausages; and get the guests to pull and cut a yarn to the size they believe would fit perfectly around the Mother-To-Be's center of her pregnant tummy. After the breakkie, we compare the results to the Mommy-To-Be's actual tummy and Neekee's team won for being the closest!
We then had Grace, Su Reen & Joel from each team to demonstrate the process of taking shower for a 'baby-dog', which Su Reen did it beautifully. It was a great short 'child development class' as we discussed about the do's and don'ts about showering for a baby.
We next played 'How Well Do You Know Parents-to-be'. We had each team guessed what features (i.e. smile, eyes, intelligence, etc.) the parents wants most on the baby from either the mum or the dad. The results were quite out of expectation but something to look forward to!
The last activity was a quiz of some common baby knowledge. We ended the baby shower with prayers in agreement and the reading of many loving messages written by the brothers and sisters for the parents to be on paper cutout hearts in giving them advice and words of encouragement.
Please pray together that Sharon's baby will be delivered safely in the best health conditions for the baby boy and the mum. May God's wisdom and strength be upon the parents-to-be as they begin to raise a child. May we as a family become a support and encouragement to the new parents-to-be in every little ways that we can!


Sick of inviting your friends for a dinner or movie only? Have friends or colleagues whom are into fun and interesting theme parties? Love to build up a common topic or network circle with your friends or colleagues outside work? Wish to introduce your friends to our NG family?
This 25th of July (Saturday), invite them to our fruitfully-programmed Masquerade party with formal outfit, buffet dinner + dessert, drama and dance performance! Most importantly we have numerous attractive door prizes to be won and the most generous ever of ‘Best Dress Award’!
DO walk across the room or make a call or email out an invitation - as the 1st small step before a far-from-God-person can experience the genuine and humbling love of God!
Tickets are NOW ON SALE! Contact Leann before 17/7/09 (Friday) for an early-bird price of $35.


Please note that the church service location has now changed to Steele Building. Please arrive on time at 9.10am for a pre-service corporate prayer; or 10am for the morning service.