Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Pastor Rick Warren shares about Mission God has designed for His followers to be involved of. Read the interview article he explained why it's important for us to consider 'Mission'.

"In the same way that You gave Me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world." John 17:18 (Mes) "The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me..." Acts 20:24 (NCV)

God is at work in the world, and He wants you to join Him. This assignment is called your mission, and it is different from your ministry. Your ministry is your service to believers in the Body of Christ, while your mission is your service to unbelievers in the world. God created you for both.

Your life mission is both shared and specific. One part of it is a responsibility you share with every other Christian, and the other part is an assignment that is unique to you.

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Torch KL
Service Coordinator

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