Monday, June 14, 2010


I had been looking for a new role within my company to fulfil my desire in learning new skill sets and advancing in my career path. During the last 3 months, I spent much time in updating my resume, writing up statements of selection criteria and preparing for interview. I sent out 2 job applications and went through 2 interviews which I was not succeeded. The feeling of a failure and incapability entrapped me.
However God did not allow this inadequacy to sink deep within me. One day while reading a devotional passage, God spoke right into my heart – instead of asking why ‘God would allow my applications to fail’, I should be asking the ‘what’ questions – what can I learn from this? What is God trying to build in me through this? What is God protecting me from and/or what other opportunities could He be providing? Asking God ‘what’ instead of ‘why’ gave me hope to believe that God is more than able and He indeed has my best interest in mind.

I sent in another application and received an offer for interview. Even though I was offered the interview, my heart was still buried with much fear of disappointment and physical exhaustion due to preparation for a CPA exam on the same week. I sought God’s help through prayer and God spoke to me the verse in Philippians 4:1 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. At the same time I was reminded by God’s promise that was poured out for those who are looking for employment during the intercession of the previous corporate prayer, that it would not be their resumes that impress the employer but it is God’s Spirit and anointing in them that will win the battle. Evelyn’s sermon and testimony during one of the Sunday services also reminded me to hold on to God’s promise and to exercise faith in times of testing.

I chose to believe that my God will withhold nothing good from me as He says in Jeremiah 29:11 and He definitely has something far better in store for me at His timing and according to His best plan. Not because of what I’ve done but because of who God is – faithful, consistent and generous.

On the same day after I finished my exam, I was told that I got the position! Praise God for His empowerment throughout the interview. God has been so gracious that He did not only promote me in my career and fulfil the desire of my heart but also increase my salary beyond the initial band. I praise God as I was reminded how I can never out-give God when I chose to give the little that I have to building God’s House via the Unidus project. For 3 years God has been blessing me in my career path by bringing me from glory to glory and providing each of my needs in a generous manner.

Lastly, with my beloved verse in Proverbs 3:5-6, I love to encourage you to hold on to God’s promises in the Bible and exercise your faith as you trust God for breakthroughs in the various aspects of your life. He is more than able!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Written by Leann Sim

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