Monday, June 7, 2010


Joseph was favored by God despite being hated, rejected, betrayed, mistreated, thrown into a pit, beaten, sold into slavery by his brothers, being falsely accused after being assaulted by someone in authority, and thrown into prison! Joseph's favor took him from the pit, from persecution and from the prison and catapaulted him into the palace!
Favored by the Almighty God, the palace is where Joseph would face those who put him in the pit and persecuted him. It is there that he would be used by God to perpetuate the blessing that would keep these same brothers, that mistreated him, along with his father and the future generations of his people; from being wiped out by famine, poverty, desolation and destruction. Though he'd lost it all, the favor of God in Joseph's life, restored all he'd lost in a much greater and more substantial return!
When we tap into the favour of God, God can do so much in our daily life, more so in our workplace. When we bring God into work, He will shield us with His favour so that the Gospel can be preached, shared and miracles can take place at our very workplace - not by our might, but by the Grace and Favour of God.
Refer to the following link for a powerpoint sharing by Puji on the topic of Engaging Professionals to God's Cause on last Friday in life group:

Proverbs 3:4 - Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

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