Tuesday, June 29, 2010


An exciting event for all the working adults is happening
this weekend (July 3-4) at Bardon Conference Centre!
Over 130 working adults will come together for a great time
of fun, learning, networking and encountering
God at Influence Working Adults Conference.
Please remember Chen Chee & the Committee in prayer.
Please pray for the delegates to encounter God's empowerment & presence in a personal & breaking-ground manner.


Due to Working Adults Conference during the weekend 3-4 July, there will be NO Morning Service on the 4th July.

Anyone who is not attending WAC is welcome to join either a Family Group Picnic or Afternoon Service (3:30 – 5:30 PM) on that Sunday which will be held at Hawken Engineering Blg.

[Family picnic will be held on 4th July at 10.30am at Broadwater Park, Mansfield. There will be fun and games held from 10.40am to 11.20am , open to all age groups. Lunch fellowship will proceed from 11.30pm till 1pm. All those interested in joining the family picnic, please bring a plate of food to share as well. For more info and register your attendance, please email Ps Lai Ling on lailinglim@hotmail.com]

Our service will resume per normal on Sunday, July 11 at a different venue, Hawken Engineering Building at 10 AM.




Prayer walking is a method of intercessory prayer that involves walking while praying at the location of the prayer journey. It is when we are on the site that we can see better, sense more clearly & be prompted to pray for the different areas of the place or building or venue.

On Monday a group of NG 3 & Eureka members gathered at King George Square for a worship & went out to do prayer-walk for Brisbane city. After 40 minutes of praying & walking at a different direction in the city by 3 teams, we gathered back at King George Square to share what we've heard & prayed for during the walk - and we are all amazed that God spoke about the same heart-cries to each of the teams.
Please join us in interceding the city of Brisbane together:
  • Pray for ourselves to be Christians who are rooted in the Love & Truths of God.
  • Pray for people who look good on the outside but are broken in the inside that the need for God will arise in them.
  • Pray for those who are in addiction to smoking, drinking & working (workaholic) to meet God & allow God to fill their hearts & find solution in Him.
  • Pray for those in depression & isolation for God's love to touch them - give discernment to Christians to reach out to them especially because God has them in His heart especially.
  • Pray for the government to have godly leaders to rise up whom will seek to open the door for church development, Christian groups or classes, revival campaign & support the growth of Christianity in the land of Brisbane.
  • Purity in life especially for the younger generations that they will come to know God at a young age & will not be enslaved by sexuality or materialism but will allow God to use their lives to build the future of the Brisbane generation.


Judah 3 is proudly presenting a fun, fund-raising movie event on 7th July at Eldorado Cinema, Indooroopilly with all profits going towards Unidus. Toy Story 3 has already caused a buzz in the US and UK. So, come join together as we raise funds for Unidus.

Tickets are on sale for ONLY $10. For more information and tickets sales, please contact Erika at 0421516721 or Leisha at 0402655530


Did You Know? As stated in Isaiah 8:1, the longest name in the Bible is Mahershalalhashbaz.
Did You Know? The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9 (consisting of 78 words).

Did You Know? When looking for the shortest verse in the Bible, it is contained in John 11:35 with two words: "Jesus wept."

Did You Know? When it comes to mentioning angels by name, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer are the three angels mentioned by name throughout the Bible.

Did You Know? The first translation of the English Bible was facilitated by John Wycliffe, but was completed by John Purvey in 1388.

Did You Know? There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible, where the Old Testament contains 929 chapters, and the New Testament consists of 260 chapters.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Working Adult Conference 2010, INFLUENCE
An exciting event for all the working adults is happening again this year at
Bardon Conference Centre, July 3-4.
Come and discover what God has called us to be as working adults and enjoy
networking with others within/ outside your industries.
Please click here for more info on the website.

Morning Service on 4/07 & 11/07
Due to Working Adults Conference during the weekend 3-4 July,
there will be NO Morning Service on the 4th July.

Anyone who is not attending WAC is welcome to join either a Family Group Picnic (TBC by Family Group) or Afternoon Service (3:30 – 5:30 PM) on that Sunday.

Our service will resume per normal on Sunday, July 11 at a different venue, Hawken Engineering Building.

Stay tuned for more information in the next few weeks. We will keep you posted.


Pastor Rick Warren shares about Mission God has designed for His followers to be involved of. Read the interview article he explained why it's important for us to consider 'Mission'.

"In the same way that You gave Me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world." John 17:18 (Mes) "The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me..." Acts 20:24 (NCV)

God is at work in the world, and He wants you to join Him. This assignment is called your mission, and it is different from your ministry. Your ministry is your service to believers in the Body of Christ, while your mission is your service to unbelievers in the world. God created you for both.

Your life mission is both shared and specific. One part of it is a responsibility you share with every other Christian, and the other part is an assignment that is unique to you.

Click here to

Torch KL
Service Coordinator


  • One of the most basic elements of teamwork is this: Be good at what you do.

  • Teams need talent. The more of it you bring to the group, the more you can contribute.
  • Build your skills, and, in a very real sense, you are building the team.

  • You can't have a high-powered team with low-talent people. And sometimes the weakest link in the chain sets the limit on what the group as a whole can achieve.

  • So keep stretching. Polish your skills and perfect your moves. Master the fundamentals of your job.

  • Strive for continuous improvement—the Japanese call it kaizen—so the team never stops growing. Keep getting better at your craft, and you can do more to help the team chalk up higher scores. Any time you level off in your learning, the potential of the overall group flattens out a little more. And teamwork always takes a hit whenever people start to lose their touch.
  • Also keep this in mind—unless you're competent, people really can't afford to count on you. You're best positioned to build a high trust level in the group when you bring talent. Individual ability.

  • Give teammates good reasons to believe in you. Keep getting better at what you do

Monday, June 14, 2010


There is NO LG this Friday due to some leaders will be away for a leaders' getaway this weekend.
Instead, we will be having a Birthday Fellowship Dinner,
especially for Sara & Wei Hoong,
@ 6.30pm this Thursday,
@ Little Singapore, Sunnybank Market Square.

Please come to celebrate God's goodness in their lives with a small gift and words of encouragement.

Please RSVP with Grace by 15th (Wed) for table booking purposes.


This year,
Working Adults Conference presents a series of forums and workshops that help the Christian professionals in their daily ministry in the marketplace and workplace.
Below is a list of the available workshops and forums:
Highlight from one of the workshops - Leadership in Modern Marketplace:
Success is a process, not an event," "a journey, not a destination." - Zig Ziglar.
We are all destined for greatness.
Each of us has an enormous capacity to accomplish our own aspirations. However, many people reach the end of their lives without realizing their full potential. Too many people settle for the status quo. We start off with big goals that few ever go and achieve. To most, the goals become unrealistic, and we give up. Why can't you be that doctor, that lawyer, or that pro-golfer?
The only one holding you back is you.
In this workshop, David will share about how you can find your full potential and know your real goals and values to help you work towards unleashing that greatness in you. It is never too late to reach your full potential, so stop those hindrances and blockages today!
Refer to here for the Program for the Conference.
Registration cost is now $125. Please register with Julie.
For more information, please speak to Neekee/Stephanie.


I had been looking for a new role within my company to fulfil my desire in learning new skill sets and advancing in my career path. During the last 3 months, I spent much time in updating my resume, writing up statements of selection criteria and preparing for interview. I sent out 2 job applications and went through 2 interviews which I was not succeeded. The feeling of a failure and incapability entrapped me.
However God did not allow this inadequacy to sink deep within me. One day while reading a devotional passage, God spoke right into my heart – instead of asking why ‘God would allow my applications to fail’, I should be asking the ‘what’ questions – what can I learn from this? What is God trying to build in me through this? What is God protecting me from and/or what other opportunities could He be providing? Asking God ‘what’ instead of ‘why’ gave me hope to believe that God is more than able and He indeed has my best interest in mind.

I sent in another application and received an offer for interview. Even though I was offered the interview, my heart was still buried with much fear of disappointment and physical exhaustion due to preparation for a CPA exam on the same week. I sought God’s help through prayer and God spoke to me the verse in Philippians 4:1 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. At the same time I was reminded by God’s promise that was poured out for those who are looking for employment during the intercession of the previous corporate prayer, that it would not be their resumes that impress the employer but it is God’s Spirit and anointing in them that will win the battle. Evelyn’s sermon and testimony during one of the Sunday services also reminded me to hold on to God’s promise and to exercise faith in times of testing.

I chose to believe that my God will withhold nothing good from me as He says in Jeremiah 29:11 and He definitely has something far better in store for me at His timing and according to His best plan. Not because of what I’ve done but because of who God is – faithful, consistent and generous.

On the same day after I finished my exam, I was told that I got the position! Praise God for His empowerment throughout the interview. God has been so gracious that He did not only promote me in my career and fulfil the desire of my heart but also increase my salary beyond the initial band. I praise God as I was reminded how I can never out-give God when I chose to give the little that I have to building God’s House via the Unidus project. For 3 years God has been blessing me in my career path by bringing me from glory to glory and providing each of my needs in a generous manner.

Lastly, with my beloved verse in Proverbs 3:5-6, I love to encourage you to hold on to God’s promises in the Bible and exercise your faith as you trust God for breakthroughs in the various aspects of your life. He is more than able!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Written by Leann Sim

Monday, June 7, 2010


Love rubbing shoulders with the professionals?
Love to learn how you can link God to your professions?
Love getting to know other fellow working adults across the church?

Desire to hear from new guet speakers?
Then you wouldn't want to miss out on this year's Working Adult Conference!!
Early Bird ending this weekend!
Final chance to be registered for the 20 lucky dip chances out of the 1st 60 people who registered! Check out the gift here

Online registration here
Hand in payment to Julie S
Check out the following link for the basic info:
Wondering who the Guest Speakers are? Refer to the following site: http://www.wacbrisbane.com/Guestpeakers.aspx


Joseph was favored by God despite being hated, rejected, betrayed, mistreated, thrown into a pit, beaten, sold into slavery by his brothers, being falsely accused after being assaulted by someone in authority, and thrown into prison! Joseph's favor took him from the pit, from persecution and from the prison and catapaulted him into the palace!
Favored by the Almighty God, the palace is where Joseph would face those who put him in the pit and persecuted him. It is there that he would be used by God to perpetuate the blessing that would keep these same brothers, that mistreated him, along with his father and the future generations of his people; from being wiped out by famine, poverty, desolation and destruction. Though he'd lost it all, the favor of God in Joseph's life, restored all he'd lost in a much greater and more substantial return!
When we tap into the favour of God, God can do so much in our daily life, more so in our workplace. When we bring God into work, He will shield us with His favour so that the Gospel can be preached, shared and miracles can take place at our very workplace - not by our might, but by the Grace and Favour of God.
Refer to the following link for a powerpoint sharing by Puji on the topic of Engaging Professionals to God's Cause on last Friday in life group:


Proverbs 3:4 - Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.


Praise God for His wonderful plan and overflowing love for Daniel & Yee Yee.
This Saturday as they begin their lives together as husband and wife, let's continue keeping them in prayer for:
  • perfect weather for the day
  • calmness & joy for the couple
  • smooth operation of the ceremony & reception
  • strength & wisdom upon those on duty
  • a day fills with the best of God's love & presence
We can do the couple a favour by arriving to the venue on time (before 10 am) & enjoying the day!

I John 4:7
.Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God.


Below is an article and link from the ABC highlighting the 'Yes We Care' event.

31 May, 2010 9:42AM AEST


By Luise Straker

On Saturday, more than 2000 volunteers across Brisbane united to help out householders who needed a hand in their homes.

Nearly ten years ago, a group of pastors met in Brisbane to try and fulfil that oft-heard dream - to make a difference in the community.

"We wanted to make Brisbane come to a point of recognising that we're all in this together and we can all make a difference if we actually pull together," explained Pastor Ben Gray, one of the original organisers of the program.

"Because we're pastors of large and small communities of diversity and culture... in the richness we could find a seed of something we could do together as a whole church in the whole city," he said to 612's Terri Begley.

That seed became 'Yes! We Care', a program of offering practical help to householders struggling to keep up with the tasks at home.

"We came up with a concept and we thought, why don't we do some acts of kindness?" said Pastor Gray.

"We don't want to do parks, we don't want to do streets, we want to get into actually touching people's lives to make a difference."

With the support of Lord Mayor Campbell Newman, the program began getting in touch with families or households requiring help through existing service providers, and in the first year of Yes! We Care, the group helped 300 households with tasks around the home, like mowing lawns, spring cleaning, cutting down trees and painting.

Last Saturday, more than 2000 volunteers unites for Yes! We Care day, when 600 householders were assisted.

Erica Platt was one. "They're helping me out because plants have got away from me and they're growing all over the fence line, so hopefully I'll have a nice tidy yard by the time they've finished!" she said.

Erica was amazed when a group of about seven youths wielding secateurs and clippers knocked on her to offer their help.

"I couldn't believe it!," she said. "I thought I was getting one man and maybe a lad or something like that."

"Their blood's worth bottling - they can come again," she laughed.

Volunteer Rebecca says the clean-up groups are often met with amazement from the householders.

"They actually can't believe we're walking in in the first place - they were just amazed that there were a group of seven to eight people under the age of 30 who were willing to give their time on a Saturday morning," she observed.

Not everyone in the group is involved in practical tasks though.

"We make sure not everyone on the team is doing a physical thing they could be just sitting there, having a cup of tea and talking," noted Pastor Gray.

"We've got wonderful stories of a youth group going in and playing the piano and singing with an older couple."

In Fred Witchurch's yard, the elderly gentleman was thrilled to discover that one of his volunteers was Malaysian.

After spending time in Indonesia in World War Two, Fred once spoke Indonesian and Malaya fluently, and was pleased to find someone on which to practise his language skills.

"It's very nice to talk to someone from Malaya, it makes me remember!"

Winson Tay, who'd been busy trimming and tidying Fred's trees, was equally excited. "It's very impressive," he said of Fred's language skills as the men beamed at each other.

Pastor Grey says that helping out is an uplifting experience for the volunteers.

"They get energised - there's a real spirit of enjoyment about it," he said.

Rebecca agreed. "When you walk away and know that you have achieved something for them - for hundreds of people ultimately throughout the day - then it's really incredibly rewarding."