Monday, January 11, 2010


For those who are interested in outreach evangelism, Simon Au from NG 4 has passionately organised a series of outreach sessions for every NG member to touch lost souls and share Gospels.
The next Outreach is on this Wednesday (13/01/2010) at 5pm, King George Square.
Praise the Lord for last week's Outreach Session that God brought a Brazilian guy to put his Faith in Jesus Christ, through Young Im and Simon (from Hobart)!
Please do pray for the team to be filled with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those whom they will meet to have a soft heart to hear the Gospel and be led to repentance by God's Grace!
Do not know how but interested to come along?
It is ok! Just contact Leann to go there together!
Whether you get to bring a person to Christ or only get to share the gospel or even stand next to the team as a support, it's all part of God's perfect plan!
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. (1 Cor 3:6)

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