Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Thanks to Neekee for a very useful and practical goal setting session last Friday. A round of applause for his diligent effort and the valuable impartation to us!
For those who missed out, below are links to the powerpoint presentation Neekee has kindly put together for us and a goal setting template drafted according to the verse in Luke 2:52 – and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.

By referring to the powerpoint presentation it should give you plenty of information in how to start putting your thoughts together on the goal setting template. Quoting Neekee’s words, remember this is not an end but more like a means for us to be good stewards of our resources (time, money, gifts) to maximise what we do in God’s Kingdom. If you have a method, stick to it and utilise it.
(The files will only be available for display and download for 14 days up to 19/1/10)

Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. - Cavett Robert

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