Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I attended the outreach session at King George Square last Wednesday at 5.30pm. Praise God that we had 11 NG people gathering for the purpose to see the Gospels being reached out to the community. We started with a short outreach material sharing by Simon Au about the promises of evangelism in the Word of God: His Word, His Authority, His Power & His Fruitfulness!

With faith arisen in our hearts, we were paired up to do the outreach from 6pm to 7pm. Together with Ken, we prayed and felt to approach an Aboriginal-looking guy sitting on the bench. Through the conversations, we found that he is a Muslim, been to a Catholic church once, is addictive to alcohol, and is a traveller to Brisbane.

When he touched on the topic of soil, Ken shared about a parable in the bible - the seed that falls on different types of ground/soil and how when we react to the gospel accordingly we will be saved. He also shared about the testimony of how the life of a drunkard pastor changed after witnessing the death of his friend from drunkenness. While conversing, his friend Daniel joined us. Daniel is a Catholic, a traveller from Sydney, looking for a job and to get back to study. As we see their need for change and settling, Ken asked for their permission to pray for them on the spot.

We also invited them to the church on Sunday. At the end of the day, we were both amazed at their openness in hearing our gospel. I personally learnt that as we took the step of faith, God will bring to us the right people, and will direct us in our speech, to keep our hearts sensitive to the people’s needs and to share the Gospel in a personalised way.

On Sunday, Daniel attended the Sunday service and joined Eureka for the fellowship lunch. We praise God for using us to lead His sheep back to Him. This Wednesday let’s not be hesitate in reaching out to those in need of the Gospel. Together in faith, we can touch lives and bring the lost back to God.

Join us

When: Every Wednesday @ 5.30pm
Where: King George Square, City
Contact: Simon Au simonau111@gmail.com

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