Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Get creative, put on your loving smile and pick up your phone.
Call a friend, sms a mate or email your long lost buddy and take them out this Friday!
Don't have friends? Partner with someone and make some new ones.

Just as it is written “… faith without deeds is dead” let us not just store what we have learned through the ‘Just Walk Across The Room” series in our closet but let us put it into practice. And what better way to walk across the room than this friday!

'I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith. so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.' - Philemon 1:6 –


26th January 2010
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Princess Theatre
8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba


I attended the outreach session at King George Square last Wednesday at 5.30pm. Praise God that we had 11 NG people gathering for the purpose to see the Gospels being reached out to the community. We started with a short outreach material sharing by Simon Au about the promises of evangelism in the Word of God: His Word, His Authority, His Power & His Fruitfulness!

With faith arisen in our hearts, we were paired up to do the outreach from 6pm to 7pm. Together with Ken, we prayed and felt to approach an Aboriginal-looking guy sitting on the bench. Through the conversations, we found that he is a Muslim, been to a Catholic church once, is addictive to alcohol, and is a traveller to Brisbane.

When he touched on the topic of soil, Ken shared about a parable in the bible - the seed that falls on different types of ground/soil and how when we react to the gospel accordingly we will be saved. He also shared about the testimony of how the life of a drunkard pastor changed after witnessing the death of his friend from drunkenness. While conversing, his friend Daniel joined us. Daniel is a Catholic, a traveller from Sydney, looking for a job and to get back to study. As we see their need for change and settling, Ken asked for their permission to pray for them on the spot.

We also invited them to the church on Sunday. At the end of the day, we were both amazed at their openness in hearing our gospel. I personally learnt that as we took the step of faith, God will bring to us the right people, and will direct us in our speech, to keep our hearts sensitive to the people’s needs and to share the Gospel in a personalised way.

On Sunday, Daniel attended the Sunday service and joined Eureka for the fellowship lunch. We praise God for using us to lead His sheep back to Him. This Wednesday let’s not be hesitate in reaching out to those in need of the Gospel. Together in faith, we can touch lives and bring the lost back to God.

Join us

When: Every Wednesday @ 5.30pm
Where: King George Square, City
Contact: Simon Au simonau111@gmail.com


Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am very happy in my place along with my parents. I am reading in 5th class. I thanks for my sponsorship. May God bless you.

Let us continue to pray for Reema and her family and that she will grow to be a women of Christ.


It is a great privilege to be able to stand here and testify of God’s goodness. It was only by his grace that saw me though many challenging times in my life. 2009 has been an exciting as well as a challenging year for me, and if I’m able to sum it up in a few words, it would be ‘the best and the worst year or so I thought’.

The best because I got to marry a wonderful lady in October last year. The worst was because of the financial crisis I was made redundant. Loosing a job may be hard but the loosing it at a time when I needed it most made it even harder.

Before receiving the bad news about my job, I thought 2009 would be a great year! Got a job, getting married, plans to buy a house and settle down. It all sounded like a great plan. But only 2 weeks into the New Year, our director came and told us that all our projects have been put on hold and there wasn’t any work left.

I was devastated; all that I have planned and hope for started to fall apart. The one thing that gave me a sense of security and to some extend importance, it felt as though God took it away from me. I begin to lose confidence in myself and also in God, asking him many times if there is any reason for this? If so, you better do something quick. Because I have a wedding coming up.

Weddings don’t come cheap and of cause being the ‘to be husband’, I wanted to be able to be the provider. I also wanted to give and make her wedding dreams come true.

After a month of searching in vain for another job, a good friend of mine told me that a friend of his who was running an architectural practice were looking for someone to make some models. Long story short, praise God, I was offered the job. But it was only a casual position working 4 days a week and the pay wasn’t great. It was better then nothing however, I still felt like a failure and that I wasn’t good enough!

But God reminded me as written in Romans 8:28 ‘and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…..

And there was also this little voice telling me… my grace is sufficient for you.

Somehow, things did turn out for the better.

Because of the 4 day working schedule, I was able to not only work on the wedding stuff but also to spend more time doing things that I’m passionate about.

Together with a friend, I had the opportunity to work with a well know artist in Brisbane on one of her art work for an exhibition. It was an exciting experience and though it was challenging because of her high demands, we were really satisfy with the out come.

I also had the opportunity be part of the team to document and put together a short movie clip of the 2009 Twilight Walk commemorating the Anniversary of the National Apology Day.

These gave me some satisfaction and I felt useful again. Nonetheless, doing this didn’t pay for the wedding bills.

But again, God came to the rescue. Thanks to the Australian Tax Office, I got back beyond what I have expected from my tax return and it was just before the wedding thus taking some stress off me. To be a little more detail about how Good God is, I did a little calculation and realise that for the first half of the year with the pay I was getting and the tax return, I was actually better off then if I was at my previous company.

Planning for 2010, one of my goals is that I want to grow in the gifts and purpose that God has placed within me and that I don’t want to be worry about job security.

Through the prayers from friends in Ng3 and the encouragement of my wife, God open new doors for me. Only 2 weeks, which is 1 year after loosing my previous job, I was offered a permanent full time job in another company which I’ll be starting next week.

Looking back I can see God’s hand really moving in my life. Although at times it felt as though He’s so far away yet He was always there at the end.

What I thought were road blocks and valleys in my life were actually opportunities that God had used to polish and put the gifts that He has given me into practice. I’ve learned so much and have discovered many things about me that I wouldn’t otherwise had if things had gone my way.



Monday, January 18, 2010


This week NG is having an Outreach Session on Wednesday (20/01/2010) at 5pm, King George Square. The event is open for anyone from NG, led by Simon Au from NG 4.

Romans 1014 "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
Please do pray for the team to be filled with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those whom they will meet to have a soft heart to hear the Gospel and be led to repentance by God's Grace!
Do not know how but interested to come along?
It is ok! Just contact Leann to go there together!


REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz, courtesy of alertnet.org
The recent earthquake in Haiti has devastated children and families in the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck just ten miles from the heart of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, where people are left to search through rubble in hopes of finding loved ones. At least 3 million people have been affected by these disasters.
As a church it is our heart's desire to arise as God's hands and feet in such a time as this, and so we had a donation request during last Sunday service.
If you have missed out in donating, this SUNDAY there will be a LAST collecting donations at service to help support the relief efforts for those affected by the disaster. All the donations received from the church members will be sent forth to the World Vision whom has worked in Haiti for over 30 years and has 800 staff in the country. They are currently on the ground responding to the crisis. They have been distributing prepositioned emergency survival kits — including food, water, blankets and tents — to affected children and families.
Alternatively, you can donate online now to send emergency aid to the people of Haiti!
Let's continue to keep the situation in prayer, and lets also prepare ourselves to give generously in reflection of God's love to those who desperately need it right now.
You can help meet the life-or-death needs of the children and families affected by this terrible disaster!

Ps 65:5-7
5 You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas,
6 who formed the mountains by your power, having armed yourself with strength,
7 who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations


It is very rare that we would have 5 birthdays of our dear brothers and sisters fall on the same month! This Thursday as we celebrate the birthday of
Jojo, Grace, Don, Suh Chyi and Sharon

Let us be eager in showering them with words of encouragement, a spirit of celebration and a meaningful gift that reminds them of how special they are in our eyes.

Date_21 JAN 2010 (Thurs)
Time_0700 PM
Venue_the b’day babes’ favourite @ KFC
Cnr Pacific Hwy & Dennis St, Springwood QLD 4127
If anyone needs transport, please contact Leann



Be inspired by the testimony of a prestigious Hong Kong diva singer, Sammi Cheng, who once owned everything she can get from the secular world - fame, money, reputation, status, yet feeling empty and dissatisfied - see how God has changed her life and perspectives as she puts her faith in Christ.
Do have a good read of the article and download a copy on your desktop to share to others, before the file above is expired on 3rd February 2010.
For those who understand Chinese language - Sammi Cheng gave her testimony and sang a song "I will follow Him" in her concert, SHOW MI 2007.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Can you make some quiet time for God at the end of your day?
The Church Corporate Prayer is a perfect avenue for you to draw near to God in worship and prayers with many other witnesses of Christ. It is an excellent time to take stock of your day’s activities in a quiet atmosphere where, in His presence you can make an examination of conscience and then say a heartfelt prayer to the Lord and learn to pray for others!
No matter if you are a new or mature believer, it is a precious time where you don't want to miss!
Join us at Princess Theatre, Woollongabba, from 7 to 9 pm, this Tuesday, 12/1/10.


Praise God - we are now having 9 people joining the OC!
If you have not penned down your resolution for the year, or if you are still considering the ways to grow more in faith - why not make attending OC one of your goals this year in order to experience God's presence in a far tangible way and let His Words and Revelations speak to your heart!
Do not limit yourself to your current situation - may it be financial or time constraint - and let the answer be a 'No', but do PRAY about it & see what God challenges you to learn from Him through this event. It's definitely something worth spending on in helping you to grow spiritually this new year.
Refer to the following posts for more info:


For those who are interested in outreach evangelism, Simon Au from NG 4 has passionately organised a series of outreach sessions for every NG member to touch lost souls and share Gospels.
The next Outreach is on this Wednesday (13/01/2010) at 5pm, King George Square.
Praise the Lord for last week's Outreach Session that God brought a Brazilian guy to put his Faith in Jesus Christ, through Young Im and Simon (from Hobart)!
Please do pray for the team to be filled with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those whom they will meet to have a soft heart to hear the Gospel and be led to repentance by God's Grace!
Do not know how but interested to come along?
It is ok! Just contact Leann to go there together!
Whether you get to bring a person to Christ or only get to share the gospel or even stand next to the team as a support, it's all part of God's perfect plan!
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. (1 Cor 3:6)


As the church starts the new year by dedicating the month of January unto the Lord through fasting and prayer, let us be reminded of the importance of humbling ourselves and acknowledging God in everything we want to do and experience in our movement and local church.
This week as we are in the theme of 'Leaders' focus', let us fast a meal in the week and spend that time in praying for the following points:

  • Regional Mission Coordinatots (RMC), elders, pastors, coordinators and leaders
  • Pray for His wisdom, strength and anointing upon our leaders
  • Pray for good core teams to work in strong unitu and together with the leaders
  • Pray for more leaders in our local churches

To know more about fast and pray (why and how), please click here.


We shall be celebrating the birthday of all the January babes together, so make sure you bless them with a gift or words of encouragement and show them how thankful we are for having them in our family.

Date_21 JAN 2010 (Thurs)
Time_0700 PM
Venue_the b’day babes’ favourite à KFC,
Cnr Pacific Hwy & Dennis St, Springwood QLD 4127



The most important thing you can do in 2010 is cultivate a devotional life that facilitates the intimate nearness of God. You won’t accidentally get close to God. So, for 2010, I wanted to encourage you to embrace a focused intentionality in your devotional life. Here are some things I have been thinking through with regards to my devotional practices in 2010.
Have a no exemption time and place to meet with God. If you do not schedule in focused time with God, everything else in your life will schedule it out. Have a time and place and treat it as an appointment with the most important person in the universe. And, keep it; no excuses. It might be morning, evening, night, whatever. Just pick a time that you devote to seeking God with uninterrupted focus. If you have to put it on your calendar, do it.
Have a plan. What will you do during that time? The obvious answer is that the time will at least include contemplative bible reading and prayer. But, what will be the content of that contemplative reading? There are several options and no one option is best or right. You need to find what keeps you engaged and maybe even mix it up a little. Here are some options that some friends have shared with me on Twitter:
The M’Cheyne Reading System - Each day has two passages from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from either the Psalms or the Gospels. In one year, you read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.” You can subscribe the RSS feed and have it delivered into your google reader every day.
Begin your time with prayer and confession. Confess your sins to the Lord and ask him to cleanse your heart (of things you have done and things you have left undone) and open your eyes to behold wonderful things in his word (Psalm 119:18). You want a heart that is open and responsive to God and confession and prayer postures us in that way.
Read out loud. Maybe it is just me, but if I don’t, I get really distracted.
Look for Gospel patterns. As you read, realize that Jesus and the Gospel is The One Story of the Bible. Look for Gospel patterns, grace on display, as you read. Especially in the OT. Every story has Christ as the ultimate hero. For example, don’t read the story of David and Goliath and leave your devotional time “ready to face your giants.” Realize that you are Israel in the story, not David. You are weak, powerless, cowering before your enemies of sin, Satan, and death, and you need an anointed King to defeat your enemies and cause you to rise up in hope and courage. Jesus is the true and better David, and he is the point of the story of David and Goliath. Look for these patterns in everything you read and rejoice in what God has accomplished for you in Jesus. We don’t have devotions and pray in order to avoid the guilt of not having devotions and not praying. We have devotions and pray to know Jesus and his Gospel, and revel in all that he is for us and all that he has won for us.
Journal your thoughts and prayers. Journaling helps us process what we are reading and learning from the Lord. It is good to go back and read your journal to remind yourself of how God has been at work in your life in the past. Get a moleskin or a cheap equivalent and just do it for a season and see if it helps you.
Realize that this is a community project. You need to share what God is saying to you and have others share what God is saying to them. Consider doing one of the above plans with a group of people, a spouse, a roommate, or your church staff.
Don’t give up. I have missed meals in the past, but never gave up on eating. I just made sure I did not miss the next meal (and usually made up for it). You are going to miss days, often times multiple days. Repent of your neglect of God and press on in knowing him. Your righteousness is not in how consistent your devotional life is; it is in Jesus Christ who is constant and ever faithful. So, relax and pick up where you left off.
The beauty and joy of 2010 will not depend upon your circumstances, but upon your experience of the One you were made for. As much of him that you want to experience, you will experience. He promises to reward those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).
Written by JR Vassar, Pastor of The Apostle’s Church NYC
Adopt from Les Graines D’espoir Montreal blog

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Thanks to Neekee for a very useful and practical goal setting session last Friday. A round of applause for his diligent effort and the valuable impartation to us!
For those who missed out, below are links to the powerpoint presentation Neekee has kindly put together for us and a goal setting template drafted according to the verse in Luke 2:52 – and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.

By referring to the powerpoint presentation it should give you plenty of information in how to start putting your thoughts together on the goal setting template. Quoting Neekee’s words, remember this is not an end but more like a means for us to be good stewards of our resources (time, money, gifts) to maximise what we do in God’s Kingdom. If you have a method, stick to it and utilise it.
(The files will only be available for display and download for 14 days up to 19/1/10)

Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. - Cavett Robert


Thinking about attending the 2010 OC but not sure what to expect?

Beautiful tourist spot – Gold Coast - Watch the promotion video and get a glimpse of what it is about – http://oc2010.walkinhope.com/blog/?p=60

Gorgeous conference facilities - you'll get an up-close-and-personal overview of everything from the gorgeous conference facilities: http://oc2010.walkinhope.com/blog/?p=5

Humorous and great keynote speaker Ps Simon Eng all the way from Malaysia

Creative Art gallery viewing and prize winning competition opportunity: http://oc2010.walkinhope.com/blog/?p=171

Friends-making opportunity with the delegates from all over Australia

Godly inspirations from the powerful speakers from all over Australia

Exciting and variable workshops to attend: http://oc2010.walkinhope.com/blog/?p=143

Opportunity to receive prophetic words and encouragement from the leaders/pastors

Strong bonding time within the life group members

Inspiring worship leaders from other Hope churches

God-centred and breadth-taking praise and worship sessions

Delicious meals and great fellowship time

..and may more....


As the church starts the new year by dedicating the month of January unto the Lord through fasting and prayer, let us be reminded of the importance of humbling ourselves and acknowledging God in everything we want to do and experience in our movement and local church.
This week as we are in the theme of 'consecration focus', let us fast a meal in the week and spend that time in praying for the following points:
    • Dedicating the year of 2010 to the Lord
    • Walking in holiness and intimacy with God
    • Experiencing God and growing in our love and dedication to Him
    • Giving ourselves to God 'I am Yours' - I am living for You and for Your purpose

To know more about fast and pray (why and how), please click here.


by Pastor Kong Hee

And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. -Matthew 24:12-

In the end times, the greatest hindrance to the work of God among believers will not be the legalism of contemporary religious Pharisees. Jesus says that the one weapon Satan will unleash upon the Church in the last days is lawlessness. It is designed to kill the love and passion Christians have for God. In fact, the Antichrist is called the “lawless one” (2 Thess. 2:8-9).

The concept of lawlessness is encapsulated in a heretical belief system called antinomianism. The Oxford Dictionary defi nes antinomianism as “a belief that Christians are released by grace from obeying moral laws.” Antinomians outrightly renounce the Ten Commandments.

They reject the process of continuing sanctifi cation in a believer’s life. One of the greatest heroes of faith of the 20th century was Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945). He was a German theologian, pastor, preacher, radio broadcaster and author. Bonhoeffer’s most famous work is The Cost of Discipleship, fi rst published in 1939. This work is an exposition of The Sermon on the Mount and it calls for radical living if a Christian is to be an authentic disciple of Christ.

Bonhoeffer’s major concern was the concept of “cheap grace,” a phrase he coined. To him, this is grace that has become so watered down that it no longer resembles the grace of the New Testament. Cheap grace doesn’t transform a sinner but instead brings chaos and destruction to hislife. It is the justifi cation of the sinner without the fruit and works that should accompany the new birth.

Bonhoeffer says of cheap grace: “It is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.”

Cheap grace arises when a sinner desires to be saved but doesn’t want to become a disciple. Can you remember your fi rst conviction at the moment of your conversion? Can you recall your first response to Christ? It was to see a change, wasn’t it? You longed to have righteousness, purity and holiness in your life. If you wanted to remain in sin, you would have remained as an unbeliever and stayed outside the bounds of God’s kingdom. Resist antinomianism today. Warn those who are seduced by it. Don’t ever lose your first love for Jesus.