Monday, December 7, 2009


Have you started planning for the new year ahead? Now might be a good time to start!
May it be personal goals for spiritual life, career/study, relationships, finance, time management, etc - let's seek to live an abundant year ahead that is filled with passion for God's heartcry and a live testimony to others.
Do you have any program or event or focus for next year to suggest for our NG 3 family?
Is there any area you would love to grow in and think as a family we can all do together?
Do you have any specific burden and would love to participate in that, i.e. praise & worship, organising activities/birthday celebrations, administrative work, etc?
God sees the heart of His people and will certainly empower you in fulfilling that, not by your might, but by His Spirit within you.
Please feel free to email our unit leader.

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