Monday, December 14, 2009


One of the ways in making someone's Christmas special is to invite them to our
Christmas Sunday Celebration Service:
Date: 20th December 2009 (this Sunday)
9:10am Prayer Time
9:30am – Foyer Time
10:00am – Sunday Service
Venue: Steele Building, University of Queensland
Let's actively invite our friends - those whom you know are far from God or even those who have never attended church before - to our Celebration Service this Sunday. You have a chance to invite especially those new friends who are joining us in the Christmas Party this Saturday. Let's pray for them to come with a soft heart and make them feel welcomed.
Let's us be proud of our service and reach out to those who have never experience true peace, hope and joy that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord, at this time when You sent Christ to earth, may I too reach out to make someone's life richer, fuller and far less lonely. I want to be Your hands and feet. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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