Monday, December 21, 2009


THANK YOU all of you for a job well done last Saturday on our ‘White Christmas in a Park’ party!
Thank God for being such faithful to our prayers that He truly withheld the rain from our event, brought us many visitors which I-week is all about, and even brought a visitor to our Sunday service.
We can’t help but praising God when we saw the outpouring rain only happened after we got home from the event. Thank God too for the smooth running of every programs and allowing great fellowship on the day.
This Christmas Party wouldn't mean much without the cooperation and unity of the Body of Christ.
A big round of applause goes to all of you who made such a generous and sacrificial effort in buying, cooking and bringing yummy food for us. Another big round of applause goes to those who made the effort in inviting your friends or colleagues to the event. Regardless of the success or failure of your attempts, your work is not in vain.
We thank each and everyone of our 3.1 organising committee members too for their wonderful coordination, efficient effort and selfless help.

A huge thank-you to everyone who made the effort to get there early and offer such helping hands too. May we continue praying for the visitors in our midst to join us for LG/church with an intention to know Christ.
Have a warm Christmas season and be truly blessed knowing that Jesus was born for you!
For more pictures, please visit link:
With Love & Thanks,
3.1 Girls

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