Monday, December 28, 2009



The New Year will soon be upon us and with 2010 fast approaching a chance to turn over a new leaf is on the horizon. January is a time to reflect on the year that’s passed and to pen our goals for the coming 12 months.
This Friday we will be getting together for a time of reflection and new year planning with our guest speaker Neekee. Let's learn how we can better number our days for the purposes of GOD more effectively and fruitful!
Wishing you a new year that is filled with the Grace and Empowerment of God.
Number 6:24-26


If you have signed up for or are interested in the Ocenia Convention of 2010,
please ensure you speak to Joel Sim, the admin person of NG 3.
Please note that all payments are to be done via units. You are to pay Joel your conference fees - either by cash on Friday during LG or on Sunday at church;
or electronically to the following account:
ACC NO_149189-412
Please email to notify Joel
after you transferred the money.
If you have registered yourself on the OC website before 25th of December, please make sure you have the registration money paid to Joel between 26th Dec 2009 - 8th Jan 2010, in order to stand qualified for Super Early Bird prices ($185). Once the period is passed, your price will increase to Early Bird prices ($200).
Click here for the registration cost table.
Please refer to the following post/website for more details about OC 2010:


A greeting to all of those who are currently away from Brisbane,
you are greatly missed by all of us!
May journey mercy be with you on your trip back.
Have a blessed reunion time with your family and friends.


Thank you once again to everyone who has contributed financially and physically to the C4K event!


The NG 3 Blog Administrators are looking at updating the layout and information fields of our

N G 3 B L O G.

If there is any other information that you like to see on our blogspot, such as a music player, calendar, count-down gadgets; etc;
Or any articles or news about community work activities, current Christians persecution issues, etc;

Or just any area that we can improve or enhance the insights and knowledge of our NG 3 family members;

Or even what you don't like or don't need or even don't want to see on our site;
Please feel free to email or speak to Leann/Joel the website administrators for any feedback, comments or requests.
We love our blog and we even love it to become beneficial to you in every single way! So share your ideas with us anytime!


I love visiting other countries to serve in missions work. But there are many times I've left a beautiful country overwhelmed by the needs of its people. People standing in line for medical care. Or children on a street corner selling candy, or worse - their bodies --so they could eat a meal. I've wept on the plane home, hiding my tears from other passengers behind the thin airline blanket.

Recently, however, I returned from a missions trip to Ecuador with Compassion International. Our travels to this country left me filled with hope! There are 52,000 children that are ministered to in 200 Compassion International projects across Ecuador.

I met Eric, a little guy who is 13, but looks seven. He was born with a syndrome that affects his motor skills, as well as his ability to communicate. Eric wasn't given a lot of hope. His mother has two other little guys, ten and six. Their home is nestled in a concrete cave honed out of rock and cinder block. I had to bend to enter the dark two-room habitat. Along one wall there is a small refrigerator, rusted by the years. A couple of cook pots sit by an open fireplace darkened by soot. Eric proudly showed me how he washes his clothes, beating his red shirt with a brush and suds.

Little Eric has had surgeries that allow him to run in his own makeshift fashion. His inability to communicate with words would lead you to believe he's not educated, but he is very intelligent. He and his brothers eat nutritious meals and receive schooling. And it's all because of Compassion International.

Later I met Jonathon, who became a Compassion International child at the age of five. He remembers proudly showing his first letter from his sponsor to his classroom. He held it high for the other children to see. "Jesus sent me someone who loves me," he said.

Next July, Jonathon will graduate from a university with a degree in physics. He wept as he tried to explain what Compassion International, and his sponsor, have done for him. A person he has never met gave him health, hope, and the opportunity to change the lives of many children. He plans to go back to his former project area as a teacher.

I often pray and ask Jesus how to spend my time, my finances, and my talents. But the funny thing is, I don't pray over the everyday expenditures that have very little lasting impact. I weigh them. I think about them. But pray about it? I don't. I believe I will start praying about my everyday expenditures, and asking God to reveal to me opportunities to invest in the things that really matter.
As I boarded the plane for home, I declined the offered blanket. I didn't need to hide my tears - not this time. Instead I praised God for a renewed vision of hope: a child who wasn't supposed to live who can now run and read; a little girl waving her hand in the air to be called upon in class to quote a scripture; a young man wiping away tears as he expressed his desire to educate little ones facing the odds he once faced and overcame. I settled back in my seat and smiled, reveling in the beautiful pictures of God's hope in action.

Dear God, You love the hungry, the poor, the hurting. Thank You for the opportunity to be Your hands and feet, whether in my own community, or around the world. I pray that I will invest my heart and life in those things that burn on Your heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Monday, December 21, 2009


THANK YOU all of you for a job well done last Saturday on our ‘White Christmas in a Park’ party!
Thank God for being such faithful to our prayers that He truly withheld the rain from our event, brought us many visitors which I-week is all about, and even brought a visitor to our Sunday service.
We can’t help but praising God when we saw the outpouring rain only happened after we got home from the event. Thank God too for the smooth running of every programs and allowing great fellowship on the day.
This Christmas Party wouldn't mean much without the cooperation and unity of the Body of Christ.
A big round of applause goes to all of you who made such a generous and sacrificial effort in buying, cooking and bringing yummy food for us. Another big round of applause goes to those who made the effort in inviting your friends or colleagues to the event. Regardless of the success or failure of your attempts, your work is not in vain.
We thank each and everyone of our 3.1 organising committee members too for their wonderful coordination, efficient effort and selfless help.

A huge thank-you to everyone who made the effort to get there early and offer such helping hands too. May we continue praying for the visitors in our midst to join us for LG/church with an intention to know Christ.
Have a warm Christmas season and be truly blessed knowing that Jesus was born for you!
For more pictures, please visit link:
With Love & Thanks,
3.1 Girls


What are core values?
Core values are attitudes and beliefs thought to uniquely pattern a culture. As a part of the Body if Christ, it is important that we identify and discover the core values of the church collectively and seek for a thorough understanding of them.
This year, as our church touches on the topic of Ethos. Let us be a part of the enthusiastic ones in seeking to be a part of this journey with the Body of Christ together.
For details on the Speakers, please visit:
With Ps Wilson's in-depth teaching, Ps Simon's humorous couching, Ps Brendan's convicting impartation and Ps Ian's firm lessons, none of the delegates can leave the conference without any godly deposits into the hearts.
For the Location, please visit:
This venue truly takes your breadth away and provides a great atmosphere for learning.
For options of the Workshops, please visit:
The many varieties of the powerful workshops certainly enlighten you in a far greater way in capturing the core values of our church movement.
For the Registration costs in details,
please visit:
For Signing up of an adult before the end of the Super Early Bird on the Christmas Day (for $185), please go to immediately!
A limited offer of $330 is extended to a family (2 adults) with an infant (1-3 yrs old).
Wondering what happened in the past OC? Check out the pictures that tell a thousand words:
Don't know anything about OC?
Speak to one of our LG members! You don't want to miss out...


During this warm and restful Christmas season, let us not forget about using this Personal Life Group Week to catch up over a dinner with your friends - may it be friends whom are far from God or those whom have been left out of your life.
May this Christmas brings you not only the true peace, joy and love, but also an opportunity to pass it on to others whom have never experienced it.


The historic record of the birth of Christ can be found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20.Unlike any other baby, the one born that night in Bethlehem was unique in all of history. He was not created by a human father and mother. He had a heavenly pre-existence (John 1:1-3, 14). He is God, the Son—Creator of the universe (Philippians 2:5-11). This is why Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means “in the flesh.” In the birth of Jesus, the eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh.
Why would God do such a thing? Why would he come as a baby, instead of appearing in power and majesty? Why make himself a true man and live among us, when he knew full well how terribly he would be treated?
Watch this exciting NEW on-line video which clearly explains how Jesus Christ was born and why—starting at the very beginning, at the dawn of Creation…
Do you know for sure that you are going to be with God in Heaven? If God were to ask you, “Why should I let you into My Heaven?” what would you say? Find out now! (30 min. video)

Adopt from

Monday, December 14, 2009


Theme_White Christmas in A Park
Dress Code_All white (or white top/pants/skirt only if do not have both)
Date_19/12/09 (Saturday)
Time_10.00 am sharp
Venue_Counihan Road, Seventeen Mile Rocks
Food_Christmas Lunch
Programs_Ice-breaker games, Sharing, Carol, Secret Santa gift-exchange
Secret Santa method:
Please bring along a gift appropriate for your gender (for example Grace will bring a female appropriate gift, Don will bring a male appropriate gift) of up to $10 in value, with a written message for the recipient of the same gender. There will be a box for female gifts and a box for male gifts at the event. You will put your wrapped gift to the appropriate box and choose one for yourself.
Food to bring:
Neekee & Stephanie: Roast Ham
Alex & Sharon: Roast Pork
Wei Hoong & Julie: Roast Turkey
Peter & Jojo: Roast Lamb
Daniel & Jaevis: Roast Beef
Don & Grace: Dessert
Suh Chyi & Su Reen & Su Giin: Fried Noodle
Joel & Leann: Salad and Cuttleries
Ronald & Hannah: Drinks and Snack
Jenny & Cathy: Chocolate and Cuttleries
Sara & Nicole: Pasta/ Rice
The gift of Christmas isn't wrapped up in presents or parties. The gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, the Son of God. As you follow Him, you put people first. You may spend less time in lines and more time serving others. You may spend less money on - and more time with - the people you love. You may lose yourself and you may find everything else that matters.
May we pass on His love on the day by making ourselves known to the new friends, speaking kind words to one another and sharing the love of Jesus Christ through our actions. Let Jesus become the centre of our celebration!


One of the ways in making someone's Christmas special is to invite them to our
Christmas Sunday Celebration Service:
Date: 20th December 2009 (this Sunday)
9:10am Prayer Time
9:30am – Foyer Time
10:00am – Sunday Service
Venue: Steele Building, University of Queensland
Let's actively invite our friends - those whom you know are far from God or even those who have never attended church before - to our Celebration Service this Sunday. You have a chance to invite especially those new friends who are joining us in the Christmas Party this Saturday. Let's pray for them to come with a soft heart and make them feel welcomed.
Let's us be proud of our service and reach out to those who have never experience true peace, hope and joy that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord, at this time when You sent Christ to earth, may I too reach out to make someone's life richer, fuller and far less lonely. I want to be Your hands and feet. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


For those who missed out on the performance on C4K day, below is a link to the wonderful dance performed by the Shekinah team in Hope Church, Brisbane:



"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'" Luke 2:10-11(NKJ)

My extended family no longer buys presents for each individual person. At our large family gathering, we have a "white elephant" gift exchange. Instead of a separate gift for each person, we just bring one present each, usually something from around our house that is no longer wanted or needed. Many times a white elephant gift turns out to be a re-gift. The idea of re-gifting appeals to me, especially when sanctioned by the family!

This year I have pondered how to re-gift the joy found in the Christmas story that Jesus gives - "a great joy which will be to all people." I believe the best way is to display our joy in all circumstances, good and bad. We may not enjoy the situations we find ourselves in, but we can have joy. Our joy can issue forth from the fact that Jesus came to earth as an infant, ministered, died on the cross and resurrected from the grave. He did this as a gift for all of us.

Will you decide with me to re-gift the promise of Christmas joy when days become stressful because of holiday schedules? Let's give joy when we can't purchase the "perfect" gift because of budget restraints. Let's share Jesus' joy and offer to help our neighbors, our churches, and our communities.

The wonderful thing about re-gifting the joy of the season is that you still get to keep your joy! Let the world know the truth about Christmas. It's not about the Christmas tree, the food, the festivities or the gifts - it's about Jesus being born as the world's Savior. It's about what the angels declared over 2000 years ago, "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10-11, NKJ).

It's a gift we should give year round to everyone in this stress-filled world, because, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8, NIV).

Will you re-gift the joy found in the true meaning of Christmas both now and throughout this coming year?

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of joy this Christmas season. Teach me to re-gift this joy to the people who You bring across my path. Also, remind me to re-gift Your joy every day, not only at the Christmas season. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, December 7, 2009


We must either be praying or fainting----there is no other alternative. The purpose of all faith is to bring us into direct, personal touch with God. True prayer is an awareness of our helpless need, an acknowledgment of divine adequacy. For Jesus, prayer was as necessary as breathing, the very breath of His life. Although God certainly knows all our needs, praying for them changes our attitude from complaint to praise, and enables us to participate in God's personal plans of our lives.
Ray C. Stedman in, Talking To My Father.
You are needed in the corporate prayer of the church to be a part of the faith community in shaking God's hands to move and magnify in the Body of Christ.
Join us this Tuesday at Princess Theatre at 7.30 pm
- not only for your own benefits - but also for the heart of God.


This Christmas, NG 3 presents you a brand-new-themed Christmas Party that does not only promise good food and fun activities, but also a heart-warming Secret Santa gift-exchange an Carolling time.
Theme_White Christmas
Dress Code_All white (or white top/pants/skirt only if do not have both)
Nature_Outdoor park party
Date_19/12/09 (Saturday)
Time_10.00 am sharp
Venue_Counihan Road, Seventeen Mile Rocks
Food_Christmas Lunch
Thinking of somebody you can bless this Christmas? Bring him/her to the party to fill their lives with new friendships and the love that comes from our eternal Saviour, Jesus Christ! Make good use of the last out-reach opprtunity of the year 2009!

Please RSVP for yourself and your invited friends to your small group leader by 13th December (Sunday).

Secret Santa method:
Please bring along a gift appropriate for your gender (for example Grace will bring a female appropriate gift, Don will bring a male appropriate gift) of up to $10 in value, with a written message for the recipient of the same gender. There will be a box for female gifts and a box for male gifts at the event. You will put your wrapped gift to the appropriate box and choose one for yourself.


Have you started planning for the new year ahead? Now might be a good time to start!
May it be personal goals for spiritual life, career/study, relationships, finance, time management, etc - let's seek to live an abundant year ahead that is filled with passion for God's heartcry and a live testimony to others.
Do you have any program or event or focus for next year to suggest for our NG 3 family?
Is there any area you would love to grow in and think as a family we can all do together?
Do you have any specific burden and would love to participate in that, i.e. praise & worship, organising activities/birthday celebrations, administrative work, etc?
God sees the heart of His people and will certainly empower you in fulfilling that, not by your might, but by His Spirit within you.
Please feel free to email our unit leader.


"Be devoted to one anoter in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves." - Romans 12:10 (NIV)
Margaret was new to the area and decided to visit a few local churches and Bible studies before she chose where to attend regularly. Unfortunately, it turned out the same everywhere she went: no one acknowledged her.

They didn't even seem to see her. She was left feeling like a small fish in a big sea. "How am I ever going to meet anyone, let alone make a friend?" she thought to herself, as she uncomfortably poured herself a cup of coffee in the foyer of a church.

Recently, I had a conversation with Margaret and she reminisced with me about the time she felt so alone in that foyer full of women. She made me giggle when she revealed how she entertained herself during those lonely times by wearing the same outfit on purpose for weeks in a row. She was convinced that it just didn't matter because no one would remember her anyway.
Although Margaret felt alone and invisible, she was not. Jesus said, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows" (Luke 12:6-7, NIV). Not only did God see her that day, but He knew what kind of hair day she was having!

I know how Margaret felt. As I attended my first PTA meeting, I looked around the room and didn't know a soul. I noticed I wasn't the only one by myself. There were other women who appeared not to know anyone either. Many were sitting alone, pretending to be at ease, yet not looking upward or outward; just awkwardly tending to their refreshments. Everyone else was talking and laughing in groups of two's and three's, unaware that there were isolated women in the room.

How do we become so involved with ourselves that we forget about others who might be new or lonely? I think about Margaret's story and I wonder, "Am I so caught up with what's going on with me that I forget it's not all about me?" Perhaps meetings, Bible studies or holiday parties aren't all about the girlfriends I already know, but about reaching out to someone who is searching for a welcoming friend.

I've been challenging myself to look beyond my familiar circle, and I want to invite you to do the same. Wherever you go, look around the room and find someone who is by herself. Walk up to her and say hello. Ask some questions about how long she's been coming and how you might help her feel connected and welcomed in that particular situation. You may just be the one that helps her realize she's not invisible - she's noticed - by God and by you.

Dear Lord, I pray as I go about my business that you will help me to become more aware of others. I pray that I seek out those who feel uncomfortable or who might be new. Help me step outside myself and approach someone who needs to be noticed. I pray I realize it's not all about me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
© 2009 by Shari Braendel. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries