Tuesday, November 24, 2009

OC 2010
Ethos is a Greek word originally meaning "accustomed place" , "custom, habit", equivalent to Latin mores. Ethos forms the root of ethikos (ἠθικός), meaning "moral, showing moral character". To the Greeks ancient and modern, the meaning is simply "the state of being", the inner source, the soul, the mind, and the original essence, that shapes and forms a person or animal[1]. (from Wikipedia)

Let's start to pray and plan about going to OC 2010. It'll be great if we can all go and perhaps stay in the same accomodation there. It'll be like 2nd unit getaway. Check out their website and the prices below...

Super Early Bird

Early Bird


Late ($50 apply)

1st Nov – 25th Dec

26th Dec – 26th Feb

27th Feb – 12th Mar

13th Mar onwards

Adults (above 18)





Youth (12-17)





Junior (4-11)





Part Time (Fri) – include notes only





Part Time (Sat) – include notes, morning tea & lunch





Part Time (Sun) – include notes, morning tea, lunch & workshop





Part Time (Mon) – include notes, morning tea & lunch





Family Package (2 x Adult + any infant [0-3])
(include notes x 2, morning tea x 6, lunch x 6, workshop x 2)





Family Package 2 (2 x Adult + 1 x Junior [4-11])
(include notes x 2, morning tea x 9, lunch x 9, workshop x 2)





Family Package 3 (2 x Adult + 2 x Junior [4-11])
(include notes x 2, morning tea x 12, lunch x 12, workshop x 2)





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