Monday, November 30, 2009


Everything in your life that flows out of love has come to you from God. Everything in your life that is good has been initiated by God. God has done everything for you, He is everything to you, and He is enriching other lives through you. His generosity is overwhelming, His blessings are limitless, His love is endless.

No one has favored you more than God. He has removed every stain of your sin, He has cleansed all the defilement of your iniquity, and He has silenced every voice of condemnation that hung over your head. He has saved you, redeemed you, and justified you.

All of Gods grace abounds toward you, all of Christs riches are made available to you, and all spiritual blessings are provided for you. In Christ, you have received the treasures that can never be taken away, the hope that can never fade away, and the life that will never pass away.
As you walk with Jesus day by day, you will find that your thankfulness to Him is an ever-increasing symphony of praise, building into a lifelong crescendo of gratitude that flows from your heart to His. You, who have so little, have received so much, because He has been so generous.

There are so many riches that He has given to you; so many answers to prayer that He has granted to you; so many kindnesses that He has manifested to you; so many joys that He has provided for you; so many mercies that He has extended to you; so many benefits that He has showered upon you. Everything you have has come from Him, and that is the reason why your heart can be so grateful.

Thank Him today because He formed you and made you. He has given you the breath of life. He has given you this day. He is working in you to become all that He has intended you to be. He is working everything in your life together for the good. He is using your difficulties and trials to conform you to His image.

Thank Him today for The forgiveness of your sins. The peace that passes all understanding. The smiles that have come to your face because His joy is in your heart. The comfort of His presence that has quieted your heart and calmed your fears. The hope that is in you because He has promised to always be with you. The place in heaven that He has reserved and has prepared for you.

Thank Him today with Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration. A heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection. Acts of admiration. Claps of loud ovation.

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Hebrews 13:15 (KJV)

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