Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Church Seminar is on next weekend.
Registration is still open and so far we have 8 people signed up.
Do make time to come and have a weekend of really getting into God's word.
Please email Jojo if you're interested to join and she'll sign you up.

Price: $24 (without meals incl notes & tea breaks)
Dates: 21 & 22 November (Sat & Sun)
Venue: Cannon Hill Auditorium Foyer

Saturday Program Schedule

8:30 Registration @ Cannon Hill Auditorium Foyer
9:30 P&W (20 min)
9:50 Prayer & Welcome
10:05 Session 1
11:00 Morning Tea
11:15 Praise song
11:25 Testimony
11:30 Session 2
12:25 Lunch

13:30 Praise
13:35 Session 3
14:25 Tea Break
14:40 Praise song
14:50 Session 4

17:30 Dinner
18:30 testimony
18:40 Praise & Worship
19:10 Session 5
20:10 Ministering & altar call
20:30 Sharing/Fellowship/Drinks

Sunday Program Schedule

9:10 Pre-service Prayer
9:30 Foyer time
10:00 Praise & Worship
10:35 Communion; Tithes & Offering
10:45 Announcements
10:50 Testimony
10:55 Session 6
12:00 Altar Call, Ministering Time
12:10 Lunch

13:35 Praise (2 songs)
13:45 Session 7
14:45 Personal evaluation
14:55 Wrap up sharing - Ps Wilson
15:00 Closing ceremony
15:15 Closing Praise

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