Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hi all,

Praise the Lord for moving hearts to help the poor. Some of your brothers and sisters in Christ has decided to be part of the solution in sponsoring a child through Compassion. We're answering God's call in Psalms 82 to "defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; to maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed, to rescue the weak and needy and deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Again God reminds us in Isaiah 58:6-9 (MSG):-

6-9"This is the kind of fast day I'm after:
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed,
cancel debts.
What I'm interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'

About Jyoti A

Name: Jyoti A
Gender: Female
Country: India
Date of Birth: 5 Jul 2000

Jyoti lives with her father and her mother. Her duties at home include carrying water and buying or selling in the market. There are 5 children in the family. Her father occasionally works as a labourer and her mother maintains the home. Due to low income her family struggles to survive.For fun, Jyoti enjoys playing house, hide and seek and playing group games. She attends church activities regularly and is in primary school where she is making steady progress.Your love and support help Jyoti to receive the assistance she needs to develop her potential. Please pray for her.


We'll be going with the basic sponsorship which will cost $44p/month, which is $528 a year.
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this.
For more info..go to http://www.compassion.com.au/

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