Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday
to all those in born in Spring- September and October

We are holding a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for all those born in these two months
They are Samuel, Nicole, Daniel & Hannah

God desires His people (that's us) to celebrate His goodness and love always. One of the ways is by showing love and appreciation for someone at birthday. For God's gift of life to our dear brothers and sisters are precious and we should all be part of that celebration together. Let us be there to laugh, to cry, to encourage and to rejoice with them!

For His words says in Romans 12: 15:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice...."

Date: 29th September

Venue: Runcorn Tavern (website)
124 Gowan Rd
Runcorn 4113

Time: 7:00-8:30pm

Dress code: Green + blue (Spring colours)

RSVP with Peter or Jojo by 28th of Sept (Sunday)

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