Monday, September 28, 2009

16th Church Anniversary

Everyone is invited to come and join us at our annual church anniversary celebration. Invite your friends to come too to see what a good God we have. It's a great time where we praise God for helping us grow to be where we are throughout the16 years. The night will be filled with God's people showcasing the gifts and talents God's blessed them with and how they can in return bless the church and the community. There'll also be testimonies about what God has done through this church for the people of Brisbane. Most importantly there'll also be a time where we worship Him and give Him all the glory.

Date: Saturday, 3rd Oct
Venue: Cannon Hill Anglican College
Service starts at 6.30pm

(Click on image to go to googlemaps)

Address: 189 Junction Rd, Cannon Hill QLD 4170
(Cnr of Junction Rd and Krupp Rd)

Christmas 4 Kids
Dearest NG3,

Sign up by 30th September to volunteer for C4K this year. This is a great event that will bring you great satisfaction and bless God's heart who loves His little ones and their families so.
Don't worry if you don't have blue card yet. We'll help everyone apply for one on Friday. You can also get your forms from Grace tomorrow at the birthday bash.

Their website is
Leann & Joel's Saturday
What a wonderful day it was last Saturday celebrating with our dear brother and sister. We celebrated the end of their singlehood lives, the wonderful friendships they have and the beckoning of a new seasn for them. Many were there for the bucks day out and the bridal shower (high tea style). Everyone enjoyed the company of the beloved couple and the wonderful day organized by Shimei (maid-of-honour) and Jaevis (bestman).
NG3 LG venue change

In November, NG3 will no longer hold LG in 66 Nursery Ave.
So we're looking for a new venue. Do pray with us as we make the move. We're looking for a new home where we can come together to fellowship and praise God each Friday. If you have any suggestions please let Jojo or Neekee know.

But let's take the opportunity to thank the residents of the house who have so warmly welcomed us each week and kept the house looking great each time we arrive. Thank you Suh Chyi, Leann, Su Giin, Anne and Su Reen for your hospitality.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Touching Heaven, Touching Deep
Date: Tuesday 22nd September...thats tonight!
Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm
Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba

See you there!
Happy Birthday
to all those in born in Spring- September and October

We are holding a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for all those born in these two months
They are Samuel, Nicole, Daniel & Hannah

God desires His people (that's us) to celebrate His goodness and love always. One of the ways is by showing love and appreciation for someone at birthday. For God's gift of life to our dear brothers and sisters are precious and we should all be part of that celebration together. Let us be there to laugh, to cry, to encourage and to rejoice with them!

For His words says in Romans 12: 15:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice...."

Date: 29th September

Venue: Runcorn Tavern (website)
124 Gowan Rd
Runcorn 4113

Time: 7:00-8:30pm

Dress code: Green + blue (Spring colours)

RSVP with Peter or Jojo by 28th of Sept (Sunday)

Hi all,

Praise the Lord for moving hearts to help the poor. Some of your brothers and sisters in Christ has decided to be part of the solution in sponsoring a child through Compassion. We're answering God's call in Psalms 82 to "defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; to maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed, to rescue the weak and needy and deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Again God reminds us in Isaiah 58:6-9 (MSG):-

6-9"This is the kind of fast day I'm after:
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed,
cancel debts.
What I'm interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'

About Jyoti A

Name: Jyoti A
Gender: Female
Country: India
Date of Birth: 5 Jul 2000

Jyoti lives with her father and her mother. Her duties at home include carrying water and buying or selling in the market. There are 5 children in the family. Her father occasionally works as a labourer and her mother maintains the home. Due to low income her family struggles to survive.For fun, Jyoti enjoys playing house, hide and seek and playing group games. She attends church activities regularly and is in primary school where she is making steady progress.Your love and support help Jyoti to receive the assistance she needs to develop her potential. Please pray for her.


We'll be going with the basic sponsorship which will cost $44p/month, which is $528 a year.
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this.
For more info..go to
Volunteer for C4K

Want to make a difference in your community? Want to give back to those around you? Then volunteer for Christmas 4 Kids. There are several areas in which you can choose to volunteer for. So put up your hands and volunteer to help out for Christmas 4 Kids today.

To see how to apply for blue card click here
For C4K website click here

Any questions about signing up for C4K, please see Grace Tan

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome Back Leann
Our dear missy Leann Loo is back from her speedy trip to hometown Malaysia to decide and work out final details for her wedding. Praise God for His goodness, we heard her trip was a success. We're glad to have you back in our midst. Your smiles and caring ways were missed. Thank you for being a blessing to NG3. See you on Friday Leann.
Christmas 4 Kids

Dearest NG3,

Sign up for C4K this year to make a difference to bless others in the community as God has blessed you so richly this year in many, many ways. We're all goin to sign up as a family in NG3 this year. All you need is willingness and a blue card. Ask Grace or Jojo for more info about blue card.

Their website is
Happy Birthday
to all those in born in Spring-
September and October


We are holding a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for all those born in these two months

They are Samuel, Daniel, Hannah & Nicole.

God desires His people (that's us) to celebrate His goodness and love always. One of the ways is by showing love and appreciation for someone at birthday. For God's gift of life to our dear brothers and sisters are precious and we should all be part of that celebration together. Let us be there to laugh, to cry, to encourage and to rejoice with them!

For His words says in Romans 12: 15:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice...."

Date: 29th September

Venue: Runcorn Tavern (website)
124 Gowan Rd
Runcorn 4113

Time: 7:00-8:30pm

Dress code: Green + blue (Spring colours)

City Bible Forum

Topic: Jesus hung out to dry


Entrance : FREE

Tuesday 8th September - Bleeding Heart Galleryt, 166 Ann St.
Time: 12:30-1:15pm

Tuesday 15th September - Level 5, Sebel Suites, Cnr of Albert and Charlotte St
Time: 12:30-1:15pm

Synopsis of talk

If you have ever read or even dabbled in the the biographies about Jesus life, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John from the Bible, it quickly becomes obvious that Jesus is in control of any and every situation.

In the midst of religious debate he wins the argument every time.
When confronted by unruly mobs or dangerous spiritual forces they always blink first and he comes out on top.
Even a raging storm, doesn't raise an eyebrow.
Jesus seems to be in control in every situation. Yet he ends up dead, crucified by the Romans as a public criminal.
So, how exactly did he end up the cross?

Did he lose his way?
Did he lose control?
Did he cross someone he really shouldn't have?
Did he overreach himself?

And in the midst of all this, where was the God who he seemed to trust in so much and called others to trust in above all else.
What was going on when Jesus died on the cross?
Was he hung out to dry by God?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Touching Heaven, Touching Deep

Date: Tuesday 8th Sept...thats tonight!
Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm
Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba
Come together to be ministered to & to interceede for your lifegroup & church

Amazing I-Race Update

Hi all,

Amazing I-race is around the corner. Some people may not be familiar with the reality TV show. So I’ve taken the liberty of adding these links

Please bear in mind that these are only examples – we will not be racing around the world, in unfamiliar culture and totally different language.

We will however be going around Brisbane city on foot in a 3-person team completing task for a MAXIMUM of 2 hours.

Starting point will be,+brisbane&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=24.566963,56.513672&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.47477,153.027234&spn=0.011841,0.027595&z=15&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=-27.474637,153.027106&panoid=PeyX6h_069VbHKhdSMAfcw&cbp=12,216.95,,0,3.04

Because that day coincides with River Fire, Brisbane city will be a buzz with activities and that’s one of the reasons for the early start (8.30am) so be punctual, otherwise the race will start without you.

So invite your friends, colleagues, relatives or neighbours (i.e. basically anyone). This will be a great opportunity to forge new friendships and have fun at the same time. For $8, it’s a bargain with food and prizes. With a little bit of agility, team work, communication, powers of observations and tinge of luck, who knows, you’ll may be crowned NewGen 2009 – Amazing Racer of the Year. Wow, just the title alone is a mouthful.



A Letter from Allister...

My daily routine at the Alumina refinery:

Early in the morning, I wake up to a cold air-con room. I set my alarm at 5am, 5.15am and 5.30am for a, before 6am rise. While washing up, turn on the news for SBS news, Skynews and BBC news. Change to my uniform and then leave my room for breakfast. Later take the bus at 6.25am for a 20min ride to the refinery. At the mine site, I have to wear goggles, hard hats and sometimes ear plugs for safety. Go to my office start work at 7am and finish at 3.30pm and that is my day. When I come back to my “bunk”, I will change to my running gear and start running. As hot as it may be, the sweat and pain actually help me not to rely on myself but on God to sustain me throughout each run. It helps keep me alive and refresh. In the weekends, other than going to the church, I would stay in my room watching TV and do some reading.

Hi there, it seems like there are some key events that I have missed i.e. “In His Steps” getaway, bb Nathan Eng arriving into this world and the Aug babes b’days. I am currently living like a hermit now and super-bored but don’t worry, it’s not the first time and I promise I won’t go crazy, haha. I still had the farewell gift you have given me and it is on my table, thanks for that. Whenever I look at it, I would remember the time we have spent early this year, remembering the morning sky and rainbow. Keeps me sane and reminds me that God is always with us no matter where we are. Well I am beginning to miss brissy now but I will be coming back for short stint soon, so wait for my return, cya!

Christmas 4 Kids

Hello NG3,

Do sign up for this event as it's really a blessing to the community of Inala. It's a fun community event for all. If in doubt which department to join, help Grace out with the presents. It's such a joy to see the kids blessed. Everyone can help out, all you need is a blue card. For more info read on...

Here are some old pictures of this event taken by Joel last year.

The annual "Christmas 4 Kids" event organised by Hands of Hope will be held on 5th December this year. The organisers are now recruiting volunteers for the event. For more information about C4K or to sign up as a volunteer, please visit

When: 5th December (Saturday) from 10am to 2pm

Where: Inala State High School, Inala Heights

Please note that a blue card is required in order to serve as a volunteer. Application form can be downloaded from the following website. For those who have a current blue card, please check the expiry date to ensure it will be in date at the time of the event this year. Renewal form can also be downloaded from the website.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's a special Sunday dedicated for all the Dads!
Invite your Dad to church as we celebrate together
appreciate our dads.

Morning Service: 10am
Afternoon Service: 3.30pm
Venue: Steele Building, UQ, St Lucia Campus

Start PRAYING & INVITING your mates to this!

Register now with Suh Chyi for $8 (inc. food, prizes and the Race)

Why i-week?

To reveal authentic relationship in the Christian community
To foster team work between members in a lifegroup
To allow inter friendships to develop between our visitors
To work together to preach the good news

"Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day" Ps 96.2

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:..."Ro 1:16

A HUGE thanks to all...

Hello all,

Thank you for a great getaway. Everyone's effort made a great difference to the getaway.

Thank you Peter & Joel for the great program
Thank you team leaders (Jaevis, Jess, Joel & Hannah) for stepping up to your role in guiding your team
Thanks to Jess for her great effort in the encouragement bowl
Thank you Neekee, Grace, Stephanie, Peter & Jojo for the teaching
Thank you Wei Hoong & Julie for the delicious food
Thank you Suh Chyi & Sara for interceeding for the getaway
Thank you Neekee & Steph for the games & presentation
Thank you Grace for being so efficient with the finance & registration

Here's the link to more of our getaway pictures..


The financial crisis is creating new middle class stress, with more couples and families seeking assistance and Hostel dwellers and people in low cost accommodation need more help.
CityCare has increased services by 40%.

Right now, CityCare needs over 25,000 cans of tinned food and require rice, pastas and long life food.

Start collecting your cans now.
Visit or call 3112 1200 for drop off locations.