Monday, December 22, 2008


Unit Getaway is a time where all of us in NG3 can go away together for a few days-just like Jesus does with His disciples too, to build our unity as a family. This is the time where we can pray, worship, encourage, build team spirit and work together closely.

This year we've chosen the theme 'Running against the wind' because we felt that God wants us, as a unit to arise in the places He's placed us-not just follow the norm but to stand up and be what God called each one of you to be; an ambassador of light for Him. We should not fall into the rut of just being a follower, using up the resources God's given to us to relax and pursue selfish gains but to arise in leadership wherever we are and influence people for God.

For those that are coming along this year, prepare yourselves in prayer and expectation, believing that God will speak clearly to you and that deeper friendships will be formed through this time away. For those who can't join us this year, we hope you can the next year. And do pray for us too.

I look forward to the getaway excitedly and the result it'll bring into our family in NG3

Love in Christ,


Please continue praying for the committee as below as they finalise their duties and pray for unity to be built as we work together in blessing each other.

Jojo, Peter & Neekee - Teaching/Sharing
Peter - Marketing
Allister - Program + Venue
Suh Chyi - Registration
Leann & Sara - Food
Joel - Games
Stephanie - P & W
Ming - Appreciation Gifts
Jaevis - Logistics

3 SPOTS left - Please approach SUH CHYI for registration.