Monday, December 29, 2008


Whether you have decided, or are still struggling, to attend the Oceania Convention ~ Empower in Melbourne next year or not - the following sharing from Ps Ian is something that you do not want to miss! May it brings inspiration and motivation to you as you plan for the year of 2009:

EMPOWER! Are we really power hungry mortals? Well, yes and no.

The truth is that we are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. And He tells us that He wants to change us from being ordinary people to being extraordinary sons and daughters in His huge family. Not only that. He wants to adopt many more children into His family with our help. Let me repeat, WITH OUR HELP. The problem is that our help is not much good because we are ordinary people.

So yes, we do want power so we can be much more effective in helping to add more children into God’s family and in helping them to be changed from ordinary people to extraordinary sons and daughters of the living God. We don’t want power for selfish reasons. We want power because we love God and want to see His purpose achieved.

The Bible says that we shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. That power will enable us to be effective witnesses and good people. This Oceania Convention is all about learning how we can really move in the power of the Holy Spirit. There will be lots of teaching – Oh yes! And lots of fun and opportunity to begin to put into practice what you have learned and it need not stop there. The foundation will be laid so you can go on from strength to strength, day by day. This is a time to be equipped to help you in every aspect of your life so you will never be the same again. Don’t miss it!

See you there
Ps Ian

© Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved to Hope Christian Church Melbourne
Let's say a prayer today and ask God to lead you in making the right decision. Do ask around among the NG 3 people and leaders of their experiences in attending the past year OC.
Conference Starts: 10th April 2009 7:00pm
Registration Starts: 1st December 2008 2:00pm
Conference Closes: 13th April 2009 2:00pm

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