Monday, December 15, 2008


Praise God for the wonderful testimony of Jaevis during last Sunday Service. It is indeed a joy to see how God’s love and salvation can transform a life. Pray that his testimony would help to encourage more people to seek refuge in God and to learn and trust God that everything happens in His perfect timing.

Good morning Church! My name is Jaevis and I am from the very vibrant New Generation 3!

This morning, I would like to share with you on how our Lord, in spite of all my sins and weaknesses, has still looked on me with love and helped me time and again, even though at times, I thought He has forsaken me and I drew away from Him.

I have been a career driven person for most part of the last 10 years. I thrive on challenges and strive to excel in my professional undertakings. For the last few years, I manage a group of companies in the sports industry. My job is both demanding and draining. I work long hours and barely have much time to socialise.

It was through a series of events and a close friend that I started reflecting on my purpose in life. Through God’s intervention, I came to know this church and the life group I am currently enjoying my fellowship with.

After much pondering, I decided to give up my job and seek to take a step down from the corporate world. I prayed about my decision and it seemed to me that God was allowing me to make a choice and I trust God will provide for my financial situation. I wish to free up more time, to have better work life balance, and to devote more time seeking God. Some of my family and friends were astounded by my decision but nonetheless, amidst contradicting comments, both encouraging and dampening, I tendered my resignation in April this year without yet finding a new job. I feel I would be disappointing my employer if I were to have found a new job first and then resign.

My company offered me better terms in order to retain me, which I politely declined. To my amazement, even though they could not retain me, they offered me to stay on with them for as long as I want or until I find a new job. Thank God! I am still getting an income while searching for a job. How good is that?

So I started applying for jobs and after many unsuccessful applications, I started doubting myself, my own capabilities and God. I asked God... “Where are you leading me? Why have you allowed me to leave my job but yet not open up new doors for me?” As days grew into weeks and into months, I got dejected. I felt God has forsaken me. I stopped going for weekly life groups and stopped attending church, I was withdrawing from my spiritual food source. However, I’m glad I did not stop praying.

8 months after I tendered my resignation, about 2 weeks ago, I received my first invitation to an interview. I was excited. It sparked a new hope in me. This is a job with the Queensland government. I was told I will be sent an interview task at 5pm prior to the day of the interview. I was to prepare and conduct a presentation during the interview. I waited with anticipation and on that day at 5pm, I received the email. I was supposed to receive 2 files but unfortunately, one of the file bounced and I failed to receive it.

It was not until late morning the next day that I finally received the other file, which was an elaborate spreadsheet full of financial figures. How am I supposed to prepare a presentation on a spreadsheet full of numbers when I do not have time to dissect and absorb the information? I was at my wits end. In my desperation, I turned to God and prayed.

Just to give a bit of background on my spiritual foundation. Early this year, about 10 months ago, I accepted Christ. However, as a relatively new believer, my walk with God has not always been close or faithful. I struggle with handing over the reins of my life to God. My work environment has always placed me in a leadership role and I have always taken control of situations. However, in this instance, I have no control.

I decided to trust God and instead of trying to make sense of all those numbers in that spreadsheet, I switched off my computer, took a shower and prayed.

When I got to there, I told the interview panel I do not require the projector for my presentation. I told them I do not have a presentation file. There was a brief silence in the room. Even though I thought I was going through the worst interview of my life, I felt God was there with me and gave me the right answers to all the questions that were thrown at me. I was flustered but yet I felt focused.

At this present moment, I am still with my current company and I am undergoing criminal history check for that worst interview I had. Apparently, I should be offered the job after this criminal history check. Thank God!

I am not going to anticipate what God has in store for me, but if this is indeed His divine plan, I am sure I will be offered the job.

I do not yet know God’s purpose in me and I am still seeking. However, I do know one thing. I now seek to let work be part of my life, and not let life be part of my work and it should all revolve around God.

With that, I would like to share 2 verses.

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

From this, I learnt not to cut off my spiritual food source. I should maintain and welcome the support from my life group and church fellowship in dire times and not to withdraw from them.

Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Trust the Lord for He is walking beside you all this while. He hears you but you might not have grown accustom to sense His presence or to hear Him yet.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...


Your testimony blesses me so much...

Faith despite . . . .

New Generation 3 said...

Yeah....if you are going through a hard time today, if things look impossible, don’t give up now. Change your perspective and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Waiting isn't a waste of time, but an opportunity to grow our character. When the wait feels impossible try to focus on building patience and our relationship with Jesus, rather than fretting. Remember that God provides the ability to endure when we willingly yield to His strength training process. When all is said and done, you’re not just going to come out of that difficulty, but you’re coming out stronger, wiser, and better than you were before! That problem is going to be the catalyst for God to open supernatural doors of opportunity for you!