Monday, December 29, 2008


Dear everyone,

Our Unit Getaway is coming up this Monday!!
Please take a moment each day to pray through the following points.
Prayer is going to make a big difference as we commit the whole event into God's sovereign care:

1. Perfect weather for the full 3 days, sunny yet cool and breezy
2. God's presence to be there
3. That all will be humble in heart, ready to learn from God and from each other.

Lets really come with intention on Monday.... the intention to get connected with God and with the nature that He has created all around us.

Yours in-Christ,

It is also our prayer that those who are staying in Brisbane will find refreshment and rest in God throughout the break - that as we meet again in Life Group we will be able to minister to one another through our encounter with God. Should you have time during the week, feel free to visit the brothes and sisters in the campsite at the following address. You are more than welcomed!


Whether you have decided, or are still struggling, to attend the Oceania Convention ~ Empower in Melbourne next year or not - the following sharing from Ps Ian is something that you do not want to miss! May it brings inspiration and motivation to you as you plan for the year of 2009:

EMPOWER! Are we really power hungry mortals? Well, yes and no.

The truth is that we are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. And He tells us that He wants to change us from being ordinary people to being extraordinary sons and daughters in His huge family. Not only that. He wants to adopt many more children into His family with our help. Let me repeat, WITH OUR HELP. The problem is that our help is not much good because we are ordinary people.

So yes, we do want power so we can be much more effective in helping to add more children into God’s family and in helping them to be changed from ordinary people to extraordinary sons and daughters of the living God. We don’t want power for selfish reasons. We want power because we love God and want to see His purpose achieved.

The Bible says that we shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. That power will enable us to be effective witnesses and good people. This Oceania Convention is all about learning how we can really move in the power of the Holy Spirit. There will be lots of teaching – Oh yes! And lots of fun and opportunity to begin to put into practice what you have learned and it need not stop there. The foundation will be laid so you can go on from strength to strength, day by day. This is a time to be equipped to help you in every aspect of your life so you will never be the same again. Don’t miss it!

See you there
Ps Ian

© Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved to Hope Christian Church Melbourne
Let's say a prayer today and ask God to lead you in making the right decision. Do ask around among the NG 3 people and leaders of their experiences in attending the past year OC.
Conference Starts: 10th April 2009 7:00pm
Registration Starts: 1st December 2008 2:00pm
Conference Closes: 13th April 2009 2:00pm

Monday, December 22, 2008


Unit Getaway is a time where all of us in NG3 can go away together for a few days-just like Jesus does with His disciples too, to build our unity as a family. This is the time where we can pray, worship, encourage, build team spirit and work together closely.

This year we've chosen the theme 'Running against the wind' because we felt that God wants us, as a unit to arise in the places He's placed us-not just follow the norm but to stand up and be what God called each one of you to be; an ambassador of light for Him. We should not fall into the rut of just being a follower, using up the resources God's given to us to relax and pursue selfish gains but to arise in leadership wherever we are and influence people for God.

For those that are coming along this year, prepare yourselves in prayer and expectation, believing that God will speak clearly to you and that deeper friendships will be formed through this time away. For those who can't join us this year, we hope you can the next year. And do pray for us too.

I look forward to the getaway excitedly and the result it'll bring into our family in NG3

Love in Christ,


Please continue praying for the committee as below as they finalise their duties and pray for unity to be built as we work together in blessing each other.

Jojo, Peter & Neekee - Teaching/Sharing
Peter - Marketing
Allister - Program + Venue
Suh Chyi - Registration
Leann & Sara - Food
Joel - Games
Stephanie - P & W
Ming - Appreciation Gifts
Jaevis - Logistics

3 SPOTS left - Please approach SUH CHYI for registration.


No LG on 26th December - Feel free to organise fellowship dinner or lunch with one another.


Photos taken during Nancy's Farewell are now uploaded to our NG 3 online album and ready to be viewed. Click on the following link or go to the LINKS section on the right hand menu for viewing or downloading. Let's continue keeping Nancy in our prayers as we enjoy the photos of a wonderful journey with her.

Monday, December 15, 2008


It has been a fruitful NG3 Christmas BBQ celebration. A total of 26 of us attended this wonderful event. The day started off with a BBQ, specially prepared by our very own NG chef Don & Alex. After the sumptuous meal, we headed off to the field for an exciting game organised by our brother Jaevis.

A special Christmas performance was later presented by ‘NG3 superstars’ Nancy, Jojo and Peter, which got the crowd pumping! Jojo also shared about the meaning behind the Christmas season.

The day ended with the exchange of gifts that brought many laughter and smiles as well as encouragement to one another. A big thank you to the organizing committee that made this Christmas special and to all that came, your presence made the day even more memorable.

Plz click on the flowing link to check out photos. Enjoy your good looking pictures and may they bring you wonderful memories of laughter and fellowship. If you would like higher resolution photos, please do not hesitate to contact Leann


Unit Getaway Coming Soon…

Prayer points for our incoming Unit Getaway:

1. Perfect weather for the full 3 days, sunny yet breezy
2. God's presence to be there
3. Humble heart to learn from each other and from God

Let’s believe this will be a great time of getting away from work and from busyness of life to get connected to God and the nature He created for us.


"The Gift of Christmas" will feature Christmas carols, live band, and a special Christmas message...

When: 21st December, this Sunday from 10am to 12.30pm
9.10am Prayer Meeting
9.30am Coffee Break
10am Christmas Service

Where: Steele Building LT, UQ (St Lucia)

Invite your friends & family to join us and celebrate this joyous occasion!


Praise God for the wonderful testimony of Jaevis during last Sunday Service. It is indeed a joy to see how God’s love and salvation can transform a life. Pray that his testimony would help to encourage more people to seek refuge in God and to learn and trust God that everything happens in His perfect timing.

Good morning Church! My name is Jaevis and I am from the very vibrant New Generation 3!

This morning, I would like to share with you on how our Lord, in spite of all my sins and weaknesses, has still looked on me with love and helped me time and again, even though at times, I thought He has forsaken me and I drew away from Him.

I have been a career driven person for most part of the last 10 years. I thrive on challenges and strive to excel in my professional undertakings. For the last few years, I manage a group of companies in the sports industry. My job is both demanding and draining. I work long hours and barely have much time to socialise.

It was through a series of events and a close friend that I started reflecting on my purpose in life. Through God’s intervention, I came to know this church and the life group I am currently enjoying my fellowship with.

After much pondering, I decided to give up my job and seek to take a step down from the corporate world. I prayed about my decision and it seemed to me that God was allowing me to make a choice and I trust God will provide for my financial situation. I wish to free up more time, to have better work life balance, and to devote more time seeking God. Some of my family and friends were astounded by my decision but nonetheless, amidst contradicting comments, both encouraging and dampening, I tendered my resignation in April this year without yet finding a new job. I feel I would be disappointing my employer if I were to have found a new job first and then resign.

My company offered me better terms in order to retain me, which I politely declined. To my amazement, even though they could not retain me, they offered me to stay on with them for as long as I want or until I find a new job. Thank God! I am still getting an income while searching for a job. How good is that?

So I started applying for jobs and after many unsuccessful applications, I started doubting myself, my own capabilities and God. I asked God... “Where are you leading me? Why have you allowed me to leave my job but yet not open up new doors for me?” As days grew into weeks and into months, I got dejected. I felt God has forsaken me. I stopped going for weekly life groups and stopped attending church, I was withdrawing from my spiritual food source. However, I’m glad I did not stop praying.

8 months after I tendered my resignation, about 2 weeks ago, I received my first invitation to an interview. I was excited. It sparked a new hope in me. This is a job with the Queensland government. I was told I will be sent an interview task at 5pm prior to the day of the interview. I was to prepare and conduct a presentation during the interview. I waited with anticipation and on that day at 5pm, I received the email. I was supposed to receive 2 files but unfortunately, one of the file bounced and I failed to receive it.

It was not until late morning the next day that I finally received the other file, which was an elaborate spreadsheet full of financial figures. How am I supposed to prepare a presentation on a spreadsheet full of numbers when I do not have time to dissect and absorb the information? I was at my wits end. In my desperation, I turned to God and prayed.

Just to give a bit of background on my spiritual foundation. Early this year, about 10 months ago, I accepted Christ. However, as a relatively new believer, my walk with God has not always been close or faithful. I struggle with handing over the reins of my life to God. My work environment has always placed me in a leadership role and I have always taken control of situations. However, in this instance, I have no control.

I decided to trust God and instead of trying to make sense of all those numbers in that spreadsheet, I switched off my computer, took a shower and prayed.

When I got to there, I told the interview panel I do not require the projector for my presentation. I told them I do not have a presentation file. There was a brief silence in the room. Even though I thought I was going through the worst interview of my life, I felt God was there with me and gave me the right answers to all the questions that were thrown at me. I was flustered but yet I felt focused.

At this present moment, I am still with my current company and I am undergoing criminal history check for that worst interview I had. Apparently, I should be offered the job after this criminal history check. Thank God!

I am not going to anticipate what God has in store for me, but if this is indeed His divine plan, I am sure I will be offered the job.

I do not yet know God’s purpose in me and I am still seeking. However, I do know one thing. I now seek to let work be part of my life, and not let life be part of my work and it should all revolve around God.

With that, I would like to share 2 verses.

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

From this, I learnt not to cut off my spiritual food source. I should maintain and welcome the support from my life group and church fellowship in dire times and not to withdraw from them.

Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Trust the Lord for He is walking beside you all this while. He hears you but you might not have grown accustom to sense His presence or to hear Him yet.

Thank you.


Some photos taken during the NG Christmas Party are now uploaded to our NG 3 online album and ready to be viewed. Click on the following link or go to the LINKS section on the right hand menu to check out some newly uploaded 2008 Birthday Highlights photos too. Enjoy your good-looking pictures and may they bring you wonderful memories of the laughter and fellowship we shared.

For those who have taken pictures on the night, please feel free to upload pictures to our web album and approach Leann for the logon details.

Monday, December 8, 2008


A Message from 3.3:
We are almost at the end of 2008 and I’d like us to use this opportunity to bring a little bit of HEAVEN to the “unchurched” around us.

With NG3 Christmas event: Refresh, this is a great chance to do a little of salting and lighting in people’s life. Imagine meeting these souls one day in heaven and they walk up to you and say, “Hey, you were the one that invited me to NG3 Christmas BBQ and that was the start of my introduction to God, His people and His community”. Might sound a little corny but if it’s true, it’ll be worth it…and as for those afraid of outright evangelism, this is the perfect excuse to exercise “friendship” evangelism…
Remember William Borden story ( ->No reserves-> No retreats->No regrets.

Summary of the details:
Start : 9.30am.
Venue : Underwood Park – near the pavilion (Underwood Road, Rochedale) – refer to map for details
Highlights : Secret santa gift exchange, Ice breakers, Light BBQ meals, special performance

Prayer point:
Remember be refreshed and bring a little of that living water that God has poured so much of; into the lives of those around you. But for now, we learn to extend an invitation – an invitation for visitors to see God’s family in action.

Any questions/ideas/comments, please feel free to speak to Neekee.

Organising committee
Organiser : Neekee
Program : Stephanie and Julie
Games : Jaevis Chen
Décor : SuhChyi and Ming
Food : Alex, Sharon and Don

Draft program (subject to change)
0930 hrs – Arrival
1000 hrs – Icebreaker
1020 hrs – Free and easy
1100 hrs – Performance
1120 hrs – Gift exchange
1200 hrs – Pack up


Theme: Running against the Wind
Highlights to be expected:
Sunrise, Sunset, BBQ, Steamboat, Games by the beach & a Fun Time get-together running against the wind
Register early to avoid disappointment - now OPEN until this Sunday - please contact Suh Chyi


Our beloved NG 3 family member, Nancy, is going back to India after graduation this weekend. As a token of appreciation for her dearly friendships to us and a celebration to her academic victory, a Farewell Party is held for Nancy this week:

Date: 12th December (Friday)
Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: 66 Nursery Ave, Runcorn

Every member is encouraged to bring-a-dish and come along with a gift and word to share with Nancy.

'...You had become so dear to us.' ~ 1 Thess. 2:8


Blessed birthday to Jaevis! We praise God for the time of joy we shared last Friday in celebrating Jaevis’ birthday together with him in LG followed by a supper at Malaya Corner. Many hearts rejoiced with him in the good things God has done in and through him. May the Lord continue to bless and keep him in his walk with God.
Praise the Lord…who satisfies your desires with good things. Ps. 103: 2,5

Monday, December 1, 2008



When: 6th December (This Saturday) from 10.30am to 2.30pm
All volunteers are required to arrive by 7.30am
Where: Inala State School Oval, Corner of Glenala and Hampton Streets, Inala

Check-in: Near playground of Inala State School


Blue card, water bottle, Hands of Hope Shirt (can be purchased on the spot), sun protection (hat, sunscreen), indemnity form (if you have not submitted yours) and your heart-melting Smiles
For those who are interested in supporting C4K via donation, please feel free to donate online:


E-Invitation will be sent to you very soon for invitation to your colleagues and friends.