Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hi all,
I read this in a book entitled “50 marathon in 50 days” - that struck a chord with me. The activity the author (Dean Karnazes) described below is running but the activity can be serving, hospitality, praise and worship, church, discussion leading and almost anything we serve in right now.

“Motivation and passion are somewhat different. Passion is an overwhelming love for the experience of a favourite activity. Motivation is a drive to engage in an activity based on some reward the activity offers beyond the simple enjoyment of the experience itself. When you have great passion for running, or anything else, you don’t need any extra motivation. But motivation without passion can only take you so far.

Non-runners become runners by developing a passion for running. But runners often take their running in directions that distance them from the source of their passion. Trading the simple joy of running for a focus on competition is the classic scenario. I seldom feel burned out on running. When I do, it’s usually when I devote an extended period of time to training for a specific event. I start to view my runs not as adventures but simply as exercises necessary to achieve my race goal. While I am highly motivated to reap the benefits of my workouts and attain my race goal, I steadily lose my passion for running; once the passion ebbs beyond a certain point, the motivation soon follows, and I enter a state of burnout.”

So I found myself asking a number of questions when I read this.
“Where is my passion right now?”
“Am I just passing time and got caught up in the routine I call Life?”
“Am I loving God more and more each day or at least trying?“.

You see, we can’t wait till LG or church or when rostered on duty to meet God - that’s motivation... Its gotta be more basic than that and a conscious decision, a daily back-to-basics of quieting our spirit and saying:-
“God, I have many other things to do now but I’m just going at sit at your feet and sing a (love) song or read a book and learn to be still before you.”
That’s passion. Passion is about re-learning to be a child of God and not worrying about the goal but sitting at His feet. The activity may not matter, it’s the condition or the attitude of the heart that really matters.

Learn to go back to our first love – Love for God. The other part – Love for People will follow. Get it the wrong way round and when people waver or disappoint us, we will waver, be stressed, crumble and lose motivation.

What will we be passionate about today... ...this week .... the rest of our life?

Loving all of you,

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