Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I want to praise God for such a refreshing time of praise & worship at LG last week. God really moved and blessed many hearts that were discouraged. The last worship songs especially has very meaningful words ('What faith can do' by Kultess - youtube link ). It is indeed the reason why we gather together to worship God, for when 2 or more are gathered together there His presence will be.
We attended Torchie's and Lisa's wedding over the weekend. It really reminded me of how wonderful love between a man and a woman can be when we have God in the centre of our relationship. The couple trully showed how trusting God and placing Him first can bring about His blessings in ways we cannot fathom or imagine. I hope all of you who are in a relationship, will continue to trust God and honour Him in your relationship with your partners.
Ok all, have a beautiful week ahead and know that God is right beside you!!


Please pray for Leann's CPA which is on tomorrow and

Julie's which is on 1st November.

Both girls covet your prayers for wisdom, good memory & good health

taken from here



We live in such a hurried, rushed, busy society. We live in the day of express check out shopping and drive through dinners. We don’t like to stop, we don’t like to wait, we don’t like being still. We feel unproductive if we are not doing 3 things at once; at least I do. Within any given hour of the day I am a nurse, counselor, cook, chef, taxi driver and my list goes on. And on top of being the mom, wife & friend I need to make time in my day for the Lord. Surely he understands how busy I am! After all, he made me a mom, wife & friend. Does he really expect me to have time for him too? ABSOLUTELY!

Why should we spend time with God?
Jesus did it!
As Christian moms, we are called to follow the example of Jesus Christ in all area’s of our life and even Jesus stopped at times and drew away from the crowds to pray and find rest.
Mark 6:31 – “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
I think this is one of my favorite verses in the New Testament. I read this as a personal invitation from Jesus to come with him and rest. He knew that our rest is only found in him. He understood the importance of stopping and drawing away for rest and solitude. He understood the importance of prayer and he was Jesus Christ! If he did it, we should too!

Be Prepared
. When we read, study & meditate on the Word of God we are better prepared for what God has in store for us that day. Let me be clear, when you spend time with God it won’t change what happens in your day, it changes the way you react to what happens. Think about a soldier. How does he prepare for battle? He doesn’t walk onto the battle field in his blue jeans, t-shirt and baseball cap. He has special equipment that he puts on because he knows that once on the battlefield his chances of survival are much greater fully armored than if he had no gear on at all. He prepares himself.
Ephesians 6:13-18, “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. (The Message)
We are in a battle everyday! Our husbands and children are not the enemy though you may feel like it at times. Satan is the enemy and he wants our families to fail.
John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.”

Renew our minds.
Ephesians 4:23- “let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”
We face so much negativity in our day. We need our mind renewed in the things of God. We need to be reminded daily of His promises to us and we need his wisdom to fill our minds so that we can be the moms that God has called us to be. We need to be renewed in the truth that in spite of all the bad that is going on around us, God is right and true and holy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NG3 Unit Getaway,
to go or not to go, that is the question...

encounter with God

stay and wake up in a new place

enjoy the great outdoors with friends
Date for registration has been extended!!

Register with Julie

Date: 5-7th November

Venue: Noosa Caravan Park

Accommodation types: Tents or Cabins


by Focus on the Family Singapore on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 7:10pm
Many marriages following the honeymoon lose the wind in their romantic sails, and wallow in the doldrums for months and even years.

Sailors in the days of wooden ships and sails feared pirates and storms. But their greatest fear was that their ship might encounter the doldrums. The doldrums was an area of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms and light shifting winds. It meant almost certain death for the entire crew of sailors. The ship's food and water would often run out as it wandered aimlessly for days and even weeks, waiting for a strong breeze to blow them back on course.

Well, marriages that were once exciting and loving can also get caught in the romantic doldrums, causing a slow and painful death to the relationship. Author Doug Fields in his book “Creative Romance” writes, "Dating and romancing your spouse can change those patterns, and can be a lot of fun. There's no quick fix to a sour marriage, of course, but lay aside the excuses and begin to date your sweetheart again."

Allow new breezes to fill the sails of your relationship. It'll take a conscious effort, but be creative. How about breakfast in bed? A kiss in the rain? Or re-reading those old love letters again? The honeymoon need not be a one-time experience.


Joan Foo - a passionate prayer warrior and worshipper of God, mother of 2 and leader of the working adults group in Hope Church Brisbane is coming to share an inspiring message at our LG on the 29th of October. She will share of how to be refreshed by God again.
Joan is also a pharmasist and works part time at a hospital. With all this going on for her, she is still putting God first in her life and her life has thus inspire many other men & women.
Come and be inspired!

Date: 29th October

Time: 7-9:30pm

Venue: Suh Chyi's place

Hi all,
I read this in a book entitled “50 marathon in 50 days” - that struck a chord with me. The activity the author (Dean Karnazes) described below is running but the activity can be serving, hospitality, praise and worship, church, discussion leading and almost anything we serve in right now.

“Motivation and passion are somewhat different. Passion is an overwhelming love for the experience of a favourite activity. Motivation is a drive to engage in an activity based on some reward the activity offers beyond the simple enjoyment of the experience itself. When you have great passion for running, or anything else, you don’t need any extra motivation. But motivation without passion can only take you so far.

Non-runners become runners by developing a passion for running. But runners often take their running in directions that distance them from the source of their passion. Trading the simple joy of running for a focus on competition is the classic scenario. I seldom feel burned out on running. When I do, it’s usually when I devote an extended period of time to training for a specific event. I start to view my runs not as adventures but simply as exercises necessary to achieve my race goal. While I am highly motivated to reap the benefits of my workouts and attain my race goal, I steadily lose my passion for running; once the passion ebbs beyond a certain point, the motivation soon follows, and I enter a state of burnout.”

So I found myself asking a number of questions when I read this.
“Where is my passion right now?”
“Am I just passing time and got caught up in the routine I call Life?”
“Am I loving God more and more each day or at least trying?“.

You see, we can’t wait till LG or church or when rostered on duty to meet God - that’s motivation... Its gotta be more basic than that and a conscious decision, a daily back-to-basics of quieting our spirit and saying:-
“God, I have many other things to do now but I’m just going at sit at your feet and sing a (love) song or read a book and learn to be still before you.”
That’s passion. Passion is about re-learning to be a child of God and not worrying about the goal but sitting at His feet. The activity may not matter, it’s the condition or the attitude of the heart that really matters.

Learn to go back to our first love – Love for God. The other part – Love for People will follow. Get it the wrong way round and when people waver or disappoint us, we will waver, be stressed, crumble and lose motivation.

What will we be passionate about today... ...this week .... the rest of our life?

Loving all of you,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

LG is back ON!

Let's come together to celebrate and share God's goodness together by worshipping together and reading His word together.
Touching Heaven, Touching Deep
-new format, fresh annointing-

Date: Tuesday 12th Oct...thats tonight!
Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm
Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba
Come together to be ministered to & to interceede for your lifegroup & church


finalised date: 5-7th November
venue: Noosa Caravan Park

So far we have 10 people coming! The more the merrier. Sign up with Julie is you're interested.

Prices are for an adult for 2 nights (incl meals and accommodation):

Deluxe Villa: $93 (Price for 4 person sharing one villa) or

Power Camp Site (Tent): $50 (Price for 4 people sharing one tent site)note:

  • All units except camp sites have air-conditioning, shower, and toilet facilities
  • there is a swimming pool on-site,
  • a river is just at short driving distance away.

Monday, October 4, 2010



This week we're coming together for a time of worship. Let's be excited and look forward to see God move in your life as we give Him all the honour.

"Worship is our heart devotion to our Lord & Saviour, to fear & to revere Him, in view of His grace upon our lives." Darlene Zschech

8th Oct (This Friday) @ 7.30pm-9.30pm

Queen Alexandra Home Community Centre
347 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo

We have 3 couples celebrating their wedding anniversary this month. Praise God for His companionship with them as they have learnt to love and inspire each other.
Go Ronald!

Our brother Ronald is on the verge of finishing his pHd - 95%. Wow, how exciting is that. It's been a long journey and isn't it great when the journey ends with success. So please pray for him to continue to press on and everything goes favourable with his presentation and assessment.

God be with you brother all the way!

Want to bring the love & grace of Christ you have experienced to others? Why not join our weekly evangelism?

When: Every Monday @ 5.30-7pm
(except for the first Monday of the month)

Where: King George Square, City
Contact: Simon Au simonau111@gmail.com



Believe : "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

Confess : The Bible says that we have all sinned and fell short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9

Repent : “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” Acts 3:19

Pray : Dear Lord Jesus,I believe You are the Son of God. I believe you died for me on the cross and rose from the dead for me and for my sins. I admit that I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. Please forgive me of all the sins I have committed. Come into my heart. I give you my life. I receive You now as my Savior, my Lord, and my God. I am Yours forever, and I will serve You and follow You the rest of my days. Amen!

Relationship : Develop a relationship with God by spending time reading the Bible and praying to God. Attend a Bible-based church and gather with fellow Christians to develop your faith and trust in God.