Monday, August 2, 2010


Click here to view this Youtube clip.

People are dying everyday and going to Hell. Christians have a responsibility to reach them with the Gospel. Evangelism is not a spiritual gift, it is a command from God!!
Sometimes sharing our faith can be as simple as asking a friend to church or life group. It’s a great starting point. This week challenge yourself to pray for your unchurched friends or family members. Seek God's miracles in their lives. As you pray and step out of your comfort zone to invite your friends out of faith & love for Christ, God will do the work in them.
Do not let this golden opportunity passes you by! The Church has done what is needed to prepare an avenue for your friends with a series of new-visitor-friendly programs, i.e. performance, multimedia clips, etc, now let US do our part in inviting friends to the Freedom Month Sunday Service this Sunday.
Are you a frequent FB user? If you are, try flicking an invitation to your friends via Facebook Event. It's as easy as moving your fingers!

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