Monday, August 2, 2010


Today, I want to share about my journey with God. Remember the first time I heard about God was when I was about 10 years old. At that time, I thought that God is just one kind of gods, just like Budda and Ala. I didn't know anything about Him and I just pray when I really needed something from Him. So, I felt bored and disappointed very quickly. Finally, I chose to give up believing in God.
Last year, I came to Australia for my study and went to a Life Group with my friends. I believe that everyone has a chance to go back to God and form a relationship with Him, and that was a second chance God has given to me. I listened to the worship and thought about what Jesus had done for me. I realised that I should not sin anymore, I need to go back to God and serve Him for the sacrifice of Jesus. That day I accepted Christ into my life as my personal Saviour.
After I became a Christian, I saw a lot of change in me, such as my attitude towards my parents and my positive attitude in facing difficulties. However, I still didn't feel that my relationship with God is close. I just believed in Him because I chose to believe. I didn't believe in Him by my heart and sometimes I will even doubt that if He will really hear my prayer and help me. When I faced some difficulties, I will complain that why He will let these bad things to bother me. For me, He was just God, just the person who we praise and believe in. Christian seems just a title for me.

God changed me when I attended the Oceania convention, I felt very thankful of God's love. He led me to see some of my sins and let me know that what kind of God He is. I learnt a lot of things about God from different pastors, sisters and brothers. I believe that was God's voice. I listened to Him and can feel His love. I realised that I should build up my relationship with God with my heart, and not just with my knowledge. Last year, God gave me a chance to return to Him. I think this time is he gave me another chance to believe in Him fully.
From that time, I love God with my heart and I try to do all things in God’s will. I join the Ushering team and I am excited to try different ways to learn more about God and the Bible. Now, I find my relationship with God is much closer as I believe God is with me anytime and anywhere I go.
The most important thing that God has given me is faith, the faith in the one and only God, the faith of what I believe is true and the faith that God is with me. Here, I want to thank my life group family. They always give me encouragement and help to build up my faith strongly. I love my life group and our church. I want to keep serving God with my faith in the future.
I love to share this verse with you: In Matthew 9:2 Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”
If we choose to believe in God and repent, our sins will be forgiven and we will have eternal life in Him. Let us believe in this Mighty God and serve Him with our faith. Thank you.

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