Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hello all!! This is going to be a short blog as everyone is taking a break,with the focus on Christmas and then New Year. Everyone enjoyed Christmas and now that it's over, everyone seems to be just cruising and enjoying the holidays...looking forward to the next celebration - 2011.

So what has everyone been up to lately?
Some of us are re-looking at our budgets!
Some of us became handyman around the house.
Some of us went to Bundaberg, some to Gold Coast.
Some of us got into accidents. Thank God no one was hurt.
Some of us have to cancel our camping trip, which is a pity when so much has been planned. Some of us get into indoor activities like making dumplings and mooncake.
While others plan for picnic gatherings and yum cha.

In all we're doing, know that the Holy Spirit is in our midst, searching our hearts and waiting for us to tap into His power and anointing. So don't forget Him but listen to His gentle promptings, guiding & leading you to adventures in our sometimes mundane lives. It can be sharing a story to your neighbour, being gracious to your spouse, helping a friend or just thanking God for who you are....know that He is with you.

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year on Saturday!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Bible shows us many examples of how we should love our family members, whether they are good or they are bad to us. For example, Joseph showed forgiveness and love to his brothers who wanted to hurt him and Ruth showed great kindness to her mother-in-law though at that point she had lost her husband & was not obligated to do so.
That's the same for all of us who knows and follows Christ.


God wants us too, to learn and grow in loving the family He has given to us. For He has thought it through before He allowed us to be born into a family and it was not an accident we have been placed into this particular family. So hopefully the article below gives you some tips to love your family more in the coming new year.

How to L.O.V.E Your Family By Mac McIntire


Listen unconditionally
. Clear your mind of any judgments or preconceived notions you may have about the person or their ideas. Hear them out fully before drawing conclusions or taking action.

Overlook flaws and faults
. Look for the good in people. Most of us only see the exceptions, the discrepancies, the negatives. It is much more difficult to notice the every day and routine successes people achieve. Too often we take for granted their good behaviors and only point out the bad. You need to "catch people doing things right."

Voice your approval on a regular basis
. Your family members need to be acknowledged. They need recognition and reinforcement. They need to know they are valued and what they do is good. No matter how long a couple has been married or how old one becomes, we all still covet the approval of our spouse, children , friends, and, yes, even our mothers. It motivates us when we know what we do meets the approval of others.

Extend yourself by spending
time and showing interest. There is no greater motivator of people, whether our spouse or our children, than to spend quality time with them. Spend time with your family. Go to where they are. Talk on their level. Show interest in what they are doing and how they are doing it. Find out what is important to them and take a genuine interest in it. Ask meaningful questions. Listen to the answers and respond appropriately. Focus only on them. Don't have somewhere else to go. There is nothing you could do that is more important than talking to your family.

Christmas is around the corner and holidays are anticipated too. Some of us look forward to the celebrations but some are just eager for a good break after a long hard year of work. Whatever you may be looking forward to, remember to plan this holiday season so that you make it count. Plan it so that you have time for yourself, your family and also God most importantly. Plan to enjoy and Enjoy your planning!

Don't let the days go by by sitting in front of the television and loitering around shopping malls. For it is biblical to plan for God as God praised the diligent women in Proverbs 31 where it says "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness" and He also shows us in many ways that He Himself plans to do what He plans - for example buiding the temple, raising up kings and seeing the Great Commission fulfilled.


We hope everyone that attended the party enjoyed themselves tremendously. It was truly a blessed day as God held back the rain and brought us many new friends on the day. Everyone chipped to make the day a wonderful event with lots of people bringing sumptous food - the two worth mentioning are Suh Chyi Orange Glazed ham and Daniel/ Yee Yee's Watermelon Basket! Then we have the beautiful performance of the song "Mele Kalikimaka" by Peter & Leann which kick started the night with a bang. Joel, Leann & Jennifer decorated the shed to look like a paradise island while Ruth blessed the children with her yummy good bag. We also have Yee Yee & Daniel leading us in a fun game of Carols Pictionary while Steph hosted the whole party with her joyful flair.

Lots of new friendships were made, and the gospel was also shared throughout the night. I believe many people were blessed that night and have come to see the joy of Christmas a bit more. Above all, we thank God for His presence with us, helping all things go well!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

taken from here

When I make a healthy decision about my life – what I eat, the way I set my schedule, the thoughts I choose to dwell on – I see this as an act of worship to God.


He is, after all, the Creator of all things, my body and my soul included. Wouldn’t He be pleased if I try to take care of it well?
This isn’t to say that everyone who is healthy is doing so as an act of worship (though I suspect God is probably pleased across the board – whether or not we acknowledge Him). And it’s certainly not to say that those who are unhealthy are not worshipping God.

The thing about Jesus sacrificing His Son and covering over all of our sins on the cross is that we don’t have to DO anything to please God. He is pleased with us. Period.

But as a rule, I see healthy living as one more step in setting my life in a rhythm that acknowledges God, His creation, His presence. It brings me closer to Him; no, I draw closer to Him with every glass of water, every bowl of brown rice. I see the beauty of His creation around me, and I recognize it in my own life; so I want to take care of all things well – my body and my world.

When I strive to make decisions of health, I think God is pleased.


It's happening this Saturday, so only 4 sleeps to go. Don't forget if you've got a friend or family coming to let Grace or Suh Chyi know for catering purposes. Also remember to bring your spirit of Christmas, your smile & to remember God's gift of life that He wants to give to all.

So what's to remember??

1. Put on your islander outfit
(refer last week's blog for more outfit ideas)

2. Bring your gift

3. Come with an empty tummy
(There's going to be lots of food to go around)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Giving
taken from here

It's just not Australian if you don't support at least one charity at Christmas. So why not look at some of the websites below and see if the Holy Spirit prompts you to share your abundance with others. God says "give and it will come back to you" and "giving is better then receiving". So why not?


Tear Australia
Tear has "Arguably the world's most useful Gift Catalogue". Give the person who has everything, something for the person who has hardly anything. For example, Twenty Tree Seedlings, Water Supply for One Person, Village Medical Kit, Child Immunisation, A Year of Primary Schooling, A Year of Family Health Care.

Salvation Army
The Salvos. Make a donation online to this great organisation at Christmas.

Why not make a donation online to support Anglicare's Christmas Appeal?. You can now easily buy Christmas cards and gifts from the online Anglicare shop.

GoodWill Charity Card Shop
GoodWillCharity has card shops across Australia supporting various charities.The 2010 season begins on Monday 20 September 2010, and our hours are Mon-Fri 9.30am to 4.00pm (Not Saturday).The shop is located in Room 17, Level 7, The Dymocks Building, 428 George Street (between King & Market Streets). The shop comprises twelve Australian charities who each supply their own unique range of Christmas cards. Because the shop is staffed by volunteers, all the proceeds raised are returned to the charity to fund vital education programs, research, special projects and other activities.

Host your own Fundraiser
J.R wrote in from the 'Blue Mtns' of Victoria - The Macedon Ranges. This year one of the members of her Apex 40 club volunteered to cater for a Christmas in July, and 24 sat down to a traditional 4 course meal in their dining/living room. The money that was left over went, on her request, to the Pink Ribbon section of the Anti-Cancer Council. A simple fun idea that everyone can do, to benefit charity.



Jenny married Paul on Sat among close friends and family.
We congratulate them and wish them all the best in their life together.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aren't you glad there's always another day and another year? Praise
God for making seasons and also the day and night. This has led mankind to come up with 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
The best part about a new day and a new year are the new beginnings we can have. Despite a terrible day with heaps of mistakes, or a horrible year with calamity after calamity, we can look forward to another day and another year.
It's like God always encouraging us with a 2nd chance isn't it, to pick ourselves up again and believe Him for a better day or year ahead. I'll like to quote from the book Anne of Green Gables " “Remember Anne, every day is a new day with no mistakes in it.” That is biblical just as God said in Lamentations 3:22-23 :
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

It was a fun night of chatting and laughing while celebrating with each other. We had 4 birthday people there and many others to wish them well. The dinner was at Runcorn Tavern and we stayed untill the restaurant gave us dirty looks, as if we over-stayed our welcome.

Group photo
Don & Ava

birthday fellas

Eventhough many of us are not volunteering for the event this year, we can still bless this very wonderful event by donating a gift to the children in Inala. However if those of you who would like to volunteer, you can just rock up to the information desk on the day at 7:30am.

Log online now to purchase a present voucher at or at the information desk before or after service (MS and AS only). Donations are accepted until 5th December. Donations over $25 are tax deductable.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010




We're coming together to celebrate birthdays past and coming. There's the saying better late then never. So everyone, come along if you know someone's who's on this birthday list. It'll be fun and it'll be a great time to bless others around you.

Sept: Nicole, Samuel & Daniel
Oct: Cathy & Hannah
Nov: Ming
Dec: Jaevis, Gary, Yee Yee & Leann

Venue: Runcorn Tavern (124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn)
Modern Australian Steak Restaurant

Date: 30th November 2010

Time: 7pm
Please RSVP with Suh Chyi by 28th Nov

Christmas is just around the corner...
Once again NG3 will hold a festive & feasty Christmas party!
Join us and bring along your partners, friends & family.

So please save the date!
Theme: To be advised...will be a fun one!
date: 18th December 2010
time: 5pm - 7pm

venue: Peter & Jojo's Towhouse BBQ & Pool Area

Achieve Work-Life? Attempt Losing Weight!

Research claims that two-thirds of Americans have attempted some weight loss program. I won’t be surprised if Singapore matches – or even exceeds – those figures, despite the fact that many Asians are already blessed with genetically petite frames. An attempt at getting back into my clothes three years post-pregnancy provided me with some valuable life lessons.
No one plan fits all, but get one.

It’s always easy for the one who’s already successfully slim to have all the answers. But no one knows your body better than you. Not an advocate of slimming programs, I thought exercise would do it, but struggled to even find the time, much less the energy. Going vegetarian made me hungrier. A light lunch made me gorge a heavy dinner. The stress from it all induced snacking. I needed to know what I could realistically accommodate in my schedule and understand my body and appetites, eg, wasting food makes me cringe, so to eat less, I need to start with less food on the table.
The same with work-life: Different experts will expound the right way to achieve balance and “have it all”. Ultimately, we need to know ourselves, stop making excuses, take personal responsibility, and start with whatever works for us; but don’t just sit there and sulk!

Getting started is a challenge, but maintenance is what’s key.

Once I found my “winning formula”, keeping the weight off was the real challenge. I dropped 5kgs in 2 weeks, only to gain it back in one. To ensure our good intentions and enthusiasm don’t fizzle out, keep the ultimate goal in mind. I retain a couple of my favourite outfits I’ve “outgrown” to remind me of why I’m attempting to trim down in the first place! Regularly standing on the bathroom scales also alerts me of the slightest weight fluctuation so that I can remedy it immediately.
There are always warning signs when your work-life gets out of sync with your intended outcome or values. Scheduling brief but regular times of reflection or allowing a mentor or life coach to ask you the hard questions will ensure you stay on track in living the life you desire.

Have an ambition, but don’t get too ambitious.

The end goal needs to be inspiring enough to motivate you to get off the starting blocks, but once you’re off, you need smaller, intermediate goals to keep you fuelled. My dream is to drop 10kgs, and the only way to get there is 1kg at a time!
So start with small and achievable work-life goals. Perhaps it might be as simple as taking a minute each day to pause before opening the front door in order to switch gears from a hard day of work.

Help is always helpful.
Support is so necessary. I am thankful for a loving husband who regularly compliments me when my legs look a little slimmer, my arms leaner or my face thinner. Of course, he’s good with his words; but I’d choose him anytime over a husband who remarks that his wife is fat even when she still fits into sizes 2 times smaller than mine!
It’s good to have like-minded people who share your work-life pursuits and desires. But not all of us have the good fortune to be in the same boat with people who understand what you’re going through and try to work with you instead of rowing the other way. So find a trusted friend – not a know-it-all – who can offer you the right amount of sympathy and challenge.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The weather is perfect these past few weeks and i believe it will be for the weeks to come. Don't we wish Brisbane's weather could be like this all year round? But then i thought to myself, if it were so perfect all the time we would stop realising how lovely it is - the realisation that we can wear comfortable clothes, not dread coming out of the shower, not needing the air-con or heater to be comfortable would cease to exist...
It's when we are less comfortable, that we realise how comfortable things could be. The same i believe is with our lives. If our lives are always good and blessed, with no trials or problems, we won't be able to fully appreciate the goodness that comes to us in life. We won't see, feel, or comprehend the difference and will just be numb to the good things in life.

Hence, as much as we pray for good times, don't be upset when God allows testings and trials to come our way. It doesn't just mould our character like it says in James 1:2-4:-
"2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. "
It also helps us appreciate the GOOD TIMES more!!

We're coming together to celebrate birthdays past and coming. There's the saying better late then never. So everyone, come along if you know someone's who's on this birthday list. It'll be fun and it'll be a great time to bless others around you.

Sept: Nicole, Samuel & Daniel
Oct: Cathy & Hannah
Nov: Ming
Dec: Jaevis, Gary, Yee Yee & Leann

Venue: Runcorn Tavern - 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn *Tuesday Night - 2 meals for $25 (off a selected menu)*

Date: 30th November 2010

Time: 7pm



It's the time of the year again. Once again NG3 will hold a festive & feasty Christmas party! Join us and bring along your partners, friends & family.

Save the date!

date: 18th December 2010

time: 5pm - 7pm

venue: TBC

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Everyone had a great time together in the great indoors & outdoors during the getaway.
Praise God for His presence,good program, the fine weather and wonderful company.
That's why we should alway have a unit getaway.
Hats off to the organiser Grace and her team !


It's such a joy when someone chooses to follow God's commands and puts it into action. It blesses that person and others around them too. This is what our dear friend and sister Cathy did last weekend at the getaway, she chose to be water baptized. For God said in His word:

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo; I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Mark 16:16 “He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”

Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said to them, ‘repent and let every one of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”


This year we continue to support Reema, our little girl from India. We hope to support her till she's old enough to work and support herself which is when she's 16-17. She can then contribute back to her community. She'll be this 11 this year. She wrote recently and said:
" I go to a Christian school and am given Moral Education, Bible Stories and also a nice lunch. I'll be having her 1st semester exam soon. Please pray for me.We celebrated Independance Day at school recently and flag was raised by our school director Ps Kashy...."
This time we have 8 people who will join in to support Reema for another year. We thank all these ones as we know this money will make a difference in Reema's life.

if any of you want to join us or even form your won group to support another child, please speak to Joel for more details.


We will be having our exciting church conference over the weekend of 19-21st Nov.
So set the dates aside!
* Leader's Conference*
From 19th Fri Night Session to 20th Sat Afternoon Session
* Church Conference (Open to All) *
From 20th Sat Evening Session to 21st Sun Afternoon Session
To register check with Neekee

Touching Heaven, Touching Deep


Let your prayers and praise rise up to heaven tonight

as we gather together to pray. Be blessed.

Date: Tuesday 9th Nov...thats tonight!

Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm

Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba

Come together to be ministered to & to interceede for your lifegroup & church

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's 2 months to 2011!!
Take a moment to reflect WHERE YOU WERE 2 years ago and WHERE YOU'LL BE in 2 years time. On the lighter side, what is everyone going to be up to...? A new career, starting a new life in another country, taking up a new direction in life, getting married, another child - anything could happen eh?
God isn't going anywhere, neither are His plans for us. So in the years to come are we going to move closer to His good and wonderful plans for us OR are we going to fumble through life with 'My Way'?
Enjoy the time together and be expectant of God's power to change your life.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I want to praise God for such a refreshing time of praise & worship at LG last week. God really moved and blessed many hearts that were discouraged. The last worship songs especially has very meaningful words ('What faith can do' by Kultess - youtube link ). It is indeed the reason why we gather together to worship God, for when 2 or more are gathered together there His presence will be.
We attended Torchie's and Lisa's wedding over the weekend. It really reminded me of how wonderful love between a man and a woman can be when we have God in the centre of our relationship. The couple trully showed how trusting God and placing Him first can bring about His blessings in ways we cannot fathom or imagine. I hope all of you who are in a relationship, will continue to trust God and honour Him in your relationship with your partners.
Ok all, have a beautiful week ahead and know that God is right beside you!!


Please pray for Leann's CPA which is on tomorrow and

Julie's which is on 1st November.

Both girls covet your prayers for wisdom, good memory & good health

taken from here



We live in such a hurried, rushed, busy society. We live in the day of express check out shopping and drive through dinners. We don’t like to stop, we don’t like to wait, we don’t like being still. We feel unproductive if we are not doing 3 things at once; at least I do. Within any given hour of the day I am a nurse, counselor, cook, chef, taxi driver and my list goes on. And on top of being the mom, wife & friend I need to make time in my day for the Lord. Surely he understands how busy I am! After all, he made me a mom, wife & friend. Does he really expect me to have time for him too? ABSOLUTELY!

Why should we spend time with God?
Jesus did it!
As Christian moms, we are called to follow the example of Jesus Christ in all area’s of our life and even Jesus stopped at times and drew away from the crowds to pray and find rest.
Mark 6:31 – “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
I think this is one of my favorite verses in the New Testament. I read this as a personal invitation from Jesus to come with him and rest. He knew that our rest is only found in him. He understood the importance of stopping and drawing away for rest and solitude. He understood the importance of prayer and he was Jesus Christ! If he did it, we should too!

Be Prepared
. When we read, study & meditate on the Word of God we are better prepared for what God has in store for us that day. Let me be clear, when you spend time with God it won’t change what happens in your day, it changes the way you react to what happens. Think about a soldier. How does he prepare for battle? He doesn’t walk onto the battle field in his blue jeans, t-shirt and baseball cap. He has special equipment that he puts on because he knows that once on the battlefield his chances of survival are much greater fully armored than if he had no gear on at all. He prepares himself.
Ephesians 6:13-18, “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. (The Message)
We are in a battle everyday! Our husbands and children are not the enemy though you may feel like it at times. Satan is the enemy and he wants our families to fail.
John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.”

Renew our minds.
Ephesians 4:23- “let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”
We face so much negativity in our day. We need our mind renewed in the things of God. We need to be reminded daily of His promises to us and we need his wisdom to fill our minds so that we can be the moms that God has called us to be. We need to be renewed in the truth that in spite of all the bad that is going on around us, God is right and true and holy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NG3 Unit Getaway,
to go or not to go, that is the question...

encounter with God

stay and wake up in a new place

enjoy the great outdoors with friends
Date for registration has been extended!!

Register with Julie

Date: 5-7th November

Venue: Noosa Caravan Park

Accommodation types: Tents or Cabins


by Focus on the Family Singapore on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 7:10pm
Many marriages following the honeymoon lose the wind in their romantic sails, and wallow in the doldrums for months and even years.

Sailors in the days of wooden ships and sails feared pirates and storms. But their greatest fear was that their ship might encounter the doldrums. The doldrums was an area of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms and light shifting winds. It meant almost certain death for the entire crew of sailors. The ship's food and water would often run out as it wandered aimlessly for days and even weeks, waiting for a strong breeze to blow them back on course.

Well, marriages that were once exciting and loving can also get caught in the romantic doldrums, causing a slow and painful death to the relationship. Author Doug Fields in his book “Creative Romance” writes, "Dating and romancing your spouse can change those patterns, and can be a lot of fun. There's no quick fix to a sour marriage, of course, but lay aside the excuses and begin to date your sweetheart again."

Allow new breezes to fill the sails of your relationship. It'll take a conscious effort, but be creative. How about breakfast in bed? A kiss in the rain? Or re-reading those old love letters again? The honeymoon need not be a one-time experience.


Joan Foo - a passionate prayer warrior and worshipper of God, mother of 2 and leader of the working adults group in Hope Church Brisbane is coming to share an inspiring message at our LG on the 29th of October. She will share of how to be refreshed by God again.
Joan is also a pharmasist and works part time at a hospital. With all this going on for her, she is still putting God first in her life and her life has thus inspire many other men & women.
Come and be inspired!

Date: 29th October

Time: 7-9:30pm

Venue: Suh Chyi's place