Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This year we continue to support Reema, our little girl from India. We hope to support her till she's old enough to work and support herself which is when she's 16-17. She can then contribute back to her community. She'll be this 11 this year. She wrote recently and said:
" I go to a Christian school and am given Moral Education, Bible Stories and also a nice lunch. I'll be having her 1st semester exam soon. Please pray for me.We celebrated Independance Day at school recently and flag was raised by our school director Ps Kashy...."
This time we have 8 people who will join in to support Reema for another year. We thank all these ones as we know this money will make a difference in Reema's life.

if any of you want to join us or even form your won group to support another child, please speak to Joel for more details.

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