Wednesday, December 15, 2010

taken from here

When I make a healthy decision about my life – what I eat, the way I set my schedule, the thoughts I choose to dwell on – I see this as an act of worship to God.


He is, after all, the Creator of all things, my body and my soul included. Wouldn’t He be pleased if I try to take care of it well?
This isn’t to say that everyone who is healthy is doing so as an act of worship (though I suspect God is probably pleased across the board – whether or not we acknowledge Him). And it’s certainly not to say that those who are unhealthy are not worshipping God.

The thing about Jesus sacrificing His Son and covering over all of our sins on the cross is that we don’t have to DO anything to please God. He is pleased with us. Period.

But as a rule, I see healthy living as one more step in setting my life in a rhythm that acknowledges God, His creation, His presence. It brings me closer to Him; no, I draw closer to Him with every glass of water, every bowl of brown rice. I see the beauty of His creation around me, and I recognize it in my own life; so I want to take care of all things well – my body and my world.

When I strive to make decisions of health, I think God is pleased.


Anonymous said...

Keeping your body healthy is a good gesture to God. But we need to consider that we also need to make out spirit healthy.

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Unknown said...

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