Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why is Lifegroup important to us?

Lifegroup creates a place for us 20 to 30-somethings to grow in friendship
and study as we reach out to impact our community. It's a place where we learn from our leaders as well as each other through sharing experiences, serving one another and knowing God more through studying Him. God has asks us in Hebrews "
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..."

LG is a place of WE, not ME. It's where we can help foster deeper relationship with each other which is not possible during church mornings alone. It also gives us the opportunity to start serving God with our skills and talents too, learning from others and having fun trying out things you may not have the opportunity to do so at church. It's also an oppotunity for us to help others grow & fit into our NG3 family.

So I encourage us all to see lifegroup as a time we can all give as well as receive from God. To seek to bless, as well as be blessed during our Friday evenings together. Let's set aside Friday evenings to be together as often as we can.
See you all there..


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