Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jojo's sharing at One Heart

I think the past 6 months have really been an exciting journey for NG3. I believe God is maturing our people by helping them see Him within the different stages of their lives.

I see NG3 as a family, where we've experienced many of the same things that a real family experiences. As I look back, I see how we were there at each other's important moments and stages in life. Many of us were together in the student group, where we saw different ones reach their graduation. We were there when they started going out with someone. We have seen their courtship period and then their wedding. We were with them as their married life started off, when they bought their first house & finally now some have come to their have their first child...and life goes on. So it's been a great journey and there is still so much more to share in. On top of this we look forward to seeing many more new ones coming into this family and deciding to walk with God alongside the rest of us.

A brief synopsis of the past semester for NG3. We praise God for our unit getaway in August that brought the unit even closer together. It's the 3rd one we've had now. We are excited to see new members rising up to serve in LG and our church, showing their commitment to God. They are so full of potential. We are joyous at the arrival of the 2 newborns (Alethea Chen & Nathan Eng) and the fact that since September both they and their parents have been able to join our LG regularly. Also this semester we've been encouraging the members to grow in community work. So in September, a group of 10 of us decided to sponsor a child through compassion and also this year we have had the most number of people signed up to volunteer for C4K. We pray this heart for the community will continue to grow in our group.

God has placed many wonderful people in this group. I especially thank the leaders too - Grace, Neekee, Steph & Peter for being excellent examples in caring for their people and loving God. They do so much for the group and i can't imagine the group without them. God has also given us great JGs to support NG3, ones that are humble, talented and passionate like Suh Chyi, Leann & Joel. They bring much joy, support and excitement to the team. Together God has given us a great team to grow NG3 together. And as things become more challenging we see that there is so much more that we can do for God. But we are determined to have the same attitude to these challenges as Abraham Lincoln, who said:-

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew."

As we look for new ideas through prayer and surrender to God I know we shall not fail. For with Him on our side...all things are possible.

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