Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayer Meeting

It is important to pray alone at home to develop a personal relationship with God. However, God also wants us to pray together in a group on a corporate (group) basis. Joining a prayer meeting allows us to pray together as the Body of Christ with the common goal of learning from each other, supporting each other and building up the Church that God intended us to do.

Join us for a refreshing and united time of calling upon His Name!

Date: 27th Oct 2009 (This Tuesday)
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Princess Theatre 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba

It's a time to be inspired and motivated again of God's call upon our lives.
Let us not just be satisfied with our worldly blessings but seek to find out what God wants your life to truly be about. There'll ice-breakers, worship sessions, powerful sharing, altar calls and great fellowship.

Date: 30th Oct 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7-9pm
Venue: Greenslopes Hall, Cnr Dunellan & Henry St, Greenslopes
Guest speakers: Ps Lance & Belle Wolter
Prophetic Presbytery
All of you in NG3 are invited to come for the presbytery. The leaders in all NG units will be prophesied over by a few prophets at a time. There will also be a time where people in the audience will be called up to be prophesied over.

Everyone is invited so that they can see how great & all-knowing God is and what God has in store for His leaders that will be leading you. We encourage you to fast 1 meal for the next 3 day before the presbytery. This is so you'll come with a heart that's expectant to hear from God.

Venue: Princess Theatre, Wollongabba
Date: 10 Nov'09
Time: 7:00-10:00pm

Below is a short explanation of presbytery.

Prophetic Presbytery is when two or more prophets and/or prophetic ministers lay hands on and prophesy over individuals at a specified time and place. Prophetic presbyteries are conducted for several reasons:

1) For revealing a church members membership ministry in the Body of Christ.
2) For ministering a prophetic rhema word of God to individuals.
3) For impartation and activation of divinely ordained gifts, graces and callings.
4) For the revelation, clarification and confirmation of leadership ministry in the local church.
5) For the "laying on of hands and prophecy" over those called and properly prepared to be an ordained fivefold minister.

1 Tim 4:14(NIV) 14Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

1 Tim 1:18(NIV) 18Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight,

article source

Jojo's sharing at One Heart

I think the past 6 months have really been an exciting journey for NG3. I believe God is maturing our people by helping them see Him within the different stages of their lives.

I see NG3 as a family, where we've experienced many of the same things that a real family experiences. As I look back, I see how we were there at each other's important moments and stages in life. Many of us were together in the student group, where we saw different ones reach their graduation. We were there when they started going out with someone. We have seen their courtship period and then their wedding. We were with them as their married life started off, when they bought their first house & finally now some have come to their have their first child...and life goes on. So it's been a great journey and there is still so much more to share in. On top of this we look forward to seeing many more new ones coming into this family and deciding to walk with God alongside the rest of us.

A brief synopsis of the past semester for NG3. We praise God for our unit getaway in August that brought the unit even closer together. It's the 3rd one we've had now. We are excited to see new members rising up to serve in LG and our church, showing their commitment to God. They are so full of potential. We are joyous at the arrival of the 2 newborns (Alethea Chen & Nathan Eng) and the fact that since September both they and their parents have been able to join our LG regularly. Also this semester we've been encouraging the members to grow in community work. So in September, a group of 10 of us decided to sponsor a child through compassion and also this year we have had the most number of people signed up to volunteer for C4K. We pray this heart for the community will continue to grow in our group.

God has placed many wonderful people in this group. I especially thank the leaders too - Grace, Neekee, Steph & Peter for being excellent examples in caring for their people and loving God. They do so much for the group and i can't imagine the group without them. God has also given us great JGs to support NG3, ones that are humble, talented and passionate like Suh Chyi, Leann & Joel. They bring much joy, support and excitement to the team. Together God has given us a great team to grow NG3 together. And as things become more challenging we see that there is so much more that we can do for God. But we are determined to have the same attitude to these challenges as Abraham Lincoln, who said:-

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew."

As we look for new ideas through prayer and surrender to God I know we shall not fail. For with Him on our side...all things are possible.
Welcome to Drewvale for Lifegroup

NG3 will have our 1st LG at Suh Chyi and her sisters place on the 13 Nov'09
We'll be in Drewvale this time. A new suburb to explore!
It's be very close to the Eng's and Jaevis's place.

So let's come together and celebrate God's love & presence in this new home.

If anyone has transportation issues, feel free to ask for help from your LG leaders Grace, Peter or Neekee.

LG starts as usual at 6:45pm. Do bring a dish to share for dinner.

Address: 34 Muscari Cres, Drewvale, Q4116

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NG Celebration LG - Beloved

Come together to pray and celebrate God's goodness in building, maturing and growing NG. Everyone is welcomed. It'll be a great time to meet with God & see the extended family God has placed you in.

Light breakfast will be provided
Date: 24th Oct 2009 (Sat)

Time: 9:30am - 12pm

Venue: St Matthew's Anglican Church

869 Logan Road, Holland Park

(cnr Logan Road & Swain Street, Holland Park)

Why is Lifegroup important to us?

Lifegroup creates a place for us 20 to 30-somethings to grow in friendship
and study as we reach out to impact our community. It's a place where we learn from our leaders as well as each other through sharing experiences, serving one another and knowing God more through studying Him. God has asks us in Hebrews "
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..."

LG is a place of WE, not ME. It's where we can help foster deeper relationship with each other which is not possible during church mornings alone. It also gives us the opportunity to start serving God with our skills and talents too, learning from others and having fun trying out things you may not have the opportunity to do so at church. It's also an oppotunity for us to help others grow & fit into our NG3 family.

So I encourage us all to see lifegroup as a time we can all give as well as receive from God. To seek to bless, as well as be blessed during our Friday evenings together. Let's set aside Friday evenings to be together as often as we can.
See you all there..


Christmas 4 Kids
Donation Drive

Make a contribution of $25 to 'Make a Kid's Christmas' or
Buy a present for a child @ $10
Donate online @ www.handsofhope.org.au or visit our donation booth at the foyer after service.
NG Men & Women's Night

It's a time to be inspired and motivated again of God's call upon our lives.
Let us not just be satisfied with our worldly blessings but seek to find out what God wants your life to truly be about. There'll ice-breakers, worship sessions, powerful sharing, altar calls and great fellowship.

Date: 30th Oct 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7-9pm
Venue: Greenslopes Hall, Cnr Dunellan & Henry St, Greenslopes
Guest speakers: Ps Lance & Belle Wolter

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Touching Heaven, Touching Deep

Hope Church, Brisbane fortnighly prayer meeting


What a beautiful day. It's great to be alive! Thought: What is God keeping you alive for?
(Joshua 14:140)

Date: Tuesday 13th October...thats tonight!
Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm
Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba

All are welcomed!

Jessene's Birthday & Farewell Party

Do come and celebrate with our dear sister her birthday and also to wish her well in her return to Singapore. We all love her joyful spirit, kind heart, love for God and passion for His people don't we? So we know wherever she goes she'll bring that 'frangrance' with her and bless those round and about her. We shall miss her so...

Jess' party will be at:-

Venue: 67 Samba Place, Underwood
Time: 5pm
Date: 17th Oct 2009

-Please bring a dish to share-

RSVP with Steph by tonight

C4K update

Many of us were unable to make it to the induction for C4K on Saturday, due to the wedding. But don't worry, as your team leaders will be in touch with you shortly. If you have any questions, please ask Grace Tan.

For those who are yet to finish applying the blue cards, please bring along your forms & ID on Friday for Jojo to view & sign. Those who have finished filling them up, please don't forget to post them off.

You've also been allocated to your departments by now. Please check your email from the C4K committee to see which dept you've been assigned to.
Last LG at 66 Nursery Ave

This Friday will be the last time we'll be having our LG at this venue. The next time we have LG it'll be at Suh Chyi's new place. We thank Suh Chyi and her sisters for their generosity in opening up their home for us to use. Her address will be posted up soon. We shall have our first LG there on the 13th November '09. It's such an encouragement and blessing when people of share God's blessing with others around them. Let us all strive to grow in that.

NG Celebration LG - Beloved

Come together to pray and celebrate God's goodness in building, maturing and growing NG. Everyone is welcomed. It'll be a great time to meet with God & see the extended family God has placed you in.

Light breakfast will be provided
Date: 24th Oct 2009 (Sat)
Time: 9:30am - 12pm
NG Men & Women's Night

It's a time to be inspired and motivated again of God's call upon our lives.
Let us not just be satisfied with our worldly blessings but seek to find out what God wants your life to truly be about. There'll ice-breakers, worship sessions, powerful sharing, altar calls and great fellowship.

Date: 30th Oct 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7-9pm
Venue: Greenslopes Hall, Cnr Dunellan & Henry St, Greenslopes
Guest speakers: Ps Lance & Belle Wolter

Joel & Leann's Wedding

"Love is the expansion of two natures in such a fashion that each includes the other, each is enriched by the other "- Felix Adler

What a beautiful and creative wedding Joel & Leann Sim crafted. Their love for each other and others around them made this a truly memorable day for them and also for all of us who were there. Surely God's love was made tangible through the love that was in the air that night.
We wish them a wonderful honeymoon and life together ahead.

They'll be back with us in November and we shall miss them so.

ps..Leann and Joel, do keep in touch.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

16th Church Anniversary

The best Church Anniversary yet, Hope Church, Brisbane's 16th Anniversary. There were performances from Morning service, Afternoon Service (a hilarious one), Ablaze service, WAM dancers and choir (Man in the mirror by Michael Jackson). We now also know the new name for our church - Hope Church, Brisbane and an inspiring logo to go with it. To top it up, quite a few of us went for supper afterwards.

It's been a great journey our church has been through and it's all because you're all here to be part of it's history and future. Let's walk bravely with God into the future as
His True Disciples
, growing, maturing and bearing fruit in our lives.

NOTE: Below is additional explanation of the new logo from H.I.M. website :

Our new visual identity reflects our foundation in Christ and his transforming love as depicted in the Ichthus and the Cross. It is our vision to bring this message to the ends of the earth, seen here in the four corners of the globe. We are the messengers, the disciples of Christ symbolised by the 12 rays fulfilling the Great Commission at the dawn of each new day with renewed hope; which is denoted by the rising sun.
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour…”Psalm 84:11a

In line with the launch, we also reviewed our Mission Statement so as to convey that same spirit and commitment that have fired our hearts the last 20 years in a more contemporary wording.

Our updated Mission Statement now reads:

Fulfilling the Great Commission
by raising Christ-centred disciples
to plant vibrant, biblical churches
in our city, country and all over the world

The new name, new look and new wordings all point us to one unchanging core – we remain committed to fully engage ourselves in the Great Commission!

C4K Sign Up

Praise God for the many who signed up for C4K this year at the last NG3 LG. This will make it a great outing time for NG3, where we can all grow in our heart to bless our community.
Let's be reminded again what Jesus said in Matthew 22 and Isaiah in Isaiah 49:

"37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[b] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.“ Matt 22:37-40

"13Heavens, raise the roof! Earth, wake the dead!
Mountains, send up cheers!
God has comforted his people.
He has tenderly nursed his beaten-up, beaten-down people" Isaiah 49:13

For those that may have missed out at LG, please let Jojo or Grace know if you're interested and we'll see if the C4K committee can do with more help.
Welcome back Allister!
Our brother Allister is back briefly. And he's back so he can bless his dear friends Daniel & Karen, and Joel and Leann, by attending their wedding. On top of that, he came to LG once he touched down in Brisbane last Friday.
Allister will be off for another 3 months at NT, and be back around January 2010. So do welcome him back warmly to Brisbane and feel free to bless him with anything that could help him cure his boredom overthere such as good books, dvds, music etc...also please pray for him always God's word instructs us to for our Christian family in Ephesians 6:18.
Allister will be flying off after Sunday.
City Bible Forum

Topic: Only the good die young

A more terrible truism couldn't exist. Terrible not in the sense of a terrible cliche but terrible by its very truth. In our world young and innocent people seem to die but the wicked, malevolent, greedy and powerful prosper. The Bible recognises this terrible truth and how it tears at our very souls. Is there an answer? Why is it that many who ought not to prosper do but those that we would all hope to prosper don't? This next talk will explore these issues.

Now at two venues in the CBD Tuesday 6th October
Bleeding Heart Galleryt, 166 Ann St. Time: 12:30-1:15pm OR Tuesday 13th October
Level 5, Sebel Suites, Cnr of Albert and Charlotte St Time: 12:30-1:15pm

NG3 LG venue change

In November, NG3 will no longer hold LG in 66 Nursery Ave.
So we're looking for a new venue. Do pray with us as we make the move. We're looking for a new home where we can come together to fellowship and praise God each Friday. If you have any suggestions please let Jojo or Neekee know.

But let's take the opportunity to thank the residents of the house who have so warmly welcomed us each week and kept the house looking great each time we arrive. Thank you Suh Chyi, Leann, Su Giin, Anne and Su Reen for your hospitality.