Monday, May 25, 2009


Prayerlessness is a root sin. God acts in answered prayer. Prayer is the price of spiritual success. Prayer is to the soul what breathing is to the body. If you are too busy to pray then you are busier than God wants you to be. There is nothing beyond the reach of prayer – except that which is outside of the Will of God.

Dryness, whether spiritual or physical, is sapping to the spirit and wilting to all living things. Let's join our hearts together this Tuesday at the Corporate Prayer - praying that God will refresh all of his servants who are discouraged and close to giving up in their difficulties, challenges, temptations, discouragements, and failures.
Let's pray for today to be a day of refreshment and the beginning of revival in our world and among God's people!

REMEMBER this - Matthew Henry wrote: “When God designs mercy, He stirs up prayer.”

Date: 12th May 2009 (This Tuesday)
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Princess Theatre 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.
Psalm 68:9, NIV


After a week of prayer, it's time to extend your invitation to the one(s) you have in mind for this relaxing and fun event! Please trust that God listens to our prayes and He honours your heart in wanting to bring the lost closer to Him.
Please continue keeping your friend(s) and a good weather in prayers.
Event details:


What if redirecting a person's forever really is as simple as walking across a room?
In Just Walk Across the Room , Bill Hybels introduces the next era in personal evangelism with a natural, relational approach that follows Jesus' own example. When Christ "walked" clear across the cosmos 2,000 years ago, he had no formulas and no script just an offer of redemption to people like us, many of whom were neck-deep in pain of their own making.
Astounding things happen when you follow the model set by Jesus. Emphasizing the leading of the Holy Spirit, Hybels invites you to step out of your "Circle of Comfort" and into encounters with people who long for someone to take an interest in them-men and women with stories to tell and hearts that yearn to experience God's love reaching out to them through your smile, your encouragement, your transparency, your friendship.
Find out how you can make the difference of an eternity for someone standing near you. You may be only a conversation away from having unparalleled impact on someone's life - if you will Just Walk Across the Room.
Visit the following link for the frequently asked questions and some promotional materials:

We are only 1 week away from the launching of this exciting Award Winning series "Just Walk Across the Room" in NG 3 at the beginning of June!


Thank you all for pledging towards Unidus Community Centre! We thank God for your ability to see beyong your own needs to bless the people with a future Godly Home.
For individuals who still wish to pledge or make changes to your pledge, please email the Unidus Committee via We appreciate your heart and help in this matter.


1. Of all metals in pure form, tungsten has the highest melting point (3,422 °C, 6,192 °F), it takes a lot of heat energy to destroy pure tungsten.

In the same way, the LORD has demonstrated that with him we can have the ability to withstand "Nebuchadnezzar's furnace". It shall not consume us though it heats us to the maximum capacity.

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 but even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18

2. Tungsten has also the highest tensile strength.(at temperatures above 1,650 °C).

In the same way, all those who are called to shine, are also endowed with strength.

7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7

3. Once plugged in, the filament goes through the process of "resistance heating". Do not be alarmed by this electrical jargon. It just means that the tungsten filament MUST resist the flow of electrons. This resisting of electrons makes it hot, and glowing.

In the same way, as we resist every inclination to give in to the dictates of the world or the flesh and stay the course of obedience to who we are in the LORD, recognising we are made to shine, this will result in us getting heated up (but we can't melt because we are designed to have a very high melting point). We can then only shine.

8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

4. The tungsten wire will give out light if it is thin. Thicker wires give dimmer light. Thickness (or wideness) is indicative of worldliness. Thinness (or narrowness) indicative of spirituality.

In the same way we are to choose the narrow road mindset. The world encourages shortcuts or the wide ways that might lead to underdeveloped characters.

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

and also Deut 23:15, Colossians 3:5

5. Surrounding environment of the tungsten filament inside the glass bulb, is filled with an inert gas, such as argon (earlier bulbs used vacuum instead). Inert gases or vacuum are non-reactive, and therefore preserve the purity of the tungsten filament.

In the same way, our environment must be one of purity (in thoughts, in actions, in speech) if we are to shine.

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

6. The existence duration of the bulb from the time it was purchased and switched on to the time it is replaced, ranges from 9 months to a year depending on usage. But this existence or calendar duration of the bulb is not more important than its purpose. Purpose and not existence determines its value. A bulb shining the home is better off than a brand new bulb in the shelves.

In the same way we started living our purpose, the moment the LORD came into our life. Mere existence brings death, but purpose gives life...even life eternal, once plugged to the source. Therefore we need not fear the fading of “existence”. I still remember my gasoline lamp because it lighted my room while I did my study for the decisive O level exam. How much more precious are human beings than bulbs to be remembered? History is replete with souls that shone and continue to be remembered. But our consolation in shining is not in being remembered on earth per se, but in what Jesus said:

26and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:26 and also Psalms 23:4

7. The bulb won't give light unless it is connected to a power source.

In the same way we need to be plugged in to the power source, our LORD, as a necessary requirement to shine.

5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. John 15:5-6

It took a lot of hard work and patience for Thomas Edison to develop the light bulb, but he eventually became a household name in the lighting industry. In the same way the LORD is patiently shaping and forming us, moulding us into the likeness of His son, that we may shine. In our individual lives, in the journey of Unidus community centre and beyond, we are called as clay to submit to the mouldings of the potter

15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. Philippians 2:15

Sharing by Bro.Ronald Elunai

Monday, May 18, 2009


This challenging and exciting 18 hole mini golf course weaves around a rocky terrain while sporting a magnificent view of Brisbane's CBD skyline. The Putt-Putt features sand and water traps, swinging poles and punching bags for the pent up frustration! The Putting Lounge is available for Putt-Putt parties that will keep your guests totally entertained!
Date_30th May 09_Saturday
Venue_Victoria Park Golf Complex, Herston
Price_$16 includes putter, golf ball and scorecard
Let's come together for some timeless fun and entertainment. Test your skills on the great courses where you never know what's around the corner...DON'T forget to pray for 1 person to invite at 1 pm for 1 minute.


Ever been invited to a party or function and felt out of place? Or see that regular visitor in church who has been sitting in the back row and slipping out just before service ends? Well, sometimes our visitors to lifegroup or church may feel the same.
With that, the “Walk across the room” series is meant to take us out of our comfort zone and help equip and inspire us to reach out to these people on the “fringe” around us.

And for those who are familiar with the 40 days of purpose campaign, the format will be similar. During the next 4 weeks in June, we’ll be reading the book “Just walk across the room” by Bill Hybels. During lifegroup, we’ll watch the DVD and break into groups for discussions. I think it will be an awesome time of raising the bar in our personal evangelism together as a lifegroup. With the whole of NG 2-5 all together on this journey, I believe God will add to our numbers…. So get the book and start reading. With the special promotion, you can get it for $11 from Hope Bookshelf. Let’s be challenged, be equipped and be inspired….

Anyway, watch this simple promo from what Bill Hybel’s “Just walk across the room” on

Remember…. its (our) time to shine…..



As we come to this important phase of the church's 'Arise & Build Unidus' project, understanding the call of the church and the faith and action required from it will help us to realise how we can be a part of making this dream a reality. Since year 2001, the Unidus journey has been ongoing up to this current phase of seeing the development approval come to pass.

As believers we need to manifest the promises of God into existence, to bring out what is written in the Word of God, what is written in our visions and dreams, into our reality. How then do we turn the Word into flesh? For every biblical manifestation, it always takes an unusual response. This can be illustrated with Mary’s willingness to let her reputation suffer in order to bring Jesus Christ into the world. Nothing will happen when we do what we usually do. It takes an unusual response to bring manifestation of promises into our reality.
Our God is one of abundance and prosperity and it is an atrocity for us to live in poverty and lack when we believe in a great God. For the promises of God to manifest in our lives, let us follow in the footsteps of Mary and choose to do the unusual — even if it requires a change in our lifestyle. Let us come together as a church to arise and build the house of God.
When you do things for God or for the betterment of His people, you automatically attract opposition. You can see examples of this throughout the Bible. Taking the story of Nehemiah and his rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as example. But continue to keep your focus, and know that the Lord will take care of His people and His work! Arise and build, and in the end, you’ll be amazed by how He has done everything supernaturally through you.
To find out more about the facilities, requirements, costs and stages of the Unidus project, please visit the Unidus Highlights and Frequently Asked Questions.

So I answered them and said to them, "The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will ARISE AND BUILD , but you have no portion, right or memorial in Jerusalem." - Nehemiah 2:20 (ASV)

"Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore ARISE AND BUILD the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the anme of the Lord." - 1 Chronicles 22:19 (NKJV)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Believers universally affirm that evangelism is a vital part of what God calls them to do, but very few make a practice of doing it. They feel awkward and ill-equipped, either because they've never been trained, or because their lack of interaction with non- Christians prevents them from using and developing the skills they do have. Bill Hybels addresses these concerns and signals the next era in personal evangelism with Just Walk Across the Room. Drawing on fresh perspectives from the author's own experiences, as well as time-tested and practical illustrations, Just Walk Across the Room encourages and equips readers to routinely initiate spiritual conversations with those who don't know Christ.

What if you knew that by simply crossing the room and saying hello to someone, you could change that person’s forever? Just a few steps to make an eternal difference. It has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with taking a genuine interest in another human being. All you need is a heart that’s in tune with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to venture out of your “Circle of Comfort” and into another person’s life.

Just Walk Across the Room brings personal evangelism into the twenty-first century. Building on the solid foundation laid in Becoming a Contagious Christian, Bill Hybels shows how you can participate in the model first set by Jesus, who stepped down from heaven 2,000 years ago to bring hope and redemption to broken people living in a fallen world. Now it’s your turn. Your journey may not be as dramatic, but it can have a life-changing impact for someone standing a few steps away from you—and for you as well, as you learn the power of extending care, compassion, and inclusiveness under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The highest value in personal evangelism is cooperating with the Spirit, says Hybels. This means playing only the role you’re meant to play—walking when the Spirit says to walk, talking when he says to talk, and falling silent when he suggests that you’ve said enough. Hybels encourages you to “live in 3D” …

Developing friendships

Discovering stories

Discerning appropriate next steps

... as a means of learning to understand the Holy Spirit’s promptings. With fresh perspectives from his own reflections and experiences collected during his most recent decade of ministry, Bill Hybels shows with convincing and inspiring clarity the power of this personal, richly relational approach to evangelism.

The stakes are high. The implications are eternal. And you may be only a conversation away from having an eternal impact on someone’s life—if you will just walk across the room.


Well done NG3 !!! … Arise and build2008/09 has truly been an exciting journey of faith not only as individuals but also as a group. I believe there are many wonderful testimonies where God's hands have moved powerfully in each of our lives.

As we begin the new phase of our Arise and Build Unidus 2009:Time to Shine, let us continue to seek God and allow Him to use this opportunity to stretch our faith and see God move in our lives. This week is the time when we pledge towards the new phase in Arise and Build Unidus. Let us pray for God’s anointing to be upon us as we shine outstandingly as the salt and light throughout this struggling time!

As for those who haven’t fulfilled their previous pledge but wish to do so, please email :


SAVE THE DATE... more infomation coming soon......


Jaevis has moved!!!

Welcome Jaevis to the Southside! May God bless you and your new home.

Check out more photos of Jaevis NEW HOUSE ....


more to come.....

Monday, May 4, 2009


SUNNYBANK, Sunday 3 May 2009. Little Alethea arrived safely to earth after a long but relaxing 9 month journey. Weighing in at 3.48kg and 52 cm tall, little Alethea fought her way through. Newly appointed daddy Samuel and mummy Ruth though tired, are happily admiring the beautiful creation God.

We want to congratulate Samuel & Ruth with the new arrival and new assignment. We want to wish them all the best on their journey ahead. May the love and blessing of our Lord Jesus surround you and your family always.

For more photos of this beautif moment...


Come and celebrate mother's day with us on 10th May.

Morning Service: 10:00am
Afternoon Service: 3:30pm

Venue: Steele Building Lecture Theatre 3-206

It is a wonderful privilege that we can appreciate the strength that all moms display.
Invite moms to come along and there will be a gift and special message for all moms.

See you there.


We will have our Unidus Pledge on the 15th-17th weekend.

Let's look to God as we believe for Unidus!

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed...
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NASB)

Yoido Full Gospel Church

The membership of the church at Seo-dae-mun continued to skyrocket day by day. With the membership reaching 10,000, the Seo-dae-mun church was no longer adequate to accomodate all the members. Accordingly, the church began looking for a new place to build. Although many places were considered, it was not easy to find the right place to build a new church to accommodate its continuing growth.

It was then that Yoido was submitted as a candidate. At the time, Yoido Island was undeveloped and was being used as a runway for aircraft. Being a desolate island at the time, there was not even a bridge to connect it to the city of Seoul. It was obvious that one of the problems for the congregation would be the means of travel to the island. However, through much prayer by Pastor Cho Yonggi, he was assured that Yoido was indeed the place which God had prepared. With this answer from God, a piece of land was purchased in Yoido. Having purchased the land, the problem of funds necessary to build a church became a hurdle. The great amount of funds required seemed an unsurmountable obstacle. However, Pastor Cho Yonggi who believed in the miracle of God forged ahead with his burning desire to build a church in Yoido.

From the laying of its foundation, the church faced many difficulties, including the immediate problem of securing the funds. Coinciding with the Middle Eastern "oil shock", the exchange rate of the Korean won to the dollar plummeted, sending the cost of building material to a new high. Added to this external negative factor, the church also faced a drop in tithe income.

Many of the members of the church lost their jobs as a result of the "oil shock", and the banks which had loaned the funds to the church lowered the credit rating of the church, causing the debt repayment to be a heavier burden on the church. As the pressure increased, the construction of the church came to a halt, a truly devastating situation. Pastor Cho Yonggi began going out to the construction site, grabbed hold of the bare iron bars which stood like the skeletons of the building, and began praying to God nightly. "Oh God my Lord! It would be better if these bars fell on me and released me from this turmoil." Rain or shine, Pastor Cho Yonggi kneeled on the empty rice sacks and cried out to the Lord.

One by one, those who shared faith in God's plan and providence began joining Pastor Cho for the nightly prayers. With the passage of time, the prayers to save the church began to build momentum. Then, one member brought to Pastor Cho Yonggi the proceeds from the sale of his gold and jewelry possessions. This became an impetus for other members to also offer the church the proceeds from the sales of what they had sold. Such faith, love and devotion to God and the church made it possible to repay the debts and complete the YFGC.

For more on Yoido Full Gospel Church ...


After a wonderful 2nd honeymoon and 2nd wedding reception back in Malaysia,
our dearly missed couple are finally back!

Welcome back Peter and Jojo. Hope you guys had a splashing great holiday and
longing to hear from you.



Place : HANABI
Time : 7pm - Monday
plz RSVP neekee by Friday 08/05/09