Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aren't you glad there's always another day and another year? Praise
God for making seasons and also the day and night. This has led mankind to come up with 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
The best part about a new day and a new year are the new beginnings we can have. Despite a terrible day with heaps of mistakes, or a horrible year with calamity after calamity, we can look forward to another day and another year.
It's like God always encouraging us with a 2nd chance isn't it, to pick ourselves up again and believe Him for a better day or year ahead. I'll like to quote from the book Anne of Green Gables " “Remember Anne, every day is a new day with no mistakes in it.” That is biblical just as God said in Lamentations 3:22-23 :
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

It was a fun night of chatting and laughing while celebrating with each other. We had 4 birthday people there and many others to wish them well. The dinner was at Runcorn Tavern and we stayed untill the restaurant gave us dirty looks, as if we over-stayed our welcome.

Group photo
Don & Ava

birthday fellas

Eventhough many of us are not volunteering for the event this year, we can still bless this very wonderful event by donating a gift to the children in Inala. However if those of you who would like to volunteer, you can just rock up to the information desk on the day at 7:30am.

Log online now to purchase a present voucher at http://c4k.net.au/2010 or at the information desk before or after service (MS and AS only). Donations are accepted until 5th December. Donations over $25 are tax deductable.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010




We're coming together to celebrate birthdays past and coming. There's the saying better late then never. So everyone, come along if you know someone's who's on this birthday list. It'll be fun and it'll be a great time to bless others around you.

Sept: Nicole, Samuel & Daniel
Oct: Cathy & Hannah
Nov: Ming
Dec: Jaevis, Gary, Yee Yee & Leann

Venue: Runcorn Tavern (124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn)
Modern Australian Steak Restaurant

Date: 30th November 2010

Time: 7pm
Please RSVP with Suh Chyi by 28th Nov

Christmas is just around the corner...
Once again NG3 will hold a festive & feasty Christmas party!
Join us and bring along your partners, friends & family.

So please save the date!
Theme: To be advised...will be a fun one!
date: 18th December 2010
time: 5pm - 7pm

venue: Peter & Jojo's Towhouse BBQ & Pool Area

Achieve Work-Life? Attempt Losing Weight!

Research claims that two-thirds of Americans have attempted some weight loss program. I won’t be surprised if Singapore matches – or even exceeds – those figures, despite the fact that many Asians are already blessed with genetically petite frames. An attempt at getting back into my clothes three years post-pregnancy provided me with some valuable life lessons.
No one plan fits all, but get one.

It’s always easy for the one who’s already successfully slim to have all the answers. But no one knows your body better than you. Not an advocate of slimming programs, I thought exercise would do it, but struggled to even find the time, much less the energy. Going vegetarian made me hungrier. A light lunch made me gorge a heavy dinner. The stress from it all induced snacking. I needed to know what I could realistically accommodate in my schedule and understand my body and appetites, eg, wasting food makes me cringe, so to eat less, I need to start with less food on the table.
The same with work-life: Different experts will expound the right way to achieve balance and “have it all”. Ultimately, we need to know ourselves, stop making excuses, take personal responsibility, and start with whatever works for us; but don’t just sit there and sulk!

Getting started is a challenge, but maintenance is what’s key.

Once I found my “winning formula”, keeping the weight off was the real challenge. I dropped 5kgs in 2 weeks, only to gain it back in one. To ensure our good intentions and enthusiasm don’t fizzle out, keep the ultimate goal in mind. I retain a couple of my favourite outfits I’ve “outgrown” to remind me of why I’m attempting to trim down in the first place! Regularly standing on the bathroom scales also alerts me of the slightest weight fluctuation so that I can remedy it immediately.
There are always warning signs when your work-life gets out of sync with your intended outcome or values. Scheduling brief but regular times of reflection or allowing a mentor or life coach to ask you the hard questions will ensure you stay on track in living the life you desire.

Have an ambition, but don’t get too ambitious.

The end goal needs to be inspiring enough to motivate you to get off the starting blocks, but once you’re off, you need smaller, intermediate goals to keep you fuelled. My dream is to drop 10kgs, and the only way to get there is 1kg at a time!
So start with small and achievable work-life goals. Perhaps it might be as simple as taking a minute each day to pause before opening the front door in order to switch gears from a hard day of work.

Help is always helpful.
Support is so necessary. I am thankful for a loving husband who regularly compliments me when my legs look a little slimmer, my arms leaner or my face thinner. Of course, he’s good with his words; but I’d choose him anytime over a husband who remarks that his wife is fat even when she still fits into sizes 2 times smaller than mine!
It’s good to have like-minded people who share your work-life pursuits and desires. But not all of us have the good fortune to be in the same boat with people who understand what you’re going through and try to work with you instead of rowing the other way. So find a trusted friend – not a know-it-all – who can offer you the right amount of sympathy and challenge.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The weather is perfect these past few weeks and i believe it will be for the weeks to come. Don't we wish Brisbane's weather could be like this all year round? But then i thought to myself, if it were so perfect all the time we would stop realising how lovely it is - the realisation that we can wear comfortable clothes, not dread coming out of the shower, not needing the air-con or heater to be comfortable would cease to exist...
It's when we are less comfortable, that we realise how comfortable things could be. The same i believe is with our lives. If our lives are always good and blessed, with no trials or problems, we won't be able to fully appreciate the goodness that comes to us in life. We won't see, feel, or comprehend the difference and will just be numb to the good things in life.

Hence, as much as we pray for good times, don't be upset when God allows testings and trials to come our way. It doesn't just mould our character like it says in James 1:2-4:-
"2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. "
It also helps us appreciate the GOOD TIMES more!!

We're coming together to celebrate birthdays past and coming. There's the saying better late then never. So everyone, come along if you know someone's who's on this birthday list. It'll be fun and it'll be a great time to bless others around you.

Sept: Nicole, Samuel & Daniel
Oct: Cathy & Hannah
Nov: Ming
Dec: Jaevis, Gary, Yee Yee & Leann

Venue: Runcorn Tavern - 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

http://runcorntavern.com.au/bistro.html *Tuesday Night - 2 meals for $25 (off a selected menu)*

Date: 30th November 2010

Time: 7pm



It's the time of the year again. Once again NG3 will hold a festive & feasty Christmas party! Join us and bring along your partners, friends & family.

Save the date!

date: 18th December 2010

time: 5pm - 7pm

venue: TBC

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Everyone had a great time together in the great indoors & outdoors during the getaway.
Praise God for His presence,good program, the fine weather and wonderful company.
That's why we should alway have a unit getaway.
Hats off to the organiser Grace and her team !


It's such a joy when someone chooses to follow God's commands and puts it into action. It blesses that person and others around them too. This is what our dear friend and sister Cathy did last weekend at the getaway, she chose to be water baptized. For God said in His word:

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo; I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Mark 16:16 “He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”

Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said to them, ‘repent and let every one of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”


This year we continue to support Reema, our little girl from India. We hope to support her till she's old enough to work and support herself which is when she's 16-17. She can then contribute back to her community. She'll be this 11 this year. She wrote recently and said:
" I go to a Christian school and am given Moral Education, Bible Stories and also a nice lunch. I'll be having her 1st semester exam soon. Please pray for me.We celebrated Independance Day at school recently and flag was raised by our school director Ps Kashy...."
This time we have 8 people who will join in to support Reema for another year. We thank all these ones as we know this money will make a difference in Reema's life.

if any of you want to join us or even form your won group to support another child, please speak to Joel for more details.


We will be having our exciting church conference over the weekend of 19-21st Nov.
So set the dates aside!
* Leader's Conference*
From 19th Fri Night Session to 20th Sat Afternoon Session
* Church Conference (Open to All) *
From 20th Sat Evening Session to 21st Sun Afternoon Session
To register check with Neekee

Touching Heaven, Touching Deep


Let your prayers and praise rise up to heaven tonight

as we gather together to pray. Be blessed.

Date: Tuesday 9th Nov...thats tonight!

Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm

Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba

Come together to be ministered to & to interceede for your lifegroup & church

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's 2 months to 2011!!
Take a moment to reflect WHERE YOU WERE 2 years ago and WHERE YOU'LL BE in 2 years time. On the lighter side, what is everyone going to be up to...? A new career, starting a new life in another country, taking up a new direction in life, getting married, another child - anything could happen eh?
God isn't going anywhere, neither are His plans for us. So in the years to come are we going to move closer to His good and wonderful plans for us OR are we going to fumble through life with 'My Way'?
Enjoy the time together and be expectant of God's power to change your life.