Monday, September 20, 2010


Need a reason to sponsor a child?
Like to be convinced that your donation does matter?
Then Listen in on their prayers and you'll hear the answer.

Dipa Das, Age 11

"Dear God, thank you for your love. I am so glad to be in Compassion project. Thank you that you have provided me with such loving sponsor. Please bless the sister of my sponsor who is 11 years old like me. I want to meet them one day. Could you help me that I could meet them in future? Keep her family safe. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Lucas Kerketa, Age 10

"Dear Jesus, my sponsor lives in America. Please bless them as well as their country. Show your mercy at their workplace that they could be successful. Also give peace in their lives and family. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Doyal Roy, Age 9

"Dear Jesus, Please bless the mum and dad of my sponsor. They live apart from my sponsor so keep them safe all the time. Bless my sponsor in his work. Thank you that you have given me the opportunity to come to Compassion project. I want to thank you for my sponsor who loves me so much. Please bless their country and also our country. They have a daughter and a son. Bless them that they could grow up nicely and become successful. Bless the family of my sponsor. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Sagor Roy, Age 11

"Dear Jesus, thanks for your love and mercy in my life. Thanks that I have a great friend who loves me lots and shows so much concern about me. Keep their family healthy and safe. Their son is studying, so I ask you for education mercy for him. Also bless the parents of my sponsor. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Liton Das, Age 9

"Dear God, thank you for your blessing and mercy. I want to pray deeply for the recovery of my dear sponsor. She is suffering from cancer. Dear Lord, please cure her and make her completely healthy. Please remove all her pain. Bless her family and her young grandson Alex. In Jesus' name, Amen."


If you have decided to sponsor Reema together with NG 3, please complete the form and return to Joel.

If you need more info, please approach Joel.

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