Monday, September 27, 2010


Miss those fun times we had?

Work/life has been so consumed that it has been ages since you last enjoyed the natural creation of God?

Then you'll need to join our 2010 Unit Getaway!!!!

NG 3 is bringing you an annual Unit Getaway...

at Noosa Caravan Park

on 12th to 13th November 2010 (weekend)

Prices for each adult for two nights (including meals, program and accommodation):

Deluxe Villa: $93 (Price for 4 person sharing one villa)
Power Camp Site (Tent): $50 (Price for 4 people sharing one tent site)

Toddler below 3 years old does not occur extra charge.

Except camp site, all other options listed above have air-conditioner, shower, and toilet facilities in the tent. There are swimming pool on-site, and a river is just at short driving distance.

More pictures can be seen on their website.

Why Unit Getaway?

•Have fun
•A retreat
•Grow in God together
•Spend time to get to know your spiritual family

It is not very often that we can sit down with our fellow brothers & sisters to have a deep talk about our personal life & our walk with God - as NG 3 we want to create this avenue for you!

Are you willing to join us?

An attendance confirmation is required by this Friday for the booking of the campsite. Please consider & respond to Suh Chyi by this Friday.

Romans 15:5 (New International Version)
5May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Still need a Reason to go?

Look at the fun time we had and you'll understand...

Make sure you check out the photos of the past years' Unit Getaway before you decide!





Want to make a difference in your community?
Want to give back to those around you?
Then volunteer for Christmas 4 Kids!

There are several areas in which you can choose to volunteer for. So put up your hands and volunteer to help out for Christmas 4 Kids today.

Sign up as a volunteer now at

Volunteer registration is open till 8th of October 2010 (Friday).

Please note that early registration is required for the induction arrangement on the 9th October 2010.

Participate to be a blessing to the Inala community!



When we pray or have faith for something and it doesn’t happen there’s a tendency to think that the prayers were wasted or that the faith was wasted. And so we don’t even want to ever bother again.
In actuality God never wastes our faith. If you pray for something and that particular thing doesn’t happen, who’s to say God isn’t taking the faith and the prayers that you prayed about that situation and posting them to another account in your life that you’re going to see at a future time?
You may pray that God would sell your house and your house doesn’t sell. But maybe in seven years you get a deal on a house that is life-changing that you never could have imagined at the time. Or maybe you have been unable to have children and you’re praying desperately and faithfully that God will give you a child. In your mind you’re thinking that means that you’ll get pregnant. Nothing happens. But maybe three years later you have the opportunity to adopt and have the child you were praying for so faithfully. Now you can’t imagine your life without that child.
Who’s to say that God did not take the faith that you exerted toward one prayer that He chose not to answer, and apply your faith to answer another prayer that you didn’t even know to pray?
God is not wasting your faith. He has not wasted your prayers. He has something for you. It just might be something you didn’t know you were asking for at the time.

@ Written by Pastor Steven Furtick

Monday, September 20, 2010


Due to the active participation of several NG 3 members for the CDS on 25th September 2010, it is agreed that
Cathy's baptism will be postponed to a more suitable date
- 13th of November 2010 (Saturday) -
to be undertaken during
Unit Getaway.

Please take the time to join us in celebrating for Cathy's declaration of faith!

Remember the time you were baptised? Where your friends took the time to gather together to celebrate with you and bless you with wonderful fellowship?
Now we love you to do the same to our precious sister, Cathy!

It’s a very important and memorial time for Cathy as she steps up in faith to affirm and declare her relationship with God.

As the extended family of Cathy whom has been a lovely blessing to our group with her testimony and generosity, let us set aside time to encourage and bless Cathy!


CDS Term 3 will be held as an intensive on the 25th September 2010 from 9am to 4pm. We will not have the usual 5 weeks term.

Some of the classes for CDS are now full.

Currently, we still have spaces for,
Foundation of Christian Living B – 22 seats available
Principles of Church Health – 23 seats available
Leading Fellowship Group C – 20 seats available
**Marriage Empowerment – 24 seats available
201 Join the Vision – 10 seats available

Among them, Marriage Empowerment might be most relevant to most of us in NG 3.

Please have a look at its content below and consider seriously whether both you & your partner would like to attend. This is a great opportunity to not only learn about marriage, but also to network with other couples & share experiences together

If you're interested, please speak to Julie/Suh Chyi before turning up on the day.

Marriage Empowerment Series Three

Strike the original match


You are married or about to be married, you do not just want to endure a marriage , but to experience the kind of closeness you know deep inside is possible. Is it possible to hold onto a love that lasts, a love for all seasons. To be able to look into the eyes of your spouse and see them light up when you walk in the door. To have your spouse respond to your touch without pulling away. You have your spouse verbally appreciate your efforts at the job and/or around the house. Are there guidelines to ignite or rekindle affection, commitment and acts of everyday caring – even after ten years and two (or more) kids?

It is a BIG YES to all the questions above. All of which is contained in the greatest Love Letter to all mankind; the Bible itself! The power packed picture of love in a marriage comes from a place of seamless integrity, complete honesty and unshakeable authority – God’s Word.

We will be looking at three pictures, all flowing in to make a beautiful picture called “Marriage”.

  1. A picture of inner attraction

What is the major element that elevates the spouse’s passion level towards her husband? It is his inner character that attracts her and vice versa. In this topic we will see how a life that honours God is the best way to promote marital passion. We will explore ways on how by becoming a person of noble and godly character can establish a passionate, romance filled marriage. We will look at being a person of purified character.

  1. A picture of practise praise

Discovering a powerful communication tool, to assist our spouse hear that he/she is loved, to begin to feel it and believe it deep inside. We want to walk from a world of insecurity to an ever deepening security; walk from shaky ground to rock solid foundation due to the certainty of one’s spouse’s love and their God-given worth. This communication tool is called practising praise.

  1. A picture of facing “Pint-Sized” predators

Spouses are called to be “hunters”; to track down small predators that can harm the marriage relationship. Small things apprearing harmless may later become huge problems. We will look at a pattern of protecting marriage relationship by actively keeping minor issues from becoming major ones. This is what we call chasing away predators.