Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OC 2010 - ETHOS

1st day at OC with sumptuous buffet lunch

last day at OC with another good meal

God's presence was very strong during times of worship

Hanging out at Versace Hotel during free time

Easter Sunday with many other NG3s

What a good time we all had at OC 2010! It was a great OC with an intimate time of worship and inspiring teaching as well as a great venue. All of us were refreshed by God's presence and His Word, motivating us to be passionate again about His call upon our lives. We also praise God that our dear sister Cathy was Holy Spirit baptised on the very first night of OC.

Eventhough it was tiring, driving down to the GC everyday, we had good fellowship when we car-pooled. Don being a committee member had to bring breakkie every morning for the OC commitee at 8:30am and stay back till midnight every night before driving home. But praise God we were all kept safe and are now all home safe and sound.

Easter Sunday was fun as we had many others that drove to GC to join us for the Easter service. It was like a family reunion.

For more Convention highlights, please click on links below for video clips:-




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