Monday, February 1, 2010


It’s another breadth-taking outreach experience for me last week! I paired up with Huy from NG 4 to share Gospel according to God’s direction in front of Brisbane City Council. We sat next to a lady and she started talking in a friendly manner to us. Carlee is a Canadian backpacker to Australia. We told her that we come from a church and are on a mission to share the Good News. She told us that she was a Christian who brought up in a religious environment but has since teenage year stopped attending church as she found there’s always something more fun to do. Huy shared his testimony of how in his teenage year he went through the same phase of life and how one day a Christian friend encouraged and brought him to church when he formed a relationship with God and never be regret of it. I also explained to her who God is and why we need God in our life as the only way for salvation. After hearing the testimony, she shared that she knows that whenever she prays God is there for her and things did turn better. We challenged her to visit a church when she’s in Australia and when she goes back home to know more about God.

At night, Carlee text me and thanked us for a good chat and said that she doesn’t talk about God often but she really enjoyed it. Though we might feel incapable in impacting her to return to God and see the fruits immediately, this text from Carlee does serve as an encouragement from God that He sees our hearts and He can use anyone to share His Gospel to any unbeliever or even people whom have lost their faith in Christ.

Do come along and partner together in sharing the Gospel to the lost. It is every Christian’s responsibility to spread the Good News, which Jesus had paid a great cost for.

If you have the burden to share the gospel but do not know how, do visit the following links for ‘how’ and ‘why’ -

See you this Wednesday, 5.30pm, at King George Square!

We’re all in this together,