Monday, February 22, 2010


14 Day Fast and Prayer
9th March -23th March

In everything that we are and do as a church,
we desire to reflect God's heart and His purposes.
Let us be encouraged to take part in seeking God together.


Come and join us this coming Sunday,
28th February @
UQ Steele Building Lecture Theatre 206

Let us prepare our hearts as we unite in the vision!


Brisbane and all of us will miss you.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


Big thanks to our home-special Guest Speakers - Neekee & Peter for presenting us the topics of Budgeting and Managing Mortgage & Debt in a practical way!

A copy of the slideshows and the budgeting template, both simplified and impounding-built versions, are now available for downloading and referencing.

Budgeting Slideshow

Managing Debt

Personal-monthly-budget (Impounding)

Personal-monthly-budget (Simple)

May you begin to plan your wealth as a good steward of God!
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48


Before you read further, I challenge you to take the following Christian Character Development Survey and see how much time you have spent in the past 6 months in developing the Christian character in you. As you do the survey, you will become aware of certain areas that need improvement in your life.
With much appreciation to the tremendous effort our church is making in helping us to grow in the different areas of our Christian life, CDS will be commencing a new term for enrolment from this Sunday onwards.
Please enrol with NG3 CDS Champion Julie this Sunday if you are interested in attending any of the classes. Fee: $7 per module to administrative and material costs (Except Seekers class which is free).

Subjects offered this semester are:
This class is offered for anyone who'd like to know more about Christianity. With a casual and discussional setting, attendants are encouraged to ask questions and raise any queries about Christianity and its faith.

This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face, like Holy Spirit Baptism, sex, prayer, etc. An interactive class that encourages students' participation. This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.

Learn the Scriptural basis for worship and its varied forms of personal and corporate expression. Discover also through practical sessions how we can better worship God. A must for every believer.
I have personally attended this CDS and found it does not only improve my understanding about the kind of P&W that pleases God but also enhance my daily devotional time with Him as I apply the teaching in my daily life and maintain a heart of praise & worship unto Him.

Be equipped with practical tools for personal evangelism. Learn how to share the Gospel in a concise yet biblical manner, how to use illustrations and to deal with common objections. A must for those who desire to be an effective witness for Christ.

Students will have the opportunity to learn through a video series from a variety of international leaders. The Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit provides an opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to gain leadership skills, perspectives and insights that will help equip Christians for leadership in the church and the marketplace.
In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.

Suitable for life group leaders and above.

Suitable for members who have a burden in Missions.

For those whom have a tighter schedule but with a heart that wants to be imparted with more of God's principles, do participate in the 1-day course on the 20th of March (Saturday):

We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God. It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.

We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God. Learn the biblical basis and dynamics involved in caring for and building believers through small groups. The subject will cover many aspects of practical ministry involved in leading a care group. Essential training for those aspiring to lead small groups.

If you acknowledge the core values of Hope Brisbane Christian Church; if would love to call this church your home and commit in growing together with the brothers & sisters in church; if you have accepted Christ, been through water baptism and the holy spirit baptism - why don't you consider enrolling in the church membership class to advance your faith into a new level as you commit to a local church. Please express your interest to Neekee.

Learn basic theology covering areas such as God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Angels and demons. An essential course for those desiring to obtain an overview of the foundational Christian truths.

Monday, February 15, 2010



This Friday we are grateful to have Special Guest Speakers - Neekee & Peter presenting the topics of Budgeting and Managing Mortgage & Debt in a practical way! As steward of God's given resources, let's come with expectancy in learning new ways to be a better steward and see what God will reveal to us for change or improvement.

Do invite your friends to come along to learn this valuable knowledge. This topic is as practical to Christians as well as unchurched friends.
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48


We want to thank every brothers and sisters whom have been bringing a dish faithfully to life group’s dinner and as rostered for church fellowship lunch to share with everyone. Your generous contribution to the group has been a blessing to many and demonstrates the spirit of giving in a practical way.

Bringing a dish to life group is a way of saying, "I care about my brothers and sisters." It is not the dishes that matter, but the act of love that comes from the love of God that glorifies HIS Name.

In the spirit of sharing our lives together, may we continue to be faithful in being a tangible blessing to each others’ lives as we do our best in bringing a dish to share with everyone during life group and church.


To celebrate the Memories & Joys
the warmth and blessings
our Dear brother Allister has brought to us....
A farewell party will be held
before he is leaving Brisbane soon....

36 Longford Cres, Acacia Ridge, Q 4110
20th Feb (Sat) @ 5pm
Brings a dish

All are welcome!!


"Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name! For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations." Psalm 100:4b-5 (AMP)

I remember the late-night conversation with my dad, the one I'd been praying would naturally arise. The one about God, and Jesus, and salvation. I'd understood these things myself for the first time a few months before, and now it was my desperate hope that my dad would understand them too. But even more than grasping their meaning, I wanted my dad to be drawn to them, to feel them—to experience their truth for himself.

My dad has a strong intellect and I knew the likelihood was high that Dad would settle for a mere understanding of my newfound passion. Yet I longed for my dad to come to love this King of Glory in a way that would propel him to follow Christ.

"But how am I supposed to love someone I can't even see?" Dad said.

His words were ordered as a question but I couldn't quite tell if he was asking, or simply dismissing. Either way, I didn't know how to answer him. But I do now. I now realize a huge key to loving Jesus is gratitude.

1 John 4:19 explains, "We love Him, because He first loved us" (AMP). Even though we were sinful and He is holy, God loved us. Even though we were ignorant or hostile towards Him, He still loved us. Even though we were intent on making our own way in life, He still made a path for us—Jesus—leading to life with Him. It takes belief in this fact, and gratitude for it, for a heart to truly love God in return.

The religious leaders of Jesus' day, the Pharisees, were masters at following God's laws, but failures at loving Him. In Luke 7, a Pharisee invited Jesus over for dinner. A prostitute entered the dining room, knelt and began weeping, kissing, and wiping Jesus' feet with her hair. Then she perfumed them. The Pharisee grew indignant that Jesus allowed this from such a sinful woman.

So Jesus asked the Pharisee a question: If a moneylender cancelled the debts of two men—one that owed him $5,000, and one that owed him $50—which one would love him more after that? "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled," the Pharisee answered (Luke 7:43, NIV). Jesus told him he was correct. Then Jesus added:

"Look at this woman kneeling here. When I entered your home, you didn't offer me water to wash the dust from my feet, but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You didn't greet me with a kiss, but from the time I first came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You neglected the courtesy of olive oil to anoint my head, but she has anointed my feet with rare perfume. I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love." (Luke 7:44-47, NLT)

This woman realized the magnitude of her sins, and the extent of God's love for her to forgive all those sins and bid her to come to Him. And she was grateful. She was so thankful, that her heart overflowed with love for Jesus, sparking her extravagant display of affection and appreciation.

There is a direct correlation between our level of awareness of what we deserve—an awareness of our own sin—and our level of gratitude and love for God. A key to growing in love for God is to be aware of what He has done, is doing, and will do for us, and to remain grateful for it.

No one will ever do more for you than Christ has done—open your eyes to this fact today and be filled with gratitude. "Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name! For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations" (Psalm 100:4b-5).

Dear Lord, I am thankful today for the love You showed me, long before I even noticed it. I'm grateful for Your blessings and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

  • Reflect on the many reasons you have to be grateful to God. Rejoice and praise Him!

  • No one will ever do more for you than God, through Christ, has already done. How does your perspective on today change when you consider the tremendous gifts of grace, mercy, love and eternal life given you through Christ?

Hebrews 12:28, "Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe;" (NASB)

Adapt from Written by Rachel Olsen