Monday, November 24, 2008


CDS Term 6 has commenced on last Sunday. Please enrol with the CDS Champion (Leann) this week if you have not done so but are interested in attending any of the classes. Fee: $7 per module to administrative and material costs (Except Seekers class which is free).

As mentioned in Jojo's email, our emphasis these next few months will be "Growing in our personal devotion time with God". As believers we each have spiritual roots and those roots feed and nourish our spiritual lives. For instance, if our spiritual roots are planted deep in God, strong and well nourished, the roots may not be seen but our lives will show forth the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5.22: "... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness." However, if our roots are shallow, our lives and our witness for Christ will be dull, gray and lifeless. From this CDS week onwards, let's strive towards growing our spiritual roots with the godly principles and the Word of God from the thoughtful and practical CDS courses that our church offers to us!

Subjects offered this semester are:

1. Foundations of Christian Living A

This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face. An interactive class that encourages students' participation.

This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.

2. Cell Leadership B

We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God.

It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!

3. Leadership Summit Series

Students will have the opportunity to learn through a video series from a variety of international leaders. The Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit provides an opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to gain leadership skills, perspectives and insights that will help equip Christians for leadership in the church and the marketplace.

In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.

4. Marriage Enrichment

Strong relationships and families make a strong and healthy church. This subject offers couples insights to practically build and grow their relationship well with Christ as the cornerstone.

All the engageds, marrieds and couples in a relationship say 'Yes!'. I am sure this course, conducting by our very experienced counsellor Ps Lai Ling, will bring us both practical and enlightened pearls of wisdom that would help us in building up a God-led, biblical and lasting marriage.

5. Seekers

This class is offered for anyone who'd like to know more about Christianity. With a casual and discussional setting, attendants are encouraged to ask questions and raise any queries about Christianity and its faith.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own,
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

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