Monday, March 29, 2010


more pictures

Come join us at the Gold Coast Convention Centre for Easter Sunday service this Sunday. It's free for you can bring your friends and family too. You'll be able to celebrate Easter , Christ's victory over death with close to 1000 others in this amazing venue. What an wondrful time of worship we'll have together then.

We can all have lunch together after service and maybe some of you can hop to Harbour town for shopping to cap off a lovely Easter weekend.

If you need a lift to get down there, please contact Suh Chyi for transport asap. We'll be glad to organise something for you.

Venue: Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre (Cnr Gold Coast Highway & TE Peters Drive, Broadbeach, Queensland 4218, Australia)

Service starts: 9:15am

Date: 4th April 2010


Last Saturday some of us were able to attend the fundraising event organized by Tina Wong to raise funds for the Watoto Orphanage to help children in Uganda. Some of us met up just before the movie for dinner at Grill'ed. While some others we didn't get to see till the end of the movie such as Cathy & Gary, Daniel and Yee Yee.

It was a movie event where we went to watch Alice in Wonderland, where a whole cinema was booked just for us. So it was fun! Some people came dressed up as the characters in the movie-so there was the White Queen, Alice, a few white rabbits and also a Tweedle Dee. It was a huge turnout at the event and they sold out almost all of the 300 seats.They raised a total of $3001 for the orphanage!

If you missed out this year, they'll have it on again next year with another exciting blockbuster. So look out, as it a fun way to give something back to the community.



Reason 1: Seizing the day is we have to use it wisely to spread God's love.
"Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a merehandbreath; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath." Psalms 39: 5-6

Reason 2: Populating heaven plundering hell -i witnessed a young girl died not long ago in the hospital,sometimes i wonder where will she go after that..God asked His people to bring as many people as we can to heaven 'lest they go to hell'
" Snatch others from the fire and save them;to others show mercy, mixed with fear - hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh." Jude 1:23"
Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not build by human hands." 2 Corinthians 5:1

Reason 3: Bringing a slice of heaven in earth -lots of people out there are still searching the purpose of life and asking why do bad things happen and why suffering with all the mistakes of the past they had done and do not know how to get out of can tell them about the message from God.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires." Galatians 5: 22-23

Monday, March 22, 2010

Join us in worship & prayer together today.
Come and be refreshed as well as be touched by God's presence.

Prayer is powerful but even more powerful is when the people of God come and pray TOGETHER

time: 7:00-8:45pm
date: 23rd March 2010
location: Princess Theatre, Woollongabba


A bunch of us that attended the UNITED last Friday had a fun night together! Almost 200 people turned up at the Bardon Conference centre, where we had lots of time to chat, listen to some interviews and also played a game or two.

We were inspired by Ps Wilson's sharing about our purpose in our workplace. He shared about how we're placed in our work places not just to earn a living but to impact the lives of others, just like how Daniel of the OT played such a huge role towards influencing the authourities around him while working. So let's not sit back and just work, ask the Holy Spirit to inspire us as well as give us ample opportunities to make a POSITIVE impact towards our colleagues and bosses.

Oceania Convention 2010 is only 10 days away. So delegates, do pray and get excited about what God can do for YOU through this weekend.

There are new workshops delegates can sign up for now. Just logon to workshops
and change your workshops if you like.


For those of you that are staying back in Brisbane for Easter, do make the most of this season for Easter is one of those times of year when people are open to the idea of going to church.
Hope Church Brisbane will run an Easter service for us to gather our friends and family together to celebrate this message of Hope and Life. Plan now to be bringing someone in your world to join with you in attending an Easter Service this year.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Here are the CORE VALUES of our church - Hope Church Brisbane. Let us read them and get to know them so we that we may know the family God has placed us in better, in order that we may be motivated to keep growing.
1. Christ-Centred We believe Christ is central to who we are and what we do. This applies to each believer and the church as a whole. All that we are and all that we do is for His glory. We are committed to helping our members develop an intimate and meaningful relationship with Christ through prayer; a relationship that leads to hope, purpose and fulfilment. We emphasise the importance of submission to His Lordship under which members discover the awesome impact of letting God and His will be our first priority. As we live out our Christian life as God intends, we become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. [Colossians 1:17, Ephesians 1:22-23, Ephesians 4:13, Philippians 3:10, Matthew 6:33]
2. Holy Spirit Empowered We believe in the importance of being Spirit-filled and Spirit-led. We emphasise reliance on the Holy Spirit in every facet of our personal and church life. It is through the God’s Spirit that life transformation occurs and every spiritual gift mentioned in God’s Word can be and should be manifested today. Thus, we encourage every member to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit and be empowered to expand His kingdom. It is also the Holy Spirit that reveals Christ to us and leads us. [Zechariah 4:6, Acts 1:8, Galatians 5:16-18, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12]
3. Bible Based We believe our faith and practice as Christians is founded and built upon biblical principles. We emphasise expository preaching and balanced comprehensive teaching so that our members may understand, live out and mature in the Christian life as God intended. Anointed expository preaching allows God’s Word to be expounded in a balanced and complete manner within its proper context to bring about life transformation. We are committed to developing a wide range of relevant teaching programmes to meet the needs of the members in the areas of Bible knowledge, Christian living and ministry. [2 Timothy 3:16-17, Nehemiah 8:8, 2 Timothy 2:15, James 1:22]
4. Covenantal Relationships We believe that God is a covenantal God. He seeks people who are committed to Him and His purpose, and with one another. We believe an appropriate response to God’s covenant involves loving, honouring and worshipping Him above all else. This flows from our belief that God is the Supreme Creator and has planned all things in His good will. God is love and He desires to form an eternal family among whom He will dwell. We seek to develop covenantal relationships among believers through committing to love and build up one another. We are committed to forgive one another, resolve differences and reconcile relationships resulting in a deeper bond in unity. [Genesis 1:1, Daniel 10:21, Ephesians 1:3-10, Hebrews 1:1-4, Revelation 5:1-5, 10:1-7, Exodus 20:3, Psalm 96:9, 1 John 4:13-21, Revelation 21:1-7, Matthew 6:9-13]
5. Enriching Community Life We believe the church is a life-enriching community. We are committed to building an authentic and biblical community that unconditionally loves and effectively enfolds people of all cultures and backgrounds. We seek to create an encouraging community that supports each other towards their fullest potential. We seek to create a caring community where help, concern, sharing and fellowship are naturally expressed out of a sincere love and commitment towards one another. We seek to create a place of healing for the wounded and rest for the weary. Our cell church provides small groups that are an ideal environment to foster such a sense of community as our ministries seek to meet different needs. We seek to be relevant to the diverse people groups in our city, serving their needs holistically and effectively touching their lives for Christ. [Galatians 6:2, 10, Acts 2:42-46]
6. Vision Driven We believe in the importance of a God given, biblical vision that requires nothing less than our obedience to fulfilling the entirety of God’s vision for the church. We are passionate with the vision to fulfil the Great Commission by raising Christ-centred disciples to plant vibrant biblical churches within every area of all nations in the world. The vision also includes impacting our society in every sphere of human endeavour for Christ. We believe that such a vision is inspiring, exciting, challenging and God-honouring. Every member is encouraged to develop a personal God-sized vision. [Proverbs 29:18, Habakkuk 2:2, Matthew 28:19-20, Isaiah 2:2]
7. Disciple Making We believe the core command of the Great Commission is to make Disciples of Christ. We aim to raise disciples who are passionate for God, people and the Great Commission. We aim to raise disciples who continually grow in Christ-like attitudes, values and Kingdom-focused lifestyle. We aim to nurture disciples who follow the example of Christ in humility, are submissive in attitude and sacrificial in service. We aim to make disciples who choose to submit their lives and desires to God, as shown by our respect and submission to God’s Word, our leaders and one another. Zealous people, who live holy lives, are full of faith, and desire excellence in their lives and ministry. Disciples who will in turn make more disciples. We encourage every member to be this kind of disciple. [Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 8:29, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Hebrews 13:17]
8. Leadership Development We believe that every Christ follower has leadership potential. We are committed to helping every member discover and realise this potential for God’s glory. To this end, we place a high priority in inspiring, equipping and empowering every member to effectively undertake the work of the ministry as well as grow in leadership. We also seek to develop whole generations of dedicated, sacrificial and godly leaders for world-changing ministry. [Matthew 9:37-38, Ephesians 4:11-13, Hebrews 13:20-21, Matthew 11:12]
9. Church planting We are committed to help every person experience the privilege of a life-changing personal relationship under the Lordship of Jesus. As part of this, we are committed to empowering members to share their faith and impact their communities. We believe that every believer has a part to play in world-missions. We also believe the church is God’s key vehicle to expand His kingdom. Therefore, our world-missions strategy is to plant vibrant biblical churches in every nation of the world that will permeate through their entire nation by multiplying local churches. The intention of every church is to reach their community, nation and every ethnic group of the world. [Isaiah 52:7, Luke 4:18-19, Ephesians 3:10]
10. Apostolic Oriented We believe that God uses the five-fold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to mature the Church to the fullest extent.An apostolic movement incorporating the five-fold ministry is God’s plan for the end-time Church. We believe that apostolic movements are a critical component of the new structures God is establishing in His Church to contain the new things that God is outpouring. Thus, we seek to function in the fullness of the five-fold ministries and to raise whole generations of five-fold ministers. [Ephesians 2:19-22, 3:2-6, 4:11-13]


We would like to encourage you to participate with us during this season of fasting and prayer, which started last Tuesday. Let us set aside time to fast and seek God together as a church for the next two weeks. We desire to follow Christ in all that we are and do as an individual and as a church. A prayer calendar is enclosed to help with focused prayer. Let us believe God to move powerfully in and through our lives as we seek Him earnestly!
Ps. Lai Ling Lim

Fast & Pray Calendar

This Friday!

Worship, ice-breakers, networking and refreshments

Come join this event for a refreshing night with working people

Bardon Conference Centre, 390 Simpsons Road

7:30 - 10:00pm

NOTE: Please let your leaders know if you need a lift from the city to Bardon asap

From Walt Disney Pictures and visionary director Tim Burton comes an epic 3D fantasy adventure: ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a magical and imaginative twist on some of the most beloved stories of all time.Check out the movie trailer:
What's more, while you're going through the looking glass in 3D, you'll be helping to raise funds for orphan children in Uganda!Watoto has been helping to rescue hundreds of thousands of orphan children by building villages where children are placed into loving homes with a house mother. Within the village, they receive nourishment, education, medical care, and the love and support of a family.I went to Uganda in 2009 to build one of these houses. The difference that Watoto is making is phenomenal! Lives are being restored, children have hope again, and future leaders of Uganda are being raised.Our goal is to raise $38,000 so we can build another house in 2012 for the precious children of Uganda.Be inspired by the Watoto story at
4 reasons why you should watch Alice in Wonderland with us:
1)We will be watching it 3D! Movie experts strongly recommend this since director Tim Burton intentionally created his movie to be experienced in 3D.
2) Tickets will be cheaper through me!Concession: $12 (usually $15 + $1 for glasses at the box office)Adult: $15 (usually $18 + $1 for glasses)AND your 3D glasses will be provided FREE!
3) We have a whole 300 seat cinema all to ourselves!
4) Most importantly, ALL proceeds will go towards Watoto.
Tickets will be on sale from Saturday 6th March onwards until sold out.
For more info, please call me on 0433 449 527 or e-mail

Monday, March 8, 2010


Corporate prayer this Tuesday
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Princess Theatre
8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba


19 March 2010
7:30 - 10:00
Bardon Conference Centre
390 Simpsons Road


As we embark on this '14 Day Fast and Prayer' journey, let's take ownership of our own prayer life and come before God with an expectant heart for your heartfelt prayers to be answered, spiritual growth to be formed and passion for God to be ignited!

Thank-you, Father, for Your gracious reminder that prayer is more than haphazard thoughts strewn about in a few distracted moments. You encourage us by the example of Ezra and many others, that when Your people unite to pray, humble themselves and fast, You will command deliverance and create a smooth path on which they can travel. We ask You as Ezra did, with fasting, for a right way for us and our little ones, and for all our possessions.


No one is listening until you make a mistake.

Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited-until you try to get into their pews.

It is easier to preach ten sermonsthan it is to live one

Opportunity may knock once,but temptation bangs on your door for years.

The mind is like a parachuteIt only works when open.

We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers.

You don't know where you are going,if you are always looking back.

People are lonely,because they build walls instead of bridges.

I look at the stone cutterhammering away at the rock a hundred times,without so much as a crack showing in it.Yet at the hundred-and-first blowit splits in two.I know it was not that one blow that did it,but all that had gone before.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Together with NG + Joseph + Ablaze,

on 13th of March (Friday),
from 7:30 pm to 9.00 pm,
@ Bardon Conference Centre,

We present you a Working Adults Networking Evening, aiming to...

• Create networking among all working adult groups in Hope Church Brisbane;
• Be a starting point for future combined events; and
• Foster greater relationship building across various groups.



Join us

When: Every Wednesday @ 5.30pm

Where: King George Square, City

Contact: Simon Au
Leann Sim


For those who tithe and give offering to the church via bank transfer, please note that the church Account Names are changed - the rest of the bank details remains the same:

Tithes & Offering Account Name: Hope Church Brisbane

Building Fund Account Name: Hope Brisbane Building Fund A/C

Genesis 28:20-22 [Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's house, then the LORD will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."]



Come and explore the 10 brand-new core values of Hope Churches through our upcoming Ocenia Convention in Gold Coast this Easter break, from 2nd to 5th April 2010!
Holy Spirit Empowered
Convenantal Relationships
Enriching Community Life
Vision Driven
Disciple Making
Leadership Development
Church Planting
Apolistic Oriented
The Early Bird Special price ($200 p/p inclusive of notes, workshop, morning tea and lunch) is now ended, except for the new comers to the church this year!

The Normal price is now available for registration for $220.
Please approach Joel for more information.


When I hear of Hollywood couples who get together and then divorce rather quickly, I have to wonder what people are looking for in marriage.

Do they understand that it's a commitment? Do they understand that feelings will come and go, and that you must get on with the very real business of loving a person and all that it means?

The same can be said of a relationship with God. There are times when you feel great joy, passion, and excitement about being a Christian. And there are times when you don't feel it. But that doesn't mean you say, "Well, that's it. I'm not going to follow Christ anymore."

The Bible doesn't say, "The just shall live by feelings." Rather, it says, "The just shall live by faith" (Romans 1:17 NKJV).

Feelings change, but walking with God takes faith. It takes commitment. And it takes consistency.

The Bible tells us about a man who walked with God for many years. His name was Enoch, and I want to look at some secrets from his life that we can apply in our lives as well.

In the whole of the Bible, only five passages refer to Enoch, two of which are genealogies. Although we don't find a lot written about Enoch, what we do have is significant.

Genesis tells us, "Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" (Genesis 5:21–24 NKJV).

Enoch lived during a unique time in human history, just before God's judgment of the world by the flood. Against this very dark backdrop was a man who walked with God and was spared death. Enoch is a prototype of the last-days believer, showing us how to live as we await the Lord's return.

So what set Enoch apart? How was he able to live a godly life in an ungodly world, in a time that was characterized by sexual perversion and uncontrolled violence? We find three important principles at work in Enoch's life that we can apply in our own lives today.

Principle one: Enoch walked with God. The analogy of walking and the Christian life is used throughout Scripture. But what does it mean to walk with God? It is not merely living by rules and regulations or making daily resolutions that we quickly break. It is much more than that.

The prophet Amos revealed an important truth about what it means to walk with God when he asked, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" (Amos 3:3 NKJV). The word he used for "together" gives the idea of two people moving in rhythm together, as in riding a tandem bicycle. But it is not about getting God into rhythm with us; it is getting ourselves into rhythm with Him. That is what it means to walk with God.

Principle two: Enoch was well-pleasing to God. Hebrews 11:5 says, "He had this testimony, that he pleased God" (NKJV). Sometimes we have the mistaken notion that God is very hard to please. Yet God knows our weaknesses and frailties better than anyone, and He is not as hard to please as we might think.

So how do we please God? God is pleased when, in spite of the fact that we are in the right, we patiently endure when misunderstood (see 1 Peter 2:19–20). When you do what is right and patiently endure suffering for it, that is called meekness, and it pleases God.

God is also pleased when children obey their parents (see Colossians 3:20); when we worship Him and help others (see Hebrews 13:15–16); and when we give financially to the work of the kingdom (see Philippians 4:17–18).

Principle three: Enoch was a witness for God. Enoch walked with God, he was well-pleasing to God, and lastly, he was a witness for God. As Enoch walked with God and pleased Him, he had a testimony and a witness.

Every Christian has a testimony. People are watching us. They are observing us. And we should give a lot of thought to that. Before we can effectively witness for God, we must first walk with Him.

Because Enoch walked with God, he saw this world for what it was. Do you?

Adopt from Daily Devotions with Greg Laurie